November 10, 2016 - National Association for Interpretation Conference, Corpus Christie, TX
Board Members: Amy Leftbridge, Travis Williams, Cem Basman, Tom Mullin, Todd Bridgewater, Jose Chavez, Amy Erikson, Jay Miller, Tom Medema, Brenda Lackey, Jim Covel, Bradley Block, Jessica Moore, Parker McMullen-Bushman, Elista Istre, John Miller
Staff: Margo Carlock, Paul Caputo
Guests: Terry Joyce, Theresa Coble
President Amy Lethbridge opened the meeting with a welcome and congratulations to the new board members who were present and other guests in attendance
Review, adjust and approve agenda – President Amy Lethbridge
Approve minutes of August 2016 BOD meeting – Amy Lethbridge
Motion approved by voice vote
Treasurers Report/Financial Overview-Travis Williams and Margo Carlock
Motion to approve the Treasurers Report and Financial Overview
Approve 14 yes 0 no 1 abstain
Recommendation and action on 2017 Budget Forecast
Motion: To approve the 2015 Budget Forecast
Motion approved 14 yes 0 no 1 abstain
Recommendation and action on 2017 Operations Plan
Motion: To approve the 2015 Operations Plan
Motion approved 15 yes 0 no 0 abstain
Recommendation and action on the KC DenDooven/Freeman Tilden Award
Travis Williams and Margo briefed the board on the ongoing discussions with KC Dendooven
Much progress being made with finalization taking place in 2017. The board thanked Margo and Travis for their efforts in resolving this matter
Report and recommendations from the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force
Parker McMullen-Bushman, chair of the task force presented the recommendations and work of the task force to date. Specifically she presented the draft of a NAI Statement of Diversity and Inclusion
Motion to approve the Diversity and Inclusion Statement as modified was approved
15 Yes 0 no 0 Abstain
The NAI adopted statement read as follows
Telling Everyone’s Story - NAI’s Commitment to Diversity
The National Association for Interpretation (NAI) is dedicated to advancing the profession of heritage interpretation. Interpreters are the keepers, tellers, and facilitators of stories for our natural and cultural resources. As such, interpreters hold a tremendous responsibility to really understand the stories that are told and to richly represent all people, all backgrounds, and all perspectives.
At NAI, we are passionate about supporting those who interface with the public to understand the value of our shared natural and cultural heritage. When interpreters represent a diverse range of experiences, individually and collectively we are better able to understand and meet the needs and perspectives of site visitors.
Therefore, diversity is core to NAI’s mission. We aspire to develop, promote, and sustain an organizational culture that values, nurtures, and leverages diversity and inclusiveness in all that we do. In addition NAI is committed to respecting and highlighting the richness of our diverse membership so that every member has an equal opportunity to contribute in significant ways to the effectiveness of the organization.
The overall objective of NAI’s diversity effort is to create a culturally progressive and socially reflective organization that represents, supports and celebrates diversity at all levels, one that is unashamed about its promotion of diversity and inclusion and always cognizant of privilege. In addition, we strive to model the values of diversity and inclusion that we articulate here.
NAI recognizes …
NAI recognizes … and honors diversity in its many dimensions including but not limited to ethnicity, race, culture, nationality, sex, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, faith, socioeconomic background, mental and physical abilities, learning styles, and viewpoints.
NAI recognizes … that different perspectives are important to our organization, and we benefit greatly from the individual strengths of each member.
NAI recognizes … that diversity is important because we are changing. Demographic changes have shaped the nation's past and will continue to shape its future. In order to stay relevant as an organization we must reflect this changing population.
NAI recognizes … that achieving diversity, equity and inclusion is challenging work requiring change and resources from individuals as well as organizations.
NAI recognizes…that privilege, specifically that associated with dominant or majority cultures, manifests itself in overt and covert ways. Addressing that privilege requires difficult reflection and honest investigation.
NAI is committed to…
NAI is committed to… creating an inclusive culture in which differences are recognized, respected, valued and celebrated.
NAI is committed to… helping our members become better at telling their stories to diverse audiences, and understanding, honoring, and allowing diverse audiences to tell their own stories at our interpretive sites and venues, by creating workshop and training opportunities on inclusion and diversity.
NAI is committed to… recruiting a diverse board and staff, knowing that diversity in our leadership should reflect our membership and visitors to our sites. We will make sure that diversity, inclusion, and equity are considerations when nominating candidates for the board and when hiring staff members.
