Session / 1(a): Negotiating Space/Place: Aboriginal Peoples

SéanceLa négociation d’espace et d’endroit: peoples autochtones

(Max Bell 252)

  • Chair / Chaire: James Frideres (University of Calgary)
  • Wesley Heber (First Nations University of Canada), “Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education: Taiwan and Canada”
  • Robert Nichols (Trudeau Foundation of Montreal / University of Toronto), “Indigenous Peoples and International Spaces: A History of Exclusion”
  • Karen Peterson (University of Alberta), “‘Meaningful Consultation’ in the Aboriginal/Canadian Context: A Dissertation”
  • J. Rick Ponting and Linda Henderson (University of Calgary), “Contested Visions of First Nations Governance: Determinants of the Opinions of On-Reserve Residents”

Session / 1(b):The Ethnic Diversity Survey: Considering the Implications

SéanceL'Enquête de Diversité Ethnique: Considérer les implications

(Max Bell Auditorium)

  • Chair / Chaire: Jane Bedets (Statistics Canada)
  • Jennifer Chard (Statistics Canada), and Andrea Levett (Statistics Canada), “Results from the Ethnic Diversity Survey”
  • Lorna Jantzen (Department of Canadian Heritage), “Ethnic Reporting on the Ethnic Diversity Survey”
  • Jodey Michael Derouin (Department of Canadian Heritage), “The Ethnic Diversity Survey and Perceived Discrimination and Unfair Treatment in Canada”

Session / 1(c):Constructing Identity in Postmodern Spaces and Places

SéanceConstruction de l'identité dans les espaces et des endroits postmoderns

(TransCanada Pipeline 201)

  • Chair / Chaire: Frances Kaye (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
  • Ho Hon Leung & Raymond Lau (State University of New York), “The Impact of Technology on Ethnic Identity and Culture: A Discourse in Space and Time.”
  • Sharmina Mawani (University of London) and Anjoom Mukadam (University of Reading), “Apna Desh (Our Country, Our Home): The Gujarati Community”
  • Kevin S. Tan (University of Alberta), “Re-inventing Violence: the Practice of Aikido in Canada”
  • Saikat Maitra (University of Western Ontario), “Emergence of Desexualized South-East Asian Identity in the Works of Richard Fung”

Session / 1(d):Meso-Perspectives on the Making of the Immigrant Experience in the 20th Century

SéanceMeso-perspectives sur la fabrication de l'expérience immigrée au 20ème siècle

(Donald Cameron Hall 24)

  • Chair / Chaire: Evangelia Tastsoglou (St. Mary’s University)
  • Hans Werner (University of Winnipeg), “Mennonites, Jews and Germans: Interethnic Spaces in Rural Manitoba, 1890-1930”
  • Alexander Freund (University of Winnipeg), “Making and Breaking Networks: German Labour Migrants in 1950s Canada”
  • Royden Loewen (University of Winnipeg), “Late Twentieth Century Immigrant Families in Prairie Cities: Sites of Socialization, Acculturation, and Integration”

Session / 1(e):Racialized Space/Place

SéanceLes espaces et endroits racisés

(Max Bell 253)

  • Chair / Chaire: Victor Satzewich (McMaster University)
  • Allan Rowe (University of Alberta), “‘The Mysterious Oriental Mind’: Ethnic Surveillance and the Chinese in Canada during the Great War”
  • Jasjit Sangha (University of Toronto), “Race and Power in Disembodied Spaces: How ‘Whiteness’ is Constructed in Online Spaces”
  • William Shaffir, Victor Satzewich and Jane Mulkewich (McMaster University), “Police and Diversity: Initiating and Managing Individual and Institutional Change”
  • Leanne Taylor (York University), “The Social Geography of Mixed Race: How Race Travels”

Session / 1(f):Literary Space/Place

SéanceLes espaces et endroits littéraires

(Donald Cameron Hall 28)

