
A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)


Balint, Michael. The Doctor, His Patient and the Illness. London: Pitman, 1957.

Becker, H. S., and Blanche Greer. "The Fate of Idealism in Medical School." American Sociological Review 23.

Browner, Stephanie. "'Profound Science' and 'Elegant Literature': Doctors in Nineteenth-Century US." TSLL 42.4 (2000): 363-83.

Bzovius. Nomenclator sanctorum professione medicorum .1623.

Fisher, Sue, and Alexandra Dundas Todd, eds. The Social Organization of Doctor-Patient Communication. Washington, DC: The Center for Applied Linguistics, 1983.

Joad, C. E. M. "On Doctors." The New Statesman and Nation 7 March 1953.

Laín Entralgo, Pedro. Grandes médicos. Barcelona: Salvat, 1961.

_____. La relación médico-enfermo: Historia y teoría. Madrid: Revista de Occidente, 1964.

Lentz, Edith. "A Comparison of Medical and Surgical Floors." Mimeo. New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell U, 1954.

Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien. "XIII. Les primitifs et les médecins européens." In Lévy-Bruhl, La mentalité primitive. Ed. Fréderic Keck. (Champs Classiques, 964). Paris: Flammarion, 2010. 585-685.*

_____. "XIII. Les primitifs et les médecins européens." In Lévy-Bruhl, La mentalité primitive, in Primitifs. Paris: Analet, 2007. 389-410.*

Lifton, Robert Jay. The Nazi Doctors.

Lipp, Martin R. The Bitter Pill: Doctors, Patients, and Failed Expectations. New York: Harper & Row, 1980.

Raffler-Engel, Walburga von, ed. Doctor-Patient Interaction. (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, 4). Amsterdam: Banjamins, 1989.

Solomon, David. "Career Contingencies of Chicago Physicians." Ph.D. diss., Dpt. of Sociology, U of Chicago, 1952.

Trainor, Charles. "Doctors in Fielding's Fiction." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 25 (Nov. 1992): 111-16.

Traister, Barbara Howard. "'Doctor She': Healing and Sex in All's Well that Ends Well." In A Companion to Shakespeare's Works, Volume IV: The Poems, Problem Comedies, Late Plays. Ed. Richard Dutton and Jean E. Howard. Malden: Blackwell, 2003. Pbk. 2006. 333-47.*

Winnicott, D. W. "Reseña de The Doctor, His Patient and the Illness, by Michael Balint. (London: Pitman, 1957). From International Journal of Psycho-Analysis. 1958. In "Michael Balint." From D. W. Winnicott, Psychoanalytic Explorations. In D. W. Winnicott, Obras escogidas II. Barcelona: RBA, 2006. 467-71.*

Wodak, Ruth. "Critical Discourse Analysis and the Study of Doctor-Patient Interaction." In The Construction of Professional Discourse. Ed. Britt Louise Gunnarsson, Per Linell and B. Nordberg. London: Longman, 1997. 173-200.

_____. "Critical Discourse Analysis and the Study of Doctor-Patient Interaction." In Critical Discourse Analysis: Critical Concepts in Linguistics. Ed. Michael Toolan. London: Routledge, 2002. 2.340-64.*

Internet resources

Gourdol, Jean-Yves. Medarus: Médecins, Ardèche et Nouveau Monde. Website.



Balzac, Honoré de. Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes.

Browning, Robert. "An Epistle Containing the Strange Medical Experience of Karshish, the Arab Physician." Poem. 1855. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.1396-1402.*

Gordon, Noah. The Physician. Novel. London: Macmiullan, 1986. (Medieval physician).

_____. The Physician. London: Sphere Books 1988.

_____. The Physician. London: Warner Books, 1992. 1993 (3). 1994. 1995. 1996. 1997. 1999. 2001 (2).

_____. The Physician. Time Warner Paperbacks, 2002. Rpt. 2003. 2004. 2005.

_____. The Physician. Time Warner Books, 2005.

_____. The Physician. London: Little, Brown - Sphere, 2007. 2008.*

_____. The Physician.

_____. El médico. Trans. Iris Menéndez. (VIB). Barcelona: Grupo Zeta-Ediciones B, 1992. 34th rpt. 1998.*

_____. El médico. Novel. (Cole family saga).

_____. Chamán. Novel. (Cole family saga).

_____. La doctora Cole. Novel. (Cole family saga).

James, M. R. "Two Doctors." In The Oxford Book of English Short Stories. Ed. A. S. Byatt. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998. 1999. 97-104.*

Kafka, Franz. "Un médico rural." In Kafka, Cuentos completos (Textos originales). Introd. and trans. José Rafael Hernández Arias. Madrid: Valdemar, 2003. 346-55.*

Molière. L'Amour médecin. Comedy. 1665.

_____. Le Médecin malgré lui. Comedy. 1666.

_____. The Doctor in Spite of Himself. Comedy. In The Norton Introduction to Literature. 5th ed. Ed. Carl Bain et al. New York: Norton, 1991. 1061-89.*

_____. Le Malade imaginaire. Comedy. 1673.

Shaw, George Bernard. The Doctor's Dilemma. Drama. Prod. 1906, pub. Berlin, 1908.

Slaughter, Frank G. Nadie debería morir. Serialized in La hora XXV (c. 1958).

_____. East Side General. Novel. 1958.

_____. Hospital General del Este. Trans. Mercedes Rubio. Barcelona: Planeta, 1966.

_____. Hospital General del Este. Trans. Mercedes Rubio. (Los Jet de Plaza y Janés). Barcelona: Plaza y Janés, 1982.*

Van der Meersch, Maxence. Corps et Ámes.

_____. Cuerpos y almas. Novel. (Colección Reno).

Williams, William Carlos. The Doctor Stories. Compiled by Robert Coles. Afterword William Eric Williams. New York: New Directions, 1984.*

_____. "El uso de la fuerza." In Antología del cuento norteamericano. Ed. Richard Ford. Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg / Círculo de Lectores, 2002. 333-37.*


Xenakis, Iannis. Serment. 1981. In Pupils of Messiaen: A Cappella Works by Messiaen, Stockhausen and Xenakis. Danish National Radio Choir / Jesper Grove Jørgensen. Colchester: Chandos, 1999.* (Setting of the Hippocratic oath).

See also Medicine.