The History of DNA

Since the 1800’s Scientists have known that there exists something called a gene inside organisms capable of passing information from one generation to the next. However it wasn’t until the mid 1900’s that people began to explore exactly what type of molecule a gene is made up of. During this time of exploration the work of a few scientists stands out. Their combined efforts lead to the discovery that genes are contained in a molecule called DNA. These experiments/scientistswere:

-Frederick Griffith’s Transformation

-Oswald Avery’s DNA

-Alfred Hershey or Martha Chase

-James Watson or Francis Crick

-Rosalind Franklin

*Your assignment is to create 3 journals entries, for one of these Scientists. Each entry will be one page and your journal will consist of 3 entries.

Entry 1: -What was this scientist thinking before the experiment?

-What question was he or she trying to answer?

-What else was going on in the world at the time? (Research the important history associated with that time period!!!)

Entry 2: -What were the procedures of the experiment?

-What was he or she thinking while the experiment was going on? Be creative!

Entry 3: -What were the results of the experiment?

-What could be concluded from the results?

-What impact might this conclusion have on society?

*Each entry should be at least one paragraph (at least 5 sentences)

*Must be written in first person (you are the scientist!)

*A creative cover with a drawing/picture and title must be included

*Creativity Counts! Be creative with your entries. Really try to think about how these people felt as they were on the brink of discovery


3 Journal Entries (5 pts each)

- Are there 3 entries for your scientist each with a date?

- Has the proper format been followed?

- **Are the questions answered in each entry?

Cover (5 pts)

- Is there a title?

- Is there a drawing or picture?

Creativity (5 pts)

- Are journal entries creative?

- Is there more than just listing of steps?

- Are the scientists thoughts included?

Total: ____/25points

The History of DNA (BLOG)

Since the 1800’s Scientists have known that there exists something called a gene inside organisms capable of passing information from one generation to the next. However it wasn’t until the mid 1900’s that people began to explore exactly what type of molecule a gene is made up of. During this time of exploration the work of a few scientists stands out. Their combined efforts lead to the discovery that genes are contained in a molecule called DNA. These experiments/scientists were:

-Frederick Griffith’s Transformation

-Oswald Avery’s DNA

-Alfred Hershey or Martha Chase

-James Watson or Francis Crick

-Rosalind Franklin

*Your assignment is to create 3 journals entries, for one of these Scientists. Each entry will be one page and your journal will consist of 3 entries.

Entry 1: -What was this scientist thinking before the experiment?

-What question was he or she trying to answer?

-What else was going on in the world at the time? (Research the important history associated with that time period!!!)

Entry 2: -What were the procedures of the experiment?

-What was he or she thinking while the experiment was going on? Be creative!

Entry 3: -What were the results of the experiment?

-What could be concluded from the results?

-What impact might this conclusion have on society?

*Each entry should be at least one paragraph (at least 5 sentences)

*Must be written in first person (you are the scientist!)

*A creative cover with a drawing/picture and title must be included

*Creativity Counts! Be creative with your entries. Really try to think about how these people felt as they were on the brink of discovery


3 Journal Entries (5 pts each)

- Are there 3 entries for your scientist each with a date?

- Has the proper format been followed?

- **Are the questions answered in each entry?

Cover (5 pts)

- Is there a title?

- Is there a drawing or picture?

Creativity (5 pts)

- Are journal entries creative?

- Is there more than just listing of steps?

- Are the scientists thoughts included?

Total: ____/25 points