July 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0901r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

TGaq Minutes - July 2015 Session
Date: 2015-07-13
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Yunsong Yang / Huawei Technologies / 10180 Telesis Court, STE 165, San Diego, CA 92130 / +1-858-754-3638 /

Sunday July 12th, 2015 (Ad-hoc)

08:00 HAST

Stephen McCann (BlackBerry) - Chair

1.  Attendee

-  Stephen McCann (BlackBerry)

-  Yunsong Yang (Huawei)

-  Robert Slater (Motorola Mobility)

-  SK Yong (Apple)

-  Santosh Abraham (Qualcomm)

-  Edward Au (Marvell)

2.  Chair called the meeting to order at 8:02 HAST.

3.  Chair went through IEEE patent policy and other guidelines

-  Call for potentially essential patents: no response from participants.

4.  Approve Agenda

-  Doc. 11-15/0723r1 on the server.

-  The agenda updated and 11-15/0723r2 approved by unanimous consensus.

5.  Set Objectives for Ad-Hoc

6.  Comment Resolution Progress

-  CIDs: 1258, 1159, 1479

·  CIDs 1258 and 1159: already prepared.

·  CID 1479: left open.

-  Discussion on Stephen’s draft and related CIDs

·  Related to ANQP-SD protocol ID (5):

v  The question is about if an advertisement protocol can have 2 protocol IDs so that different Info IDs may be routed to different servers, yet still preserving the same protocol behaviors such as dealing with fragmentation and retransmission, etc.

v  If we remove ID 5, one possible way is to reserve a specific ID range for 11aq so that an 11aq-capable AP can route the query and response based on the ID range. But this would require all other protocols be aware of the special ID range.

v  No change to protocol ID (5) for now.

·  Related to Annex ZA.1 and ZA.2

v  Should we move the Architecture related text to the main body such as Clause 10 or 4?

v  It is better to be in Clause 4. So is Annex ZA.2.

v  Stephen will prepare a submission for proposed Clause 4 text with the current ZA.1 and ZA.2 text and for removal of Annex ZA.1 and ZA.2. Stephen will also submit the spreadsheet with proposed resolutions to all CIDs in Tabs ZA.1 and ZA.2.

·  Related to ZA.3

v  SK will improve the text in by drawing some text from ZA.3

·  Related to Tabs Clause 3 and Clause 4

v  CID 1478: Proposed resolution: REVISED. Change "pre-associated" to "preassociated", which is the term already used in REVmc D4.0.

v  CID 1649: Changed “offered by, or through, another STA” to “offered by BSS”.

v  CID 1658: Can be addressed by Stephen’s pending submission on Clause 4 text.

v  CID 1657: Changed “offered by an infrastructure network” to “offered by BSS”.

v  Stephen will submit spreadsheet and text for the remaining CIDs in Tabs clause 3 and clause 4.

-  Discussion on Santosh’s Draft on subclause and the related CIDs (Note that the tab number for these CIDs in the comment spreadsheet document and comment database is still

·  CID 1328: will be addressed by the text submission.

·  CID 1067: remove the table and replace it with an equation.

·  CID 1321, 1193, 1194: will be addressed by the text submission.

·  CID 1195: Rejected. The description is in

·  CID 1224, 1225, 1065, 1327: will be addressed by the text submission.

·  CID 1801: Rejected. The maximum length of bloom filter has been limited to 128 Octets.

·  CID 1352: Rejected. The determination of m and p is out of the scope.

·  CID 1354, 1398, 1445, 1446, 1448, 1449: will be addressed by the text submission.

·  CID 1800: Rejected. Computation of CRC function is typically low. In addition, the storage requirements are lower with the CRC function.

·  CID 1537: will be addressed by the text submission.

·  Santosh will submit spreadsheet and text for the remaining CIDs in Tab (the text follows the new clause number, which is

-  SK

The group continued to resolve comments using the comment database at this point:

-  Tab Annex ZA.5

·  CID 1640: REJECTED. Encapsulation mode has been removed from 11aq.

-  Tab CID1463

·  CID 1463: REJECTED. The proposed changes add unnecessary complexity and potentially make it harder for interoperability.