NAI is committed to… having a supplier base that reflects our diverse member base. We will do this by identifying and working with diverse vendors, contractors, and consultants. NAI is careful and strategic in selecting venues where it holds national and regional meetings. Whenever possible, NAI will not support businesses where discrimination in any form is codified.
NAI is committed to… supporting a standing advisory committee to oversee NAI’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.
Discussion regarding the recommended NAI Services and the continued work of the Task Force
A report of progress will be made at the Spring Break
Policy for disbursement of disbanded organizational units
Margo Carlock presented the finalized version of wording for this policy.
Motion to approve the final version was approved
15 yes 0 no 0 abstain
Action Items from Advisory Council
Advisory Council members Pepe Chavez and Amy Erikson presented a number of topics for consideration including:
Recommended policy and action for organizations proposing to join NAI (i.e. future chapters, etc)
Criteria and Process for Organizational Unity changing name/scope/logo/etc
Approval of update Advisory Council Manual
Motion to approve the policies and manuals as recommended by the Advisory Council approved
15 yes 0 no 0 abstain
Certification Standards Update/Epperly MOU Status
Margo updated us as to the standards project with input from VP-Programs Todd Bridgewater. The Epperly Institute MOU came up for discussion and it was decided that once finalize language was agreed upon for the MOU, it would need a vote of the Board of Directors to finalize. Secretary’s Note: This vote was finalized in January of this year via an electronic ballot 13 yes 0 no and 1 abstain
Advisory Council Update and Report
Advisory Council Representatives Amy Erikson and Pepe Chavez continued their update on the actions and plans for the AC in the coming year. The Advisory Council is meeting later in the week this year. It was discussed again that there needs to be some face to face time for the AC steering committee members to meet. The board asked Margo to include such funding as to allow this to happen. Likely in conjunction with the Summer Board meeting in Fort Collins, CO.
Executive Director Review Update
By a voice vote the Board went into executive session to discuss personnel matters
By voice vote the board went out of executive session
The motion to approve accept the report on the Executive Directors performance and its recommendations regarding salary adjustments was approved
14 yes 0 no 1 abstain
Strategic Plan Review and Update
A working group will be formed to provide a status report of the Strategic Plan (staff and board assignments) for the spring board meeting
National Workshop Update-
Margo gave the board an update on the 2017, 2018 and 2019 conference happenings
Advancement Committee Update and Recommendation-Jim Covel
Jim gave a summary of the work to date and make a case statement for a major gift campaign for a Burn the Mortgage effort. He addressed a number of other recommendations regarding advancement procedures and ideas.
Election Manual Update and Revision
President Leftbridge recommended that the election manual be updated and revised in time for the next election cycle. She offered to assist in this matter
Accreditation Task Force
VP Programs Todd Bridgewater noted that much of the work of this task force is being folded into the standards work of the National Office. He recommended that the work of the task force be suspended until such time as we identify the need
Leadership Development Advisory Committee plans for 2017
Chair Tom Medema updated the board on work to date and plans for 2017. He expressed a desire for the committee to have a broader membership base
2017 Bylaws Task Force
It was recommended that incoming President Jay Miller initiate a Bylaws Task Force in 2017.
International Workshop
Executive Director Margo Carlock presented an update on the International Conference to be offered in Mexico in March of 2017
International Federation of Interpretation
President Amy Lethbridge stated that at this point there seems to be a status quo of the project. She noted that she will work with the NAI representative to the group (Chuck Lennox) and pass the torch for this project on to incoming president Jay Miller. She did express interest in continuing to assist in this project. The question is now where and how do they go forward.
Recognition of board members stepping off this year.
Amy formally recognized and the entire board thanked John Miller, Jose Chavez, Cem Basman and Amy Lethbridge for their dedication and service to the association.
Board Meeting Schedule for 2017
After a brief round robin of calendars and dates, the board meetings for 2017 were finalized as being
Spring Meeting at the Heartland Regional Workshop in Deadwood South Dakota April 5 and 6th
Summer Meeting in Fort Collins August 8th and 9th
Fall Board Meeting on November 14th in Spokane WA at the National Conference
INFORMATION ITEMS: Available on website under Resources/NAI Admin Docs/Board Meeting Materials
· Board Officer reports
· Executive Director report
· Committee reports
· Treasurers report
· Minutes/August 2015 board meeting
· Financials (on Financial Information page )
Next Meeting. April 5th and 6th 2017 in Deadwood, SD+
Meeting adjourned at 4pm
Mission: Inspiring leadership and excellence to advance heritage interpretation as a profession.