Australia-Africa Plant Biosecurity Partnership

Application Form for Senior Fellowship

Part 1. CV

1.1 Personal details

Full Name
Date of Birth
Passport No.
Passport Date of Issue
Passport Date of Expiry

1.2 Contacts

Telephone (work)
Telephone (mobile)
Email (work)
Email (personal)
Mailing address
Physical office address

1.3 Qualifications and skills

1.3.1 Degrees and diplomas

Institution / Qualification / Subject / Year

1.3.2 Other trainings and courses

Institution / Training/course title / Duration / Year
Add more rows if needed

1.3.3 Languages (Rate as 1=Poor to 5=Very good)

Language / Reading / Speaking / Writing
Add more rows if needed

1.3.4. Other skills or qualifications

1.4. Work experience

1.4.1 Employment (current/most recent first)

Employer/dates / Position and Duties
Employer :
Dates : / Position :
Duties :
Employer :
Dates : / Position :
Duties :
Employer :
Dates : / Position :
Duties :
Add rows if needed

1.4.2 Consultancies

Client/dates / Position and Duties
Dates : / Position :
Duties :
Client :
Dates : / Position :
Duties :
Client :
Dates : / Position :
Duties :
Add rows if needed

1.5 Publications

(Give 5 of your relevant publications)

Part 2. Proposal

2.1 Goals and objectives (150 words max)

2.2. Reason for application (150 words max)

2.3 Theme

Indicate your top three priorities (where 1 is top)

Priority / Theme
Diagnostic skills for identification of key pests of concern.
Risk analysis and risk management with a focus on seed and live planting material.
Emergency response and eradication.
Surveillance and management of key pests affecting production and trade.
Early warning and biosecurity planning.
Listing and prioritisation of key pests on traded commodities, to reduce biosecurity constraints to imports and exports.

2.4 Problem to be addressed(200 words max)

2.5 Proposed Team (Give details for 2 to 4 people)

1 / Full Name
Physical address
Telephone No.(s)
Email address(es)
Reasons for including in team
2 / Full Name
Physical address
Telephone No.(s)
Email address(es)
Reasons for including in team
3 / Full Name
Physical address
Telephone No.(s)
Email address(es)
Reasons for including in team
4 / Full Name
Physical address
Telephone No.(s)
Email address(es)
Reasons for including in team