-  Tab Clause 1

·  CID 1252: REJECTED. Withdrawn by submitter. The TGaq draft is of sufficient length to be treated as a separate project as authorized by the PAR.

-  Tab Clause

·  CID 1061: REJECTED. There are no defined names for advertisement protocol ID values.

·  CID 1524: REJECTED. TGaq is amending this table, which is originated from 802.11-2012. Therefore, this comment should be submitted to REVmc.

·  Need a submission for the remaining CIDs in this Tab (Stephen McCann).

-  Tab Clause

·  CID 1110: REVISED. The occurrences of "PAD" will be replaced with "ANQP-SD".

-  Tab Clause 8

·  CID 1058: The group determines that this comment should be treated as an Editorial comment. But left it open for the new Editor.

-  Tab Clause

·  CID 1610: REJECTED. Clause describes an agreed upon procedure of how to generate the service hash from the service name using SHA-256.

·  CID 1613: REJECTED. Clause describes an agreed upon procedure of how to generate the service hash from the service name using SHA-256.

-  Tab Clause

·  CID 1440: Agreed that the Advertisement ID should be removed from the Basic Service Descriptor (in the Probe Response). In a Service Information Response ANQP-element, there is no need to return multiple service names. A single service name with potentially multiple service instances is sufficient. Therefore, don't use the Basic Service Descriptor in the Service Information Response ANQP-element. Need a submission for these changes (SK Yong).

-  Tab Miscellaneous

·  CID 1147: REVISED. The service information server is called Proxy now and the definition is in clause

·  CID 1458: REVISED. The service information server is called Proxy now and the description is in clause

·  CID 1146: REVISED. Change "Pre-association" to "preassociated", which is already used in REVmc D4.0.

7.  AoB: None.

8.  Adjourned at 1:00pm HAST.

Monday AM1 July 13th, 2015 (Ad-hoc)

08:00 HAST

Stephen McCann (BlackBerry) - Chair

1.  Chair called the meeting to order at 8:00 HAST.

2.  Chair went through IEEE patent policy and other guidelines

-  Call for potentially essential patents: no response from participants.

3.  Situation with TGaq Secretary and Editor

-  Received nomination for TGaq Secretary

-  Editor’s position is open for now.

4.  Approve Agenda

-  The agenda 11-15/0723r2 approved by unanimous consensus.

5.  Set Objectives for Ad-Hoc

6.  Comment Resolution Progress

-  Discussions on Tab Annex B (PICS):

·  CID 1069: Accepted.

·  CID 1082: Accepted.

·  CID 1239: generally agreed with the commenter; re-assigned to Stephen McCann.

·  CID 1293: REJECTED. PICS can have elements and procedures.

·  CID 1322: Accepted.

·  CID 1384: Accepted.

·  CID 1412: Accepted.

·  CID 1698: re-assigned to Stephen McCann.

·  CID 1699: re-assigned to Stephen McCann.

-  Discussions on Tab Annex C (MIB):

·  Need submission (Stephen McCann)

-  Doc. 11-15-0862r0 (Stephen McCann)

·  CID 1253: Just “Accepted” (for D1.3b doesn’t exist yet).

·  Stephen will update the document.

-  Doc. 11-15-0857r0 (Stephen McCann)

·  Need to be base-lined on D1.2.

·  Stephen will update the document.

-  Doc. 11-15-0864r0 (Stephen McCann)

·  CID 1011: Revised. Use the term “non-AP”.

·  CID 1361: Change “preassociation” to “preassociated”.

·  Stephen will update the document.

-  Doc. 11-15-0860r0 (Stephen McCann)

·  Suggested change of title for to ANQP-SD (ASD??)

·  Suggested change of the structure of the proposed text to the following:

v ANQP-SD (with the first paragraph under the current

v Architecture (with the second paragraph under the current

v Proxy (with the text under the current

·  Stephen will update the document.

-  Doc. 11-15-0770r2 (SK Yong)

·  Accept the changes in the proposed resolution text since the instruction is to “replace the text with”.

·  Add “field” in order to keep the capitalized field name.

·  Change the title of Table 8-xyz.

·  SK will update the document.

7.  AoB: None.

8.  Adjourned at 9:40pm HAST.

Submission page 1 Yunsong Yang (Huawei Technologies)