  • Chair / Chaire: Beverly Rasporich (University of Calgary)
  • Domenic Beneventi (Université de Montréal), “Spatial Exclusion in Vancouver's Chinatown: A Case Study of Sky Lee's Disappearing Moon Café and Wayson Choy's The Jade Peony
  • Lisa Grekul (University of British Columbia), “Between Borders, Beyond Bloodlines: Myrna Kostash's Re-Imagined Communities”

Session / 1(g):Social Cohesion among Forced Migrants in the Canadian Diaspora

SéanceCohésion sociale parmi les migrants forcés dans la diaspora canadienne

(Max Bell 150)

  • Chair / Chaire: Nancy Jabbra (Loyola Marymount University)
  • Michael Lanphier, Khashayar Hooshiyar and Kh. Mohammed Hassan, (York University), “Diaspora Dilemma: Kurdish Community in Central Canada”
  • Janet McLellan (Wilfrid Laurier University) and Kathy McKinley (Social Cohesion Project, Carleton University), “A Celebration of Spirit: Social Cohesion and Transnational Network Linkages among Cambodians in Ontario”
  • Frehiwot Tesfaye (St. Thomas University), “The Dynamics of African Immigrant Women Entrepreneurship in Ethnic Food Markets: Ethiopian Women and Ethnic Food in Toronto”

Session / 1(h):Work Space/Place

SéanceLes espaces et endroits du travail

(Donald Cameron Hall 30)

  • Chair /Chaire: Henry Chow (University of Regina)
  • Carmen Mihai and Raija Warkentin (Lakehead University), “Lessons from the Study of Finnish Immigrant Businesses in Thunder Bay”
  • Hongxia Shan (OISE), “Mapping Social Relations: Skilled Chinese Immigrant Women Navigating the Segmented Labour Market in Toronto, Canada”
  • Denise Spitzer (University of Alberta), “The Geography of Foreign Domestic Labour: From the International Division of Labour to Upstairs/Downstairs”
  • Lloyd Wong and Carol Wong (University of Calgary), “Facets of the Glass-Ceiling: The Chinese-Canadian Engineer Perception”

Session / 1(i):Space, Place and Citizenship

SéanceEspace, endroit et citoyenneté

(TransCanada Pipeline 202)

  • Chair / Chaire: James Cameron (St. Francis Xavier Univeristy)
  • Audrey Kobayashi (Queen’s University) and David Ley (University of British Columbia), “Return Migration, Transnationalism and the Challenge to Citizenship Policy: The Case of Hong Kong”
  • Ravi Pendakur and Amanda Aizlewood (Department of Canadian Heritage), “Ethnicity and Social Capital”
  • Linda Pietrantonio (University of Ottawa), “Mondialisation, diversité et politiques de la culture: quel pluralisme?”

Session / 1(j):Negotiating Space / Place

SéanceLa négociation d’espace et d’endroit

(Donald Cameron Hall 17)

  • Chair / Chaire: Patricia Roy (University of Victoria)
  • Manju Acharya and Herbert Northcott, (University of Alberta) “Surviving Distress, Maintaining Self-Worth: Aging East-Indian Immigrant Women’s Perspective on Mental Wellbeing”
  • Sirma Bilge (Université deMontréal), “Recasting Community through Celebration: An ‘Intercultural’ Festival among Turkish Montrealers”
  • Christopher J. Fries (University of Calgary), “Ethnocultural Space and the Symbolic Negotiation of Alternative as ‘Cure’”
  • Fernando Mata and Thomas Gabor (Department of Justice Canada), “Risk Factors Associated with Violent Crime Victimizations Among the Foreign- Born in Canada”

Session / 1(k):Negotiating Space/Place: Youthful Manoeuvers

SéanceLa négociation d’espace et d’endroit: manoeuvres des jeunes

(Max Bell 251)

  • Chair / Chaire: Yvonne Hébert (University of Calgary)
  • Lily Dyson (University of Victoria), “Life of Recent Chinese Immigrant Children in Canada: A Study of Elementary School”
  • Dhiru Patel (Heritage Canada) “Identity, Heritage and Belonging Among the Second Generation: Emerging Issues and Challenges”
  • Susan Tirone (Dalhousie University), “Ethnic Minority Youth and Leisure: Three Meaningful Places”
  • Shirley Xiaohong Sun (University of Calgary), “Evidence of the Accumulation of Social Capital: Signposts for Youth”


