Rocky Mountain Oracle Users Group
P.O. Box 10142
Scottsdale, AZ 85271-0142
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the above corporation was held on July 21, 2015 at 6:03 p.m. conference call.
I. QUORUM: Tim Gorman called the meeting to order at 6:03pm and a quorum was declared present based on the presence of the following members on the conference call:
Tim Gorman
Bob Mason
Art Marshall
Karen Funston
Susan Llanes
Sruthi Kumar Annamnidu
Bobby Curtis
Chris Ostrowski
John Jeunnette
Dan Hotka
Mark James
Chris Chase
Rene Antunez
Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman
Ann Horton
Peggy King
Peggy King, RMOUG Administrative Director will act as the meeting scribe for Chris Chase the Secretary; who will be late to the meeting.
The following corporate actions were taken by appropriate motions duly made, seconded, and adopted by the majority vote of the Directors entitled to vote (unless a higher voting approval is stated).
PRESIDENT – Tim Gorman:
Bank Process - spoke with Jed Walker our Chase Bank representative and reviewed the process to change the authorized signers for the accounts. Tim will write up the details of the process and post it to the website for the Board.
Meetups – are moving forward with Kumar, looking at adding more groups
QEW – on track, registrations are down from last year
Social Media - Board members need to get on social media like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and start blasting about RMOUG events to their contact lists to improve RMOUG’s presence. The current standard of email is proving ineffective alone and we need to get the information about RMOUGs events out by posting and tweeting. By posting to each Board members own list of contacts and getting word out about RMOUG events may boost attendance and knowledge of RMOUG’s existence. Tim is hearing far too often that people haven’t heard about RMOUG and is looking to get everyone on the Board adding their voice to social media for RMOUG.
SECRETARY – Chris Chase
Submitted June 16, 2015 Board Minutes for approval.
Tim Gorman motioned to approve June 16, 2015 Board Minutes as submitted by RMOUG Secretary Chris Chase. The motion was seconded by Bobby Curtis and passed with a unanimous approval from the Directors.
John Jeunnette provided a detailed accounting for RMOUG. Detailed RMOUG’s current cash position, monies spent on previous months transactions. This is the first pass on the budget for 2015 and is open for discussion and changes. John also included a Training Days summary for the last 10 years rough comparison.
Tim Gorman motioned to see Treasurer Report posted to website in a manner to be determined. The motion was seconded by Mark James and passed with a unanimous approval from the Directors.
August QEW update – currently everything is covered and the agenda is set for the morning. Kellyn will need to get a list of attendees with family coming for the Family Coding session. The list of the items needed for the Raspberry Pi session has been posted to the website and is included with the meeting confirmations. Kellyn will bring multiple motors and a Pibrella with her to create and control projects. For example creating You-Tube video.
Will keep everyone posted on head as they register. Remember to have attendees collect parking passes before entering parking area to get the fee waived.
Also please do a show of hands at the QEW for switching to Thursdays for meetings.
QEW 2 - Fall 2015 - Dan Hotka will lead the meeting. He is proposing Thursday November 12, 2015 at the Oracle Campus South. Ann Horton will confirm the availability of the date for the meeting. The topic is Big Data Warehouse, trying to get a hands-on session with Oracle, OBIEE, in the cloud. Dan has laptops or attendees can bring their own. Ann Horton suggested that Dan reach out to Vlamis from Kansas City as a possible speaker.
QEW 3 – Spring 2016 - Dan Hotka looking at Thursday, May 19, 2015 will vote to confirm this date later. Tentative topic for meeting is “Tools Day” – will get an agenda out later.
Dan Hotka motioned to approve Fall QEW to occur on November 12,2015. The motioned was seconded by Bob Mason and the motioned passed by majority vote of 7 yeah /2 nay.
QEW 4 – Summer 2016 – looking at Thursday, August 4, 2016 maybe at the Denver Zoo or back at Elitch’s. Will vote on location later. The general direction for the meeting topic is PL/SQL and APEX hands on with David Peak.
TRAINING DAYS DIRECTORS – Karen Funston and Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman
Currently reviewing contract for Training Days 2016 with YCC – looking at making changes to YCC’s support of the conference to make the contract as effective as possible.
