Step 1: Obtain a UT EID (If you have one already, then skip to Step 2)

a.  Go to the following URL

b.  Click on … Log In to Quest

c.  Click on … I Need a UT EID

d.  Click on … Continue*

e.  Enter required information

WRITE down the password you created

f.  Click on … Create UT EID

WRITE down your UT EID

*Note: If you already have a UT EID, then do NOT create a new one. If you have forgotten yours, then click on … I forgot my UT EID or password.

It is imperative that you do NOT lose your UT EID and password!

Step 2: Register as a Student in my Class

a.  Go to the Quest Homework Service at the following URL

b.  Click on … Log In to Quest

c.  Log in using your UT EID and password created in Step 1.

d.  Click on … Enroll in new course

e.  For the unique ID #, type in

f.  Click on … Lookup course info.

g.  Use scroll-down menu to select correct course. Click on … Request enrollment.

h.  At this point, you will have to wait for your instructor to approve your enrollment, so check back often!

Step 3: Read Important Information

a.  Click on the Help tab at the top of the screen.

b.  Carefully read the Instructions for Students. Pay particular attention to guidelines on rounding and entering numbers in scientific notation. Also carefully read the scoring rubric (especially for multiple-choice questions) and note that if you utilize random guessing, you will likely receive a negative score for a homework assignment! Do not enter units on numerical answers!

Step 4: Pick-up your 1st Homework Assignment (once your enrollment has been approved)

a.  Click on the My Courses tab at the top of the screen.

b.  Click on … print out a copy of your 1st homework assignment. It is helpful to print out 2 or 4 pages to a page.

c.  All of Quest 1 is due .