Next Steps—Currituck County Schools ELA PD Plan

GOAL: Present and provide focused discussion time on the shifts in ELA instructional practices with 100% of the teachers in the district (including content area teachers) by the end of the 2011-12 school year.

Our first implementation goal is…
TARGET DATE for goal attainment. / What tasks or steps are needed to reach our goal? / District Level Assistance and Resources Needed / School and Classroom Level Assistance and Resources Needed
Shift 1:
PK-5, Balancing Informational & Literary Texts / GOAL: Expose all students to more informational text on a daily basis—during instructional and independent reading.
GOAL: Vertical Team meetings between elementary/middle/high school teachers to build common understanding of terms and features of text.
TARGET DATE: May, 2012 / Build resources
Build awareness of need/benefits of informational text
Bring Media Specialists in on the ELA CC goals
Provide training on informational text features and lessons
Conduct meetings where ELA teachers can meet and discuss instructional strategies, / Resources—Funding?
Coordination of resources at grade levels?
Time to work collaboratively at school and district level w/ Media
CCHS Literacy Lab (for students and teachers) / Support/Training on Informational Text structures and reading strategies
Shift 2:
6-12, Building Knowledge in the Disciplines / GOAL: Build understanding of informational text structures and reading strategies (AVID critical reading strategies) for teachers in the content areas in 6-12.
TARGET DATE: October, 2012 / Meet with AVID teachers/team to develop understanding of CC strategies;
Meet with teachers during PLC time and ER/PD to focus on literacy strategies and structures over the course of the next year + / AVID resources;
Breakdown of informational strategies;
Time to meet with district teams
CCHS Literacy Lab (for students and teachers) / PLC designated literacy time/PD
Lead AVID/ELA Leads to facilitate trainings
District Support meetings (like D5)?
Shift 3:
Staircase of Complexity / GOAL:
Focus on Exemplars as models for lessons; Develop model lessons for teacher use.
Incorporate RE-READING into regular lessons.
Use LEXILES vs. AR levels at secondary
TARGET DATE: Ongoing- May 2013 / Focused lessons, modeling the use of the sample exemplar texts;
Make available REREADING and Questions that delve into deeper understanding / Critical Reading materials (LeMaster)
“Deeper Reading” by Kelly Gallagher
Study groups
Team time to create sample works to be shared with district.
CCHS Literacy Lab (for students and teachers) / Sample lessons
Book study books
Shift 4:
Text-Based Answers / GOAL:
Understand TBQ/A and how to create questions worthy of discussion.
Identify exemplar texts and create Text-based questions. (related to text complexity shift goal)
AFTER Pacing/Frameworks are created (summer, 2012) / After Units are designed, look for exemplar texts that are linked to integrated content areas and practice creating TBQs.
Practice writing with PLCs and share with others in grade level/district.
Setting expectations for students to reference text in written answers/evidence to support their answers. / “The Big Question” by Jim Burke
AVID questioning strategies
Using Blooms’ questioning
CCHS Literacy Lab (for students and teachers) / “The Big Question” by Jim Burke
Created exemplar lessons with questions.
Shift 5:
Writing from Sources / GOAL:
Develop a standard for including writing in content and ELA courses on a regular basis AND for assessments.
Focus on argument and using resources in writing.
TARGET DATE: Ongoing/ May, 2012 / Modeling the process for writing with text references.
Setting expectations for students to reference text in written answers/evidence to support their answers.
Pull text information, inferences, and synthesize information in written format. / Model lessons from video sources for use as examples for teachers.
CCHS Literacy Lab (for students and teachers) / PLC Support; District support meetings
Combined with ELA PD
Shift 6:
Academic Vocabulary / GOAL:
Incorporate vocabulary/word work into daily lessons—content classes and ELA.
Making selections based on utility and usefulness across disciplines.
TARGET DATE: June, 2012 / Starting point….Identifying the tiers of vocabulary.
Practice with limiting our introduction and study of vocabulary.
Collaborate across content areas—sharing reading materials/articles and blending ELA goals with content area concepts to be gained in reading. / Tiers of vocabulary information; training for all staff. / Common Planning time .
Create an electronic depository for resources.