Training Days 2017 – looking at a 3 ½ day conference and want to look at the support services provided by other event management groups. YCC has had the contract with RMOUG for over 20 years and it is time to take a closer look at the support services they provide for the conference and the effectiveness of those services for the RMOUG membership. Looking at several venues for Training Days 2017 – the Marriott at the old airport site may be a contender with the light rail opening in 2017, need to check further to see what they offer.
Planning to start the RFP for Training Days 2017 – looking for a contract with a 5 year rotation to keep the support as effective for the conference and membership as possible.
RFP – Event Company coordinates the conference for at least 5 year terms.
Asking several Event Companies to submit proposals – YCC, Linda Hoover’s Group, Smith Bucklin, and others. Going forward RMOUG using the best conference support company. The reason for 5 years is to remain current and make sure that RMOUG members are getting the best service for the dollars invested.
Dan Hotka motioned to establish a review process for Training Days Support Company every 5 years. Karen Funston seconded the motion and the motion was passed. Kellyn will discuss with Team YCC and begin to develop the review process.
Training Days 2016 Committee is off and going:
Komal Goyal – will be coordinating the Volunteers/Ambassadors
Karen Funston – is the co-Director and working closely with YCC
Susan Llanes – is working on marketing
Dan Hotka – on the committee
Peggy King – admin support for the committee
Call for Abstracts is about to be released and the web page is about to go out.
Reviewers – need to get them organized and ready in 3 weeks to start
Welcome Reception – looking at some trivia events that will give out Beer Bucks – Enkitec want to sponsor Welcome Reception.
Karen Funston – in response to RFP, we are looking at having specific procurement rules that come into play for the contract renewal or review and may not go thru the RFP process if we agree to extend the contract for a specific period of time. Any service contract for RMOUG should be reviewed every 5 years for all vendors to RMOUG.
Training Days is a huge investment and we want to make sure we are spending RMOUG’s money wisely.
Discussion tabled and will continue at future Board meetings.
SIG DIRECTOR – Kumar Annamnidu
Currently we have 5 Meetup Groups:
1) Big Data – Kumar Annamnidu is the Organizer
2) Hyperion – Chris Chase is listed as the Organizer
3) Colorado My SQL – currently looking for Organizer
4) WIT – Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman is the Organizer
5) Engineering Systems – Sumeet Kabra may be the Organizer – need to contact
Kumar will try to contact the Organizers and ask what they may need going forward. Looking for Meetup Sponsors for Food and Beverages.
Tim Gorman stated he learned to qualify as a non-profit donation the payment needs to be for services rendered with no expectation of anything rendered in return.
WIT Meetup - Update from Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman – not the best turnout but both Kathy Robb and Ann Horton were there. We did have some great discussions and need to find ways to grow the group. We left it with September 16, 2015 the date for the next meeting. Looking at Regis University to host the next meeting.
Chris Chase –commented on Meetup Groups we should make sure there is a cost benefit to RMOUG membership to drive participation.
Social Media posting are on keeping track with RMOUG and hopefully building awareness of RMOUG.
Tim Gorman asked for more Social Media reports – Bobby Curtis will get those pulled together. Bobby will need to discuss what we want to get out of the Matrix. Big
WEBMASTER – Art Marshall
Needs the updates photos for the Directors page – missing 5 people right now. Directors review biographies and provide any updates or changes.
Art is working on the newsletter page – online newsletter page indexing articles and in social media we can mention the articles and advertise them.
Mail Lists – BlueHost has big limitations for using mail lists – only 100 contacts per list and only 150 mailings per hour or we could start getting bounces and may get Black listed. We will need to look at alternatives as needed.
Peggy King mentioned that Tim Gorman asked and received a list from YCC that needs to be cleaned before sending any notices – we may or may not use this.
We may look at alternatives to MailChimp – like Constant Contact – but that costs $55.00 per month – while currently MailChimp is free.
It is getting late so we will continue this discussion at a future Board meeting S
Tim Gorman motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:00pm and was seconded by Bob Mason with a unanimous approval by the Directors entitled to vote.. The next board meeting will be the 3rd Tuesday of August (details to be determined).
There will be no further business, as this meeting was duly adjourned.
Secretary Representative