Session / 2(a):Current Issues in Aboriginal Literary Scholarship

SéanceQuestions actuelles dans l’érudition autochtone littéraire

(Donald Cameron Hall 17)

  • Chair / Chaire: Jeanne Perreault (University of Calgary)
  • Joan Crate (Red Deer College), “On the Page”
  • Tara Hyland Russell (St. Mary’s University), “In the Classroom”
  • Cheryl Suzack (University of Alberta), “In the Courtroom”

Session / 2(b):The Ethnic Diversity Survey: Methodology Workshop

SéanceL'Enquête de Diversité Ethnique: atelier de méthodologie

(Max Bell Auditorium)

  • Jane Badets (Statistics Canada)
  • Jennifer Chard (Statistics Canada)
  • Andrea Levett (Statistics Canada)

Session / 2(c):(Panel) Defining Ethno-Cultural Identity

Séance(Panneau) Définissant l'identité ethno-culturelle

(TransCanada Pipeline 202)

  • Natalia Aponiuk (University of Manitoba)
  • John Lehr (University of Winnipeg)

Session / 2(d):Literary Space/Place

SéanceLes espaces et endroits littéraires

(Donald Cameron Hall 30)

  • Chair / Chaire: Tamara Seiler (University of Calgary)
  • Enoch Padolsky (Carleton University), “You Are Where You Eat: Ethnicity, Food and Cross-Cultural Spaces”
  • Maggie Quirt (Frost Centre for Canadian Studies and Native Studies, Trent University), “‘All Those Things We Leave Behind’: Historicized Spaces in Latino/a Canadian Writing”
  • Jack Robinson (Grant MacEwan College), “In-Between Spaces in Eden Robinson's Monkey Beach”
  • Suzette Mayr (University of Calgary), “Dreadful Voodoo Goddess: Putting the ‘Black Stud’ Out to Pasture in Laferrière's How to Make Love to a Negro”

Session / 2(e):Mediated Space/Place

SéanceLes espaces et endroits du média

(Max Bell 252)

  • Chair / Chaire: Robert M. Seiler (University of Calgary)
  • Kathleen Buddle-Crowe (University of Manitoba), “Aboriginal Media and Muliebral Solidarity: Indigenous Women's Alliances In and Across the Canadian Cosmolopolis”
  • Licia Canton (Université de Montréal), “Is There a Place for an English-Language Magazine about Italian Canadians?”
  • Dana Inkster (Concordia University), “Black Canadian Biography: Space on the Bandwidth”
  • Francesca L’Orfano (York University), “Vive la différence! A Distinct Place and Space for Canadian Film and Video Makers of Italian Heritage"

Session / 2(f):(Round Table) Creating Collaborative Action Spaces: Pre-Service Teachers Exploring Anglophone and Francophone Identities and Relations in Quebec

Séance(Table ronde) Créant les espaces de collaboration d'action: professeurs de pré-service explorant des identités et des relations anglophones et francophones au Québec

(TransCanada Pipeline 201)

  • Chair / Chaire: Marie McAndrew (Université de Montréal)
  • Benoit Côté (Université de Montréal)
  • Gloria Furlini (McGill University)
  • Jackie Kirk (McGill University)
  • Marc-Albert Paquette (Université de Montréal)

Session / 2(g):Urban Spaces

SéanceLes espaces urbains

(Max Bell 150)

  • Chair / Chaire: William Shaffir (McMaster University)
  • T.R. Balakrishnan and Lorna Jantzen (Department of Heritage Canada), “Spatial Residential Patterns of Selected Ethnic Groups in Canada, 2001: Their Significance and Policy Implications”
  • Guillermo Ibarro (Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa), “Ethnicity and Economy in Los Angeles, California: The Case of Mexican Immigrants”
  • Sachiko Kotani (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies), “Who Owns Japantown? Emerging Intercultural Dynamics in an Ethnic Neighbourhood”

