2008 Scholarships
San Marcos CISD Press Release
San Marcos CISD
501 S. LBJ Drive
San Marcos, Texas
Phone 512-393-6700
Fax 512-393-6911
For Immediate Release
Dr. Patty Shafer Iris Campbell
Superintendent of Schools Public Information Officer
(512) 393-6700 (512) 393-6768
SMHS Seniors Awarded Grand Total of $2,043,874 in Scholarships in 2008
By: Iris Campbell, Public Information Officer
Graduating seniors of the San Marcos High School Class of 2008 were awarded $2,043,874 in scholarships in an Award Ceremony at the school on April 25, 2008. The total given reflects awards reported as of April 29, 2008. Local scholarship totals were $144,475, and university scholarships amounted to $1,889,399. The total of other outside scholarships was $10,000.
The local scholarships were as follows:
Scholarships Using the SMHS General Scholarship / First Name / Last NameAmerican G.I. Forum-Men's Chapter / Sarah / Lamb
Ashley / Falcon
Leticia / Guerrero
April / Martinez
Mario / Perez
Jose David / Gomez
Crystal / Tristan
Jenny / Ozuna
Patricia / Barrientos
Michael / Bolanos
Jonathan / Garcia
Amy / Rodriguez
Victor / Zavala
James / Heredia
Ashley / Trinidad
American G.I. Forum Greater San Marcos Juan Paul Navarez Memorial Women's Chapter / Natalie / Garcia
Ashley / Falcon
Letecia / Guerrero
Gabriella / Ivarra-Espinoza
Victor / Zavala
Ryan / Albright
American G.I. Forum-Women's Chapter / Sylvia / Harwell
Matthew / Jaimes
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Scholarship / Candice / Mosley
Beta Sigma Phi Peggy Harris Jo Weatherford / Chelsea / Hightower
Clinton / Taylor
Beta Sigma Phi Xi Upsilon Kappa & Alpha XI Gamma / Chase / Baker
Sadie / Castillo
Amber / Pearce
Adriana / Medrano
Clinton / Taylor
Kelly / Wilson
Belinda / Rodriguez
Jessica / Alvarez
Will / Cody
Gabriella / Ivarra-Espinoza
Camille Kinlund Memorial Scholarship / Katie / Polk
Central Texas Medical Center Scholarship / Robyn / Williamson
CenturyTel Scholarship / Daisy / Valero
Jennifer / Carson
San Marcos Manufacturer's Association Scholarship / Armando / Romero
Kristen / Rose
Lauren / Morales
Paula Wolking Memorial Scholarship / Leslie / Ybarra
Gabriella / Ivarra-Espinoza
Brandon Gonzales Memorial Scholarship / Mario / Perez
Corporal Michael W. Davis Scholarship S.M Board of Realators Scholarship / Hanna / Sanborn
Class of 1947 Legacy Scholarship / April L. / Martinez
Gabriella / Ivarra-Espinoza
Glenn Pierce Sowell Memorial Scholarship / Milam / Miller
Dunbar Scholarship / Amber / Green
Darius / Hemphill
Malena / Pinjuv
Hays County A&M Club / Caleb / Stone
Jonna Salcedo Band Memorial Scholarship / Hanna / Sanborn
Juneteenth Scholarship / Darius / Hemphill
Candice / Mosley
Lauren / Morales
Brittani / Phillips
Ashley / Marshall
Malena / Pinjuv
Amber / Green
Knights of Columbus / Justina / Rodriguez
Leticia / Guerrero
Hanna / Sanborn
Lauren / Morales
La Sociedad Cuauhtemoc / Alvarez, Jessica
Alvarez, Kristen
Anzaldua, Joshua
Auringer, Kimberly
Barrientos, Patricia
Bolanos, Michael
Garcia, Jonathon
Garcia, Marissa
Garcia, Natalie
Gonzales, Presciliana
Guerrero, Leticia
Gutierrez, Alexia
Heredia, James E.
Ivarra-Espinoza, Gabriela
Jaimes, Matthew J.
Lamb, Sarah E.
