O.A. Peterson Elementary Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy
Parent Involvement Policy
O.A. Peterson Elementary is dedicated to the success of our students. The faculty and staff of O.A. Peterson believe that all parents are partners with teachers and other staff in the education of their children. O.A. Peterson Elementary believes that parent involvement is essential to the success of all children. Representatives of the faculty, parents, and community members of O.A. Peterson Elementary agreed upon the following parental involvement supplemental that is supported by our Campus Improvement Plan.
At O.A. Peterson Elementary, we expect faculty and staff will:
v Respect parents as partners in the education of their children
v Set high expectations for excellent customer (student/parent) service
v Expect high student achievement for all students
v Promote parent involvement in site-based leadership and decision-making
v Foster a welcoming and responsive environment for all parents
v Establishing and promote communication as a source of trust and understand between the O.A. Peterson staff and parents
At O.A. Peterson Elementary, parents/guardians will:
v Be involved in their children's learning and education
v Take the initiative to seek the best educational opportunities for their children
v Respect the teachers and support the O.A. Peterson staff as partners in the education of their children
v Utilize two-way lines of communication between parents and the O.A. Peterson staff on the instruction, achievement and conduct of their children
v Participate in site-based leadership and decision making
v Actively volunteer at O.A. Peterson Elementary
Opportunities for Parental Involvement
At O.A. Peterson Elementary we will facilitate parent involvement by providing a variety of opportunities for parents to be informed and communicate with the staff, and be active participants in the education of their children.
Parents have the opportunity to stay informed and communicate with the staff. The documents listed below provide important information for all parents.
Ø Monthly school calendar
Ø Bi-Weekly Grade Level Newsletter
Ø Monthly PTA Newsletter
Ø Campus News Email
Ø Student Code of Conduct and Student Handbook
Ø Home-School Compact
Ø Parent Teacher Conferences
Ø O.A. Peterson Website
Ø End of Year Survey
Parents, faculty and staff have the opportunities to interact by attending:
Ø Meet the Teacher Night
Ø Open House
Ø Parent/Teacher Conferences
Ø Family Nights
Ø PTA meetings
Ø PTA Fall Carnival and Movie Nights
Ø Classroom Visits
Ø Family Rally Nights
Parents of O.A. Peterson Elementary students are invited to become directly involved in daily school activities by participating in:
Ø Volunteer Program
Ø Classroom Tutors
Ø Field Trips
Ø Homeroom Parent
Ø Watch Dog Dads
Parents’ input is valued at O.A. Peterson Elementary. Parents have the opportunity to be a part of the decision making process at our school through:
Ø Principal’s Coffee
Ø Campus Improvement Committee
Ø ARD Committees
Ø Title One Parent Involvement Survey