Session / 2(h):Gender, Immigration and Citizenship

SéanceGenre, immigration et citoyenneté

(Max Bell 251)

  • Chair / Chaire: Danielle Juteau (Université de Montréal)
  • Alicja Muszynski and Sadia Arif Gassim (Unversity of Waterloo), “Immigrant Women Create their Own Spaces in a New Place.”
  • Bonnie Slade and Srabani Maitra (University of Toronto), “The Deskilling of Immigrant Professional Women”
  • Evangelia Tastsoglou (Saint Mary’s University),“Cultural Border Crossing: Immigrant Women in the Maritimes”


8:30-11:00 a.m. Field trip to the Ukrainian War Memorial

Voyage de champ au mémorial de guerreukrainien (*)

The bus will take those who have signed up for this trip to Castle Mountain, the site of Ukrainian Internment during World War I, and to the Memorial site on the Bow Valley Parkway

Tour Leader: Bohdan Kordan


Session / 3(a): Contemporary Aboriginal Issues

SéanceIssues autochtones contemporaines

(Max Bell Auditorium)

  • Chair / Chaire: Cora Voyageur (University of Calgary)
  • Brian Calliou (The Banff Centre), “History Repeats Itself: The Clash of Values between Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Renewable Resource Users”
  • Joyce Green (University of Regina), “Cultural and Ethnic Fundamentalism: The Mixed Potential for Identity Liberation and Oppression”
  • Anna Hunter (University of Saskatchewan), “Law”
  • Verna St. Denis (University of Saskatchewan), “Rethinking Cultural Revitalization in Aboriginal Education”

Session / 3(b):Ethno-Cultural Voluntarism and the Road to Political Representation and Participation

SéanceVolontarisme ethno-culturel et la route vers représentation et participation politiques

(Donald Cameron Hall 17)

  • Chair / Chaire: Erin Tolley (CIC)
  • Julie Guard (University of Manitoba), “Citizen-Mothers or Dangerous Foreigners? Multi-Ethnic Women's Claims to Political Space in Cold War Canada”
  • Shibao Guo (University of Alberta), “Bridging the Gap in a Multicultural Society: Immigrants as Active Citizens”
  • Livianna Tossutti (Brock University), “Ethnocultural Voluntarism and the Road to Political Representation and Participation”

Session / 3(c):Identity Space/Place

SéanceIdentité, espace et endroit

(Max Bell 253)

  • Chair / Chaire: John Lehr (University of Winnipeg)
  • Sylvie Fortin (Université de Montréal), “Settlement Trajectories and Identity Strategies”
  • Brooke Pigott (University of Calgary) and Madeline Kalbach (University of Calgary), “Language Effects on Ethnic Identity in Canada”
  • Amy Salmon (University of British Columbia), “Moral Panic and the Construction of ‘Youth at Risk’ in/through the First Nations and Inuit Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Fetal Alcohol Effects Initiative”
  • Alina Tanasescu (University of Alberta), “Constructing Romanian Ethnic Identities in a Multicultural Context: An Analysis of the Romanian Community in Edmonton”

Session / 3(d):Reconstructing Historical Space/Place

SéanceReconstruction des espaces et endroits historiques

(Donald Cameron Hall 30)

  • Chair / Chaire: Anthony Rasporich (University of Calgary)
  • Gerhard Bassler (Memorial University), “Internment in Newfoundland, 1939-1945”
  • Franca Iacovetta (University of Toronto), “Youth and Ethnicity in Early Cold-War Canada”
  • Ian Radforth (University of Toronto), “Ethnicity, Public Spectacle and Pageantry”
  • Robert Storey (McMaster University), “‘Spaghetti Backs': Immigrant Workers and the Rise of the Injured Workers Movement in 1970s Toronto”

Session / 3(e):(Panel) Discourse Studies of Race and Gender in the Media

(TransCanada Pipeline 202)