Lombardo, Gabriella
Martinez, April
Mendoza, Desiree
Morales, Lauren
Moreno, Jacqueline
Noriega, Christian
Ozuna, Jenny
Perez, Gabrielle
Prado, Ashley M.
Rodriguez, Amy
Sandoval, Amanda
Trinidad, Ashley M.
Valero, Daisy Nicole
Villanueva, Adrian
Waldweiler, Joshua
Ybarra, Leslie
LULAC Council #654 / Sadie Castillo
Adriana Chavez-Medrano
Daisy Valero
Ashley Falcon
Christopher Cruz
Desiree Mendoza
Sara Garcia
Matthew Jamies
April Martinez
LULAC Council #4876 / Joshua / Anzaldua
Lauren / Morales
Karen / Hinojosa
Ozona Bank / Amber / Pearce
Heather / Yancey
Optimist Club Scholarship / Sara / Garcia
David / Fisher
Jessica / Alvarez
Patricia / Barrientos
Ryan / Albright
Jennifer / Carson
Pedernales Electric Cooperative Scholarship / Chase / Baker
Reyna Family Scholarship / Jennifer / Carson
Marissa / Garcia
Gabriella / Lombardo
Adriana / Medrano
Daisy / Valero
Rotary Club of Greater San Marcos (Friday chapter) / Shante / Trapp
Gentry / Contreras
San Marcos Breakfast Lions Club / Gabriella / Lombardo
Adriana / Medrano
Sarah / Meyer
Victoria / Joy
Michael / Bolanos
Texas Classroom Teacher's Association / Jacqleen / Moreno
Jenny / Ozuna
San Marcos High School Football Booster Club Scholarship / Clinton / Taylor
Lauren / Morales
Kevin / Colwick
San Marcos Kiwanis Club / Belinda / Rodriguez
Gabrielle / Perez
Chase / Baker
Jessica / Conlen
Milam / Miller
Megan / Salmon
Jacqleen / Talkington
Sara / Garcia
Belinda / Rodriguez
Konstantin / Belyshev
Will / Cody
Kevin / Colwick
San Marcos Masonic Lodge Scholarship / Megan / Salmon
Clint / Taylor
San Marcos Rotary Club (Wednesday) / Jessica / Alvarez
Joshua / Anzaldua
Leticia / Guerrero
Sarah / Meyer
Jacqualine / Moreno
Natalie / Garcia
Gabriella / Ivarra-Espinoza
Jenny / Ozuna
Megan / Salmon
Daisy / Valero
Joshua / Waldweiler
San Marcos Sunrise Club / Amanda / Motomochi
Hanna / Sanborn
Sheriff's Scholarship Fund / Tyler Raley
John J. Stokes Memorial Scholarship / Ryan / Bost
Megan / Turner
United Specialty Advertising Scholarship / Patricia / Barrientos
Virginia Witte Scholarship / Ryan / Bost
Tarah / Parsons
Cental Texas Public Works Association Scholarship / Chase / Baker
Early High School Graduation Scholarship / Catherine / Sipes
Hazel / Salinas
Jennifer / Zelada
Rice Harrington Art Scholarship / Kevin / Colwick
Catherine / Sipes
SMHS Art Department Scholarship / Leslie Ybarra
Maria Bocanegra
Brooke Boyd Memorial Scholarship / Hina / Patel
Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative Scholarship / Tricia / Salinas
Madelyne / Mann
Pan American Golf Association / Ashley / Falcon
Tyler / Raley
Ryan / Albright
The university scholarships awarded included the following:
Last / First / University / Scholarship Name / Amount / Per Semester / TotalBaker / Chase / Texas A&M University / Aggie Spirit Collegiate License Plate / $1,000 / $500 / $1,000
Baker / Chase / Texas A&M University / Academic Achievement Scholarship / $12,000 / $1,500 / $12,000
Barrientos / Patricia / Johnson & Wales University / Scholarship / $6,000 / $750 / $6,000
Barrientos / Patricia / Johnson & Wales University / JWU Campus Award / $10,000 / $1,250 / $10,000
Burleigh / Philip / Texas State University / Vocal Scholarship / $4,000 / $1,000 / $4,000
Burleigh / Philip / Northwestern State University / Choir Scholarship / $30,000 / $30,000
Cody / William / Kansas State University / Legacy Award / $28,000 / $3,500 / $28,000
