SPED 5370:The Early Intervention Assessment Portfolio

1.  Description of Assessment and its use in the program:

The purpose of the Early Intervention Assessment Portfolio is to provide candidates with a field experience that they will be able to reference long after the class requirement or assessment is completed. Candidates enrolled in SPED 5310 Identification and Assessment: Assessment in Early Intervention are required to conduct an assessment on a preschooler or infant/toddler using a developmental assessment. This assessment is used in the program to assist the candidate in identifying a valid and reliable assessment device to be used and using it to assess a preschooler or infant/toddler.

2.  Alignment of the Assessment with CEC standards:

The CEC standards addressed in the Early Intervention Assessment Portfolio include

ICC8K3 Screening, prereferral, referral, and classification procedures (DM, PS);

ECSE8K2 Legal requirements that distinguish among at-risk, developmental delay and disability (DM, PS);

ECSE8K3 Alignment of assessment with curriculum, content standards, and local, state, and federal regulations (DM, PS);

ICC8S1 Gather relevant background information (RT, PS, DM);

ICC8S6 Use assessment information in making eligibility, program, and placement decisions for individuals with exceptional learning needs, including those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds (RT, DM, PS);

ICC8S7 Report assessment results to all stakeholders using effective communication skills (RT, DM, PS, CCT);

ECSE8S8 Participate as a team member to integrate assessment results in the development and implementation of individualized plans (RT, DM, CCT);

ECSE8S9 Emphasize child’s strengths and needs in assessment reports (DM, PS, CCT); and

ECSE8S10 Produce reports that focus on developmental domains and functional concerns (PS, DM, RT, CCT).

3.  Analysis of Data Findings:

The Mastery Score for the Early Intervention Assessment Portfolio is 40 points.

4. Evidence for meeting the standards:

All candidates and student enrolled in the class met this assessment with 100% mastery.

5.  Assessment Documentation:


A.  Description of the assignment

B.  Scoring guide

C.  Candidate data


5A: Description of the Assignment

Assessment #8: The Early Intervention Assessment Portfolio

Directions: Please read the Early Intervention Assessment Portfolio Rubric before you begin this assignment. As you know, there are many different developmental assessments for preschoolers and infants/toddlers. The purpose of this Early Intervention Assessment Portfolio assignment is for you to identify one assessment and evaluate a preschooler or infant/toddler. Included in the assessment you will identify the age of the child of interest, the assessment instrument chosen and why it is appropriate, the purpose of the assessment device, interviews, a report is written on the results of the assessment, annual goals and short term objectives are written based on the results for the Individualized Family Service Plan (birth to 3) or the Individualized Education Program (3-5), and a comprehensive written summary of the child’s assessment or present level of performance s completed. Please ask if you have any questions regarding this assignment.

Total Point Value: 40 points


5B. Scoring Guide

Assessment #8: The Early Intervention Assessment Portfolio Grading Rubric

Name: Date:

Early Intervention Assessment Portfolio Grading Rubric

Child: ______

Age: ______

Child’s Folder Contents: / Target (5-4) / Acceptable (3-2) / Unacceptable/ Incomplete (1-0) / Comments
Parent Permission Letter Signed
Document on PASS-Port / Permission letter was signed by parent / Permission letter was signed / No evidence of parent permission
Stage 1: The age-level of the child (birth through 5) is appropriate
Ages 1-3
Ages 4-5
Document on PASS-Port
ECSE8K3 Alignment of assessment with curriculum, content standards, and local, state, and federal regulations / Age-level of child is clearly documented in the report with explanation / Age-level of child is listed in the report / No evidence
The Assessment instruments chosen are appropriate for the age of the child.
*Adaptive Behavioral Assessment______
*Assessment, Evaluation and Programming System for Infants and Children (AEPS)
*Assistive Technology Assessment______
*Battelle Developmental Inventory—2nd Edition
*BRIGANCE Inventory of Early Development
*Criterion-Referenced Assessment: ______
*Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning
*Judgment-based Assessment______
*Kaufman Survey of Early Academic and Language Skills
*Mullen Scales of Early Learning
*Early Screening Profiles
*Play-based Assessment______
*Other: ______
Document on PASS-Port
ECSE8K2 Legal requirements that distinguish among at-risk, developmental delay and disability
ECSE8K3 Alignment of assessment with curriculum, content standards, and local, state, and federal regulations / Assessment device chosen is clearly identified and an explanation of why the particular assessment device was chosen is found in the report. / Assessment device is listed / No evidence of Assessment device used
Purpose of the Assessment(s) Document on PASS-Port
ICC8K3 Screening, prereferral, referral, and classification procedures
ECSE8K2 Legal requirements that distinguish among at-risk, developmental delay and disability
ECSE8K3 Alignment of assessment with curriculum, content standards, and local, state, and federal regulations / Purpose of the assessment for the child is clearly documented in the report and how it will be used. / Purpose of the assessment is listed in the report / No evidence
Interviews Conducted
Early Intervention Teacher
Early Intervention
Document on PASS-Port
ICC8S1 Gather relevant background information / Interviews conducted with at least two different individuals are documented in the report. / An interview with one source is documented in the report / No evidence
Assessment Results
Document on PASS-Port
ICC8S6Use assessment information in making eligibility, program, and placement decisions for individuals with exceptional learning needs, including those from culturally and /or linguistically diverse backgrounds
ICC8S7 Report assessment results to all stakeholders using effective communication skills / Assessment results are clearly stated and make recommendations / Assessment results are listed / No evidence
Annual Goals and short-term objectives written from the Assessment Results for the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) (birth to 3) or the Individualized Education Program (IEP) (3 -5 years)
Document on PASS-Port
ECSE8S8 Participate as a team member to integrate assessment results in the development and implementation of individualized plans / Once the report is read, one could form goals and objectives based on the recommendations / Once the report is read, one may be able to form goals and objectives / No evidence
A Comprehensive written summary of the child’s assessment or present level of performance is complete and submitted with the Portfolio on PASS-Port
ECSE8S9 Emphasize child’s strengths and needs in assessment reports
ECSE8S10 Produce reports that focus on developmental domains and functional concerns. / Evidence of a comprehensive summary exists which includes present level of performance / Evidence of a summary exists / No evidence
Total Points Possible: _40_ / ___/32-40 / ___/16-24 / ____/0-8
Grade on Candidate’s Assessment Portfolio