  • Frances Henry (Professor Emerita) and Carol Tator (York University), “Racial Profiling in Toronto: Contested Media Discourses”
  • Sean Hier (Queen’s University), “Policing Media and Hegemonic Possibilities”
  • Yasmin Jiwani (Concordia Univeristy), “Discourse of Gendered Racism in the Media”
  • John Miller (Ryerson University), “Fairer and More Accurate Media Coverage of Minorities”

Session / 3(f):Diasporic Spaces

Séance Espaces diasporiques

(Max Bell 252)

  • Chair / Chaire: Michael Lanphier (York University)
  • Bikram Dhillon (University of Calgary), “Construction of the Diasporic Identity: Growing as a Turbaned Sikh”
  • (*) Aliaa Dakroury (Carleton University), “Psychological Analysis of the Role of Diasporic Media: A Survey of the Egyptian Community in Ottawa”
  • Nancy Jabbra (Loyola Marymount University), “Kinship and Transnational Links in the Lebanese Diaspora”
  • John Sorenson (Brock University) and Atsuko Matsuoka (York University), “Haunted - The Politics of Long-Distance Nationalism in the Eritrean Diaspora”
  • Sin Yih Teo (University of British Columbia), “Privileging Experience, Displacing Imagination: Tracing the Place of Canada Amongst Recent PRC Immigrants”

(*): This presenter is unable to attend, but the paper will be made available during the session / Ce présentateur ne peut pas être présent, mais son travail sera rendu disponible pendant la séance.

Session / 3(g): Educational Space/Place

SéanceEspaces et endroits éducatifs

(Max Bell 150)

  • Chair / Chaire: Marie McAndrew (Université de Montréal)
  • Cherylynn Bassani (University of Calgary), “Academic Achievement and Ethnicity in Canada and the United States: A Comparison”
  • Shiva Sadeghi (McGill University), “Gendered Educational Discourse and Academic Integration of First-Generation Immigrant Iranian Undergraduates”
  • Hiroko Noro (University of Victoria), “The Role of Ethnic Language School in Constructing and Negotiating Ethnic Identity for the Japanese Canadian Community in Greater Vancouver”

Session / 3(h):Imagining Canada: Shared Citizenship and Nation Building

SéanceImaginer le Canada: citoyenneté partagée et la construction des nations

(TransCanada Pipeline 201)

  • Chair / Chaire: John Biles (Metropolis Project Team: Citizenship and Immigration Canada)
  • Bruce Jamieson (Strategic Research and Analysis, Canadian Heritage), “National Narratives, Myths and Symbols in Canada”
  • John Nadeau (Carleton University), “Branding Canada: A Review of the Theoretical Literature”
  • Krista Sandusky (Carleton University), “The Department of Canadian Heritage’s Presence in the History Community: Trends and Directions in the Imagining and Promotion of ‘Our’ Past”

Session / 3(i): Round Table on Diaspora, Islam and Gender

SéanceTable ronde sur le diaspora, le genre et l’Islam

(Max Bell 251)

  • Mark Goodman (York University)
  • Haideh Moghissi (York University)
  • Saeed Rahnema (York University)


Session / 4(a):Aboriginal Space/ Place

SéanceEspaces et endroits autochtones

(Max Bell Auditorium)

  • Chair / Chaire: Donald B. Smith (University of Calgary)
  • Frances Kaye (University of Nebraska), “Messiahs, Prophets and Ghost Dancers on the Great Plains, 1869-1890”
  • Dessislav Sabev (Université Laval), “Modern Native Images as Traditional Narrative: Text, Context, and Cultural Geometry in Nous, les premières nations, Québec's Museum of Civilization”
  • Barry Stephenson (University of Calgary), “Spirit Catching: White Spirituality and Native Religions”

Session / 4(b): Readings by Contemporary Canadian Writers

SéanceLectures par des auteurs contemporains canadiens

(Max Bell 253)