Colwick / Kevin / University of Texas Arlington / Freshman Honors Scholarship / $2,350
Contreras / Gentry / Austin College / Founders Scholarship / $50,000 / $6,250 / $50,000
Contreras / Gentry / Southwestern University / SU Scholarship / $7,437 / $3,719 / $7,437
Contreras / Gentry / University of Texas at Dallas / Academic Recognition Scholarship / $2,000 / $1,000 / $2,000
Eger / Aaron / Northwestern State University / Choir Scholarship / $27,200 / $27,200
Falcon / Ashley / Texas Tech Univeristy / AT&T Scholars Program Endowed Scholarship / $10,000 / $2,500 / $10,000
Fisher / David / University of Texas / National Merit Scholarship / $13,000 / $13,000
Floyd / William / Southern Methodist University / Rotunda Scholars Award / $10,000 / $1,250 / $10,000
Floyd / William / Southern Methodist University / SMU Distinguished Scholar / $30,000 / $3,750 / $30,000
Floyd / William / Baylor University / Merit Scholarship / $28,000 / $3,500 / $28,000
Garcia / Sara / Baylor University / Merit Scholarship / $28,000 / $3,500 / $28,000
Gomez / Jose / Our Lady of the Lake University / Heritage Scholarship / $32,000 / $4,000 / $32,000
Gonzales / Presciliana / Austin Community College / College Connection Scholarship / $2,500 / $1,250 / $2,500
Green / Amber / Baylor University / Baylor Scholarship / $250
Gulley / Dorothy / Stephen F. Austin State University / Academic Excellence Scholarship / $12,000 / $1,500 / $12,000
Harwell / Sylvia / Texas State University / McCoy Scholarship of Distinction / $20,000 / $2,500 / $20,000
Hightower / Chelsea / St. Edward's University / Trustees Distinguished Achievement / $44,000 / $5,500 / $44,000
Hightower / Chelsea / University of Houston / Academic Excellence Scholarship / $22,000 / $2,750 / $22,000
Hollis / Geoffrey / Northwestern State University / Choir Scholarship / $30,000 / $30,000
McDonald / Coriana / St. Edward's University / University Scholar Award / $11,000 / $5,500 / $11,000
McDonald / Coriana / Guilford College / Guilford Achievement Award / $31,200 / $3,900 / $31,200
McDonald / Coriana / Guilford College / General Scholarship / $1,700 / $850 / $1,700
McDonald / Coriana / VillaJulie College / President's Scholarship 2008 / $10,500 / $5,250 / $10,500
McDonald / Coriana / University of Colorado at Boulder / Chancellor's Achievement Scholarship / $15,000 / $15,000
McDonald / Coriana / Ursinus College / Urisnus Scholarship / $18,000 / $9,000 / $18,000
Medrano / Adriana / Baylor University / President's Gold Scholarship / $36,000 / $4,000 / $36,000
Miller / Milam / Baylor University / President's Gold Scholarship / $36,000 / $4,500 / $36,000
Moore / Katie / Clemson University / Academic Scholarship / $47,720 / $47,720
Moore / Katie / Baylor University / President's Gold Scholarship / $40,000 / $5,000 / $40,000
Ozuna / Jenny / University of Houston / Academic Excellence Scholarship / $18,000 / $2,250 / $18,000
Pearce / Amber / Baylor University / Provost's Gold Scholarship / $28,000 / $3,500 / $28,000
Perez / Mario / Baylor University / Provost's Gold Scholarship / $28,000 / $3,500 / $28,000
Perez / Mario / Newman University / Newman University Presidential Scholarship / $20,000 / $2,500 / $20,000
Perez / Gabrielle / Daemen College / Daemen College Alumni Grant / $48,000 / $6,000 / $48,000
Phillips / Brittani / Stephen F. Austin State University / Academic Excellence Scholarship / $12,000 / $1,500 / $12,000
