2016 MCH Skills Institute Training Summary and Resource Links


Navigating with an Equity Lens, Diane Rowley
Summary / This session provided an overview of health equity, including racial equity, and introduced participants to tools that allowed them to examine equity within their own organizations and equity considerations for the programs they provide or fund.
Link to Tools / Click this link for direct Box access to:
-Sample of an Equity Organizational Assessment
-Case Study with R4P
-Notes on Equity Session
-Powerpoint Slides
-R4P and BET one-page visual
-Examples of equity approaches
State Assessment Tool: Building Key Partnerships to Help with Transformation Challenges, Atyya Chaudhry, Kate Honsberger, Marcus Johnson-Miller
Summary / In this session, participants explored the State Assessment Tool to examine the status of health transformation at the state and/or local levels. While the full State Assessment Tool has 5 total sections, this session focused on partnerships between Title V, Medicaid, CHIP, Marketplaces, and other key stakeholders.
Link to Tools / Click this link for direct Box access to:
-A blank State Assessment Tool – Section 5, Partners
-The web version of the full State Assessment Tool
-NPM-ACA Crosswalk handout
Expanding your Thinking about Sweet Spots for Change with the Levels of Leverage Framework, Seri Anderson, Kristen Hassmiller Lich, Stacy Collins, Larissa Calancie
Summary / The 11 Levels of Leverage Framework can be used to develop new intervention ideas with a systems perspective. Participants worked to develop the ability to weigh the potential leverage of particular strategies against other considerations such as feasibility, acceptability, and time to produce results.
Link to Tools / Click this link for direct Box access to:
-11 Levels of Leverage handout
-Notes on Complex Problems


Appreciative Inquiry: A positive Form of Change Management to Enhance Movement Forward toward Desired Outcomes, Kris Risley, Steve Orton
Summary / This session taught Appreciative Inquiry as a strategy to investigate current capacity at participants’ respective agencies/places of work, and how to imagine and innovate new conditions to increase program effectiveness. Participants practiced Appreciative Inquiry interviewing.
Link to Tools / Click this link for direct Box access to:
-Appreciative Inquiry Powerpoint Slides
-Appreciative Inquiry Interview handout
Planning and Supporting Collaborative Initiatives: Using System Support Mapping to Coordinate Action, Kristen Hassmiller Lich, Larissa Calancie, Stacy Collins, Seri Anderson, Attya Chaudhry, Sarah Cox, Sue Ewy
Summary / This session presented the System Support Mapping tool through an online Wizard, guiding participants through creating their own System Support Maps. The SSM tool provides a way of visualizing the different kinds of support you may use to work on a complicated challenge, and to increase understanding within agencies of the various roles of staff. The tool can also be used to map systems of support for individuals and has been found especially effective for family members of children and youth with special health care needs.
Link to Tools / Click this link for direct Box access to:
-System Support Mapping Handout – a guide to using the wizard
-System Support Mapping flier
-Examples of a Systems Support Map
-10 essential functions of public health handout
Soft Systems Tools for Transformational Challenges, Eve Pinsker
Summary / This session presented the soft systems methodology for applying systems thinking to the analysis of program interventions. Participants worked through the CATWOE tool to develop root definitions and apply them to proposed transformational interventions.
Link to Tools / Click this link for direct Box access to:
-Soft Systems and CATWOE tool handout


Collective Impact, Robert Albright, Cara Priestley
Summary / FSG presented an overview of collective impact (CI), teaching participants the key conditions of CI and how CI differs from traditional forms of collaboration. Participants experienced CI first hand through a role-play exercise. They also identified how to structure CI efforts to initiate action and sustain momentum. Finally, this day of learning discussed the most effective ways for organizations and individuals to be involved in CI efforts and what it takes to build a culture of learning and continuous improvement into a CI effort.
Link to Tools / Click this link for direct Box access to:
-Presentation Powerpoint slides from Wednesday
-Powerpoint slides of how to crosswalk collective impact with systems mapping
-Links to examples of collective impact in action
-Healthy Chicago 2.0 guest speaker slides (Dr. Julie Morita)


Using Data to Measure Progress in All MCH Populations, Alex Apostolico, Jennifer Farfalla, Katie Starr
Summary / This session presented frameworks and analytic tools for measuring all populations with a focus on detecting health disparities through data. The session featured a checklist formeasuring health equity and introduced balance measures.
Link to Tools / Click this link for direct Box access to:
-Health Equity Checklist handout
-Example of a Health Equity Checklist
-Concentrated Disadvantage handout
-Analytic Tools for Assessing Challenges to Health Equity handout
-Measuring Outcomes (including Balance Measures) handout
-Outline of journal articles on health equity frameworks
It’s a Matter of Time: Using Trend Graphs to Build Understanding and Choose Smart Strategies, Kristen Hassmiller Lich, Seri Anderson, Jane Branscomb, Larissa Calancie
Summary / This session taught behavior-over-time graphs to map determinants of current versus desired outcomes. Participants used trend data from performance measures to practice making behavior-over time graphs.
Link to Tools / Click this link for direct Box access to:
-Session agenda and instructions handout
Sustainability Financing: Aligning Strategic Financing Plans for Population Health, Marcia Roth, Stephen Orton, Stacy Collins
Summary / Participants heard an overview of aligning financing and planning for sustainability within Title V programs. They assessed their own programs by using either a LEAN canvas tool or a tool that helped rank progress on tasks under the eight elements of sustainability.
Link to Tools / Click this link for direct Box access to:
-Sustainability Self-Assessment Tool handout
-Overview of sustainability planning framework
-Blank copy of the Lean Canvas for Public Health
-2 case studies of sustainability financing
Saving Time, Saving Money, Saving Lives, Kee Chan, Atyya Chaudhry, Karen Trierweiler
Summary / In this session, participants learned the role of the decision-making model to strategize financially, how to identify gaps in financial statements, access the return on investment (ROI) and internal rate of return (IRR) on a project, and to conduct a Performa to adjust to changing conditions.
Link to Tools / Click this link for direct Box access to:
-Social Return on Investment case study
-Guide to ROI analysis
-AMCHP Roadmap of MCH Economic Analysis Resources
-Review of best practices in measuring the impact of social programs
-Review of approaches to economic analysis of health sector projects
-Measuring SROI handout
-Calculating and Interpreting Return on Investment instructions handout
-Cost Analysis in Program Evaluation guide


Really Making Change Happen: Active Implementation to Drive MCH Outcomes, Oscar Fleming, Laura Louison, Amanda Cornett, Jennifer Munthali
Summary / In this half-day session, participants learned to identify best practices for developing implementation supports and infrastructure to support change. Participants discussed implementation stages, the importance of implementation teams, how to create a context that supports the use of dataand learning to improve implementation supports, communication protocols to support change, and action steps to drive their implementation strategies.
Link to Tools / Click this link for direct Box access to:
-Implementation Stages handout
- Active Implementation Frameworks
-Blank Action Plan Tool document
-Blank PDSA Cycle document
-Example PDSA Cycle
-PDSA Summary handout
-Drivers Discussion handout
-Communication Protocol handout
-Drivers Locus handout