  • Chair / Chaire: Enoch Padolsky (Carleton University)
  • Anna Mioduchowska and Barbara Janusz, “Poetic Dialogue”
  • Gwynn Alcorn, “Mennonite Women and Sex”
  • Weyman Chan
  • Vivian Hansen, “Wild Verbs in Leylines of My Flesh”
  • Hernan Restrepo, “Poems on the Path”

Session / 4(c): Developing and Analyzing Chinese Identity in Canada

SéanceDéveloppant et analysant l'identité chinoise au Canada

(Max Bell 251)

  • Chair / Chaire: Peter S. Li (University of Saskatchewan)
  • Henry Chow (University of Regina), “Ethnic Identity Maintenance, Heritage Language Retention and Scholastic Performance: A Case Study of the Chinese Adolescents in Calgary”
  • Daniel Lai (University of Calgary), “Ethnic Identity of Older Chinese in Canada: Findings from an Empirical Research Study”
  • Lloyd Sciban (University of Calgary), “Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation: Improving Elder Care for Chinese Canadians”
  • Shu-ning Sciban (University of Calgary), “Ethnic Identity and Heritage Language Newspapers: A Preliminary Study of Calgary Chinese Newspapers”

Session / 4(d): Creating Space: Historical Perspectives

SéanceCréer l'espace: perspectives historiques

(Donald Cameron Hall 30)

  • Chair / Chaire: Gerhard Bassler (Memorial University)
  • Aya Fujiwara (University of Alberta), “Theories of Ethnicity and History: A Review of Selected Ethnic Histories”
  • Andrij Makuch (Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies), “Ukrainians and the Farmers’ Movement in Alberta, 1921-1935”
  • Mercedes Stedman (Laurentian University),”Radical Jewish Women and the Rise of Industrial Unionism in Canada’s Needle Trades”

Session / 4(e): Space/Place and Policy

SéanceEspace, endroit et principe

(Max Bell 150)

  • Chair / Chaire: David Taras (University of Calgary)
  • James D. Cameron (Saint Francis Xavier University), “Canadian Scholarship on Illegal Entry: A Comparative Perspective”
  • Paul Gingrich (University of Regina) “Meanings of Multiculturalism”
  • Eugene Harasymiw (L.L.B.), “Canada’s Ethnic Community and the Department of Citizenship and Immigration’s Bill C-18”
  • Mai B. Phan (University of Toronto), “Kensington Market:Two Models of Multiculturalism”

Session / 4(f): African Transnational Social Fields

SéanceDomaines sociaux transnationaux africains

(Max Bell 252)

  • Chair / Chaire: Charles Adeyanju (McMaster University)
  • Shukria Dini (York University), “Refugees within Transnationalism: The Case of Somali Refugees in Toronto, Canada”
  • George Agyare (University of Alberta), “Transnationalism and Globalization: Using Diaspora as a Heuristic to Understanding Transnationalism”
  • Ernest Nene Khalema (University of Alberta), “African-Canadian Transnational Activities after September 11: A Redefinition of Citizenship and Social Policy”
  • Otrude N. Moyo (University of Southern Maine), “Cross Borders, Immigrant African Women Scholars in the Academy: Reflections on Openings and Closures Presented by Transnationalism and the Internationalization of Higher Education”

Session / 4(g): Canada After September 11: Best of Times or

Worst of Times?

SéanceLe Canada Après le 11 septembre: le mieux des périodes ou le pire des périodes?

(TransCanada Pipeline 201)

  • Chair / Chaire: Jodey Michael Derouin (Department of Canadian Heritage)
  • John Biles (Metropolis Project Team: Citizenship and Immigration Canada) and Humera Ibrahim (Department of Canadian Heritage), “A Tale of Two Canadas”
  • Minelle Mahtani (New School of Social Research), “Diversity and the Media”
  • Fernando Mata (Department of Justice Canada), “Researching Minority Views on the Anti-terrorism Legislation Using Focus Groups: Design Options and Research Items”

Session / 4(h):Ethnicity on the Ground: Mobilization and Strategies