Meeting Agenda –February 21, 2009

Our Father, Hail Mary, Pledge of Allegiance

Corrections to minutes

Chaplain’s Report:Fr. Greg

Treasurer’s Report:Al Dalbec

50/50 raffle

Financial Secretary’s Report: Darren Butler

Membership Report: Jerry Bulmer

  1. First Degree on March 15th at 1:00 pm
  2. Major or 2nd-3rd Degree in Auburn???
  3. Any signed Form 100’s?

Right to Life Report: John Crotty

Evangelization Report: Bill Fulton

Field Agent’s Report: John Stoeckinger

District Deputy’s Report: Bernard Burenheide


  1. Letter from Kevin Pfeifer, General Agent
  2. Letter from seminarian Justin Fulton
  3. Pro-Life presentation in Lincoln Feb. 22, 7:00 pm
  4. Auburn Memorial Library Foundation
  5. St. Augustine Indian Mission

Old Business:

  1. District Free Throw Challenge
  2. Seminarian breakfast
  3. Mardi Gras Cajun Fest 2/24
  4. Fish Fry

New Business:

  1. State convention raffle tickets
  2. FOCA postcard campaign stamps

Review Action Items: attached

Good of the Order

Prayer for Vocations

Action Items:

Jerry Bulmer will establish a Council 7021 webpage (from 12/15/07)

Eric Fulton will issue a stewardship survey to the Knights (from 2/16/08)

Jim Florence will pursue improvements to the council banner (from 8/16/08)

Eric Fulton will write a policy statement that the council will give one dues refund annually to one member who pays his dues on time (from 11/15/08). Revised draft submitted for review on 2/20/09.

Jim Florence will coordinate a memorial mass in Novemberfor deceased Knights (from 12/20/08).

Bill Fulton will look into a gift for Susan in appreciation of her support for our dinner events to be given at the Cajun Fest or a fish fry (from 1/17/09).

Eric Fulton will assemble 10 team captains and teams for the council Eric Fulton will coordinate a Family of the Year and Knight of the Year program (from 1/17/09). Nominations have been closed, collecting votes from trustees and officers until 2/25.

Bill Fulton and Jim Florence will coordinate the fish fries (from 1/17/09).

Darren Butler and Tony Fiegener will coordinate the Mardi Gras Cajun Fest to be held on 2/24 (from 1/19/09).

Jerry Bulmer will get Form 100’s signed for prospective members and invite them to our February council meeting(from 1/17/09).

Jim Florence will contact Justin Fulton and Ben Rynearson about inviting seminarians on 2/15 to mass, breakfast, and district Free Throw Challenge. Closed.

Eric Fulton will coordinate awards for the district Free Throw Challenge. Closed.

Duane Weninger and Jim Florence will pursue a concessions stand at the district Free Throw Challenge. Closed.