Taiga or Coniferous Forest

What is the taiga?
1 A taiga, also called a boreal forest or northern coniferous forest, is a cold woodland or forest. The taiga is the largest land biome on Earth, covering about 50 million acres of land (20 million hectares); this is about 17% of the Earth's land area. Taiga is a Russian word for marshy pine forest.

Where is the Taiga?

2 This biome spans the northern parts of North America, Europe, and Asia. Taigas are generally located south of the tundraand north of temperate deciduous forests and temperate grasslands.

Rainfall (Precipitation)
3 The taiga gets a moderate amount of precipitation throughout the year. The precipitation comes in the form of mostly snow, but there is rain as well. The average amount of precipitation for the taiga is 30cm.

4 The temperature in the taiga changes throughout the year. Temperatures can get as high as 70ºF and as low as -40 ºF.

Other Information on the Taiga

5 Taigas are thick forests.Coniferous trees, such asspruce,pine, andfir, are common. Coniferous trees haveneedles instead ofbroadleaves, and theirseeds grow inside protective, woody cones. Whiledeciduoustrees of temperate forests lose their leaves in winter, conifers never lose their needles. For this reason, conifers are also called “evergreens.”

6 Taigas have few native plants besides conifers. The soil of the taiga has fewnutrients. It can also freeze, making it difficult for many plants to take root. Thelarchis one of the only deciduous trees able to survive in the freezing northern taiga.

Animals that Live in the Taiga:

7 Taigas are relatively low in animal diversity because of the harsh winters. Some taiga animals are able to cope with the cold winter environment, but many migrate south to warmer climates during the winter and others go into hibernation.

Some animals found in taigas:

Ants are social insects. /
Arctic Fox
This small, white fox lives farther north than any other land animal. /
Arctic Hare
This white hare lives in the Arctic and has huge hindfeet. /
Arctic Wolf
Arctic wolves are carnivores that live in Northern Canada.

The badger is a nocturnal mammal with a black-and-white striped face. /
Bald Eagle
The bald eagle is a large bird of prey. It is the symbol of the USA. /
The beaver is a large rodent that builds dams and dens. /
Black Bear
A large, black to brown bear.

Brown Bear
The Brown Bear is a large bear with a muscular hump on its shoulders. /
Canada Goose
The Canada goose is a large North American bird that honks. /
Caribou are herbivores that live in Arctic regions. /
Dall Sheep
A wild, white sheep from the Arctic and sub-Arctic of North America.

The deer is a shy, fast-moving plant-eater. /
An earthworm is a little animal with a long, soft body and no legs. /
Also known as stoat or short-tailed weasel, this tiny, ferocious mammal lives in cold areas.

The fox is a meat-eating mammal with a long, bushy tail. The red fox lives in the taiga. /
Gray Wolf
Gray wolves are carnivores that live in packs and howl. /
Great Horned Owl
A large bird of prey from North and South America.

A hard-working, fast-running sled dog that was originally from Siberia. /
Lemmings are small, short-tailed rodents from North America and northern Eurasia. /
A powerful wild cat from Eurasia and North America. /
The Alaskan malamute is a powerful sled dog from Alaska.

The moose is the largest member of the deer family. /
Mosquitos are flying insects that live in moist areas and can often carry diseases. /
Musk Ox
Musk oxen are large, hairy mammals that live in the far north.

Muskrats are rodents that often build dome-shaped houses. /
Red-Tailed Hawk
The Red-Tailed Hawk is a bird of prey, a raptor from North America.

Reindeer are herbivores that live in Arctic regions. /
A venomous arachnid with a large stinger on its tail. /
Short-tailed Weasel
Also known as stoat or ermine, this tiny, ferocious mammal lives in cold areas. /
Snow Goose
Snow Geese are migratory birds from North America.

Snowy Owl
A white owl that lives in the North American tundra. /
Squirrels are rodents. They live in a variety of biomes, including the taiga. /
A carnivorous mammal that has a long, slender body and short legs. /
White-Tailed Deer
The white-tailed deer is a shy, fast-moving plant-eater.

Wolves are carnivores that live in packs and howl. /
The Wolverine is a large, ferocious weasel that lives in cold areas. /
Woodland Caribou
A rare caribou from Canada that eats lichens.

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