Assignment: Critique Unit 9

200 Points Total

A. Project Content
80% / 0 points / 1 point / 2 points / 3 points / 4 points / Total Points
Title and Abstract / Student does not attempt to critique the title and abstract of the study. / Student critique of the title and abstract of the study is unclear and vague; student does not demonstrate understanding of the Assignment. / Student critique of the title and abstract of the study is very brief and missing many essential details but demonstrates some understanding of the Assignment. / Student correctly critiques the title and abstract of the study according to the guidelines, but some detail is missing. / Student thoroughly and clearly critiques the title and abstract of the study according to the guidelines.
Problem Statement/
Purpose Statement and Hypothesis / Student does not critique the problem statement, purpose statement, and hypothesis of the study. / Student’s critique of the problem statement, purpose statement, and hypothesis of the study is unclear and vague; student does not demonstrate understanding of the Assignment. / Student critique of the problem statement, purpose statement, and hypothesis of the study is very brief and missing many essential details but demonstrates some understanding of the Assignment. / Student’s critiques the problem statement, purpose statement, and hypothesis of the study according to the guidelines; some detail missing. / Student thoroughly and clearly critiques the problem statement, purpose statement, and hypothesis of the study according to the guidelines.
Literature review and theoretical framework / Student does critique the literature review or the theoretical framework. / Student’s critique of the literature review and theoretical framework are brief, unclear, or vague, student does not demonstrate understanding of the Assignment. / Student critiques either the literature review or theoretical framework of the study according to the guidelines. / Student critiques the literature review and theoretical framework of the study according to the guidelines, some detail missing. / Student thoroughly and clearly critiques the literature review and theoretical framework of the study according to the guidelines.
Design / Student does not critique the design methodology of the study. / Student’s critique of the design methodology is unclear and vague; student does not demonstrate understanding of the Assignment. / Student’s critique of the design methodology used in the study is very brief and missing many essential details but demonstrates some understand of the Assignment. / Student critiques the design methodology used in the study according to the guidelines; some detail missing. / Student thoroughly and clearly critiques the design methodology used in the study according to the guidelines.
Sampling and protection of participation rights / Student did not critique the sampling methodology and protection of participant rights used in the study. / Student’s brief critique is vague and alludes to sampling methodology and the protection of participant rights; student does not demonstrate understanding of the Assignment. / Student critiques the sampling methodology or protection of the participant rights used in the study according to the guidelines. / Student critiques the sampling methodology and protection of the participant rights used in the study according to the guidelines; some detail is missing. / Student thoroughly and clearly critiques the sampling methodology and protection of the participant rights used in the study according to the guidelines.
Data Collection/
Reliability and Validity / Student does critique the researcher’s use of data collection tools, procedures and reliability, and validity measures in the study. / Student’s critique of the data collection tools, procedures or reliability and validity is brief and illogical; it does not demonstrate understanding of the Assignment. / Student critiques the researcher’s use of either data collection tools, procedures or reliability, and validity measures used in the study but not all the required elements. / Student critiques the researcher’s use of data collection tools, procedures and reliability, and validity measures but some detail is missing. / Student thoroughly and clearly critiques the researcher’s use of data collection tools, procedures and reliability, and validity measures in the study according to the guidelines.
Data analysis and findings / Student does not include a critique of the researcher’s report data analysis and findings. / Student critiques of the researcher’s data analysis and findings in the study are brief, unclear or vague; student does not demonstrate understanding of the Assignment. / Student’s critiques of the researcher’s data analysis and findings in the study are very brief and missing many essential details but demonstrate some understand of the Assignment. / Student critiques of the researcher’s data analysis and findings in the study according to the guidelines; some detail is missing. / Student thoroughly and clearly critiques the researcher’s data analysis and findings in the study according to the guidelines.
Discussion / Student does not critique the researcher’s interpretation and implications of the study. / Student critique of the researcher’s interpretation and implication of the study is unclear or vague; student does not demonstrate understanding of the Assignment. / Student’s critique of the researcher’s interpretation and implications of the study is brief and missing many essential details but demonstrates some understanding of the Assignment. / Student’s critique of the researcher’s interpretation and implications of the study according to the guidelines; but some detail is missing. / Student thoroughly and clearly critiques the researcher’s interpretation and implications of the study according to the guidelines.
Global Issues/
Summary / Student’s conclusion does not include a summary and issues. / Student’s conclusion is vague, unclear, and off topic. / Student’s conclusion briefly summarizes but does not include a discussion of issues. / Student’s conclusion summarizes the study and issues according to the guidelines, but some detail is missing. / Student’s conclusion thoroughly and clearly summarizes the study and issues according to the guidelines.
Total points earned on this project / /36 points
Percent Accomplished / %
A. Project Content Points
(___% x 160 pts) / /160 points
B. Organization and Formatting
20% / 0 points / 1 point / 2 points / 3 points / 4 points / Total Points
Assignment was organized and well written / No Assignment submitted. / Assignment was unorganized and poorly written. / Assignment was somewhat organized but overall writing left room for improvement. / Assignment was generally organized and met most writing requirements. / Assignment was thoroughly organized and well written.
Ideas were stated clearly and logically / No Assignment submitted. / Ideas were not stated clearly or logically. / Some ideas were stated clearly and logically. / Most ideas were stated clearly and logically. / All ideas were stated clearly and logically.
Relevance of content / No Assignment submitted. / Assignment was off topic and not relevant. / Some portions of Assignment were on topic and relevant. / Most portions of Assignment were on topic and relevant. / Assignment was thoroughly on topic and relevant.
Course Policies formatting guidelines / No Assignment submitted. / No formatting guidelines were followed. / Some guidelines were followed. / Most guidelines were followed. / All formatting guidelines were followed.
Spelling and grammatical errors / No Assignment submitted. / Spelling and grammatical errors were pervasive throughout the document. / Greater than six spelling or grammatical errors. / Less than six spelling or grammatical errors. / No spelling or grammatical errors.
Total Points / ___/20
Percent Accomplished / ___%
B. Organization and Formatting Points
( ___% x 40 pts) / ___/ 40pts
Total Points: (A +B)