Phillips / Brittani / Baylor University / Merit Scholarship / $28,000 / $3,500 / $28,000
Prado / Ashley / Texas A&M University / A&M Regent Scholarship / $20,000 / $2,500 / $20,000
Rich / Alyson / Central Washington University / Full Tuition Scholarship / $60,000 / $60,000
Salinas / Tricia / The University of Oklahoma / Prestigious Scholarship / $18,800 / $2,350 / $18,800
Salinas / Tricia / Iowa State University / Academic Recognition Award / $30,000 / $7,500 / $30,000
Salinas / Tricia / Louisiana State University / Tiger Scholars Award / $16,600 / $2,075 / $16,600
Salinas / Tricia / Baylor University / President's Gold Scholarship / $36,000 / $4,500 / $36,000
Salinas / Tricia / Iowa State University / George Washington Carver Tuition Scholarship / $65,000 / $65,000
Salinas / Tricia / Louisiana State University / REHAMS Scholarship / $1,500 / $750 / $1,500
Salinas / Tricia / University of Arizona / Arizona Excellence Award / $10,000 / $5,000 / $10,000
Sanborn / Hanna / Texas State University / Texas State Achievement Scholarship / $10,000 / $2,500 / $10,000
Sanborn / Hanna / University of South Florida / Dean's Scholarship / $2,000 / $500 / $2,000
Sanborn / Hanna / University of South Florida / USF Green and Gold Honors Scholarship / $32,000 / $4,000 / $32,000
Stone / Caleb / Texas State University / Texas State Achievement Scholarship / $10,000 / $2,500 / $10,000
Stone / Caleb / Texas A&M University / Daniel Angus Long '95 Endowed Scholarship / $4,000 / $1,000 / $4,000
Talkington / Jacqleen / Houston Baptist University / President's Academic Scholarship / $28,000 / $3,500 / $28,000
Taylor / Clint / Texas Luthern University / Merit Scholarship / $9,000 / $0 / $9,000
Tunnell / Sarah / Northwestern State University / Choir Scholarship / $28,800 / $28,800
Villareal / Jessica / University of Nebraska Lincoln / National Hispanic Scholarship / $65,342 / $8,168 / $65,342
Villareal / Jessica / Texas A&M University / National Hispanic Scholarship / $14,000 / $14,000
Villareal / Jessica / Lehigh University / Dean's Scholarship / $10,000 / $5,000 / $10,000
Villareal / Jessica / University of Texas Austin / National Hispanic Scholarship / $12,000 / $1,500 / $12,000
Williamson / Robyn / Houston Baptist University / Presdent's Academic Scholarship / $28,000 / $3,500 / $28,000
Wilson / Kelly / Austin College / Academic Excellence Scholarship / $50,000 / $6,250 / $50,000
Wilson / Kelly / Trinity University / Trustees' Scholarship / $60,000 / $7,500 / $60,000
Wilson / Kelly / Southwestern University / Mood Scholarship / $46,000 / $5,750 / $46,000
Wilson / Kelly / Austin College / AC Community Scholarship / $2,000 / $1,000 / $2,000
Wolpman / Jillian / University of San Diego / NCAA Division I Full Athletic Scholarship / $250,000 / $31,250 / $250,000
Yancey / Heather / The University of Chicago / University Scholars Program Scholarship / $40,000 / $10,000 / $40,000
Yancey / Heather / New York University / Provost's Grant / $13,000 / $6,500 / $13,000
Yancey / Heather / New York University / Tisch Scholarship / $12,000 / $6,000 / $12,000
Yancey / Heather / New York University / Deans Grant / $1,500 / $750 / $1,500
Yancey / Heather / New York University / J. Eckhouse Scholarship / $6,500 / $6,500 / $13,000
Photo by Iris Campbell
SMHS teacher Beth Wolpman presents the first annual Paula Wolking Memorial Scholarships to Leslie Ybarra and Gabriella Ivarra-Esponoza. Wolking was a SMCISD educator who passed away last year.