FACS Class SyllabusTeacher – Ms. Deanna Bowen

Course Description:

In this course, middle school students will experience a variety of activities that will promote self-awareness, leadership, and development of skills needed to achieve personal goals relating to family, home, career, and community. Students will also be introduced to careers in FACS! Students will have the opportunity to develop leadership skills and serve their community by participating the career technical student organization, FCCLA!

The standards (topics) that we will cover are –

  1. Students will demonstrate teamwork, leadership skills, and knowledge to become leaders in the family, workplace, and community.
  2. Students will integrate knowledge, skills, and practices focused on FACS careers.

3. Students will demonstrate food preparation and service knowledge and skills.

4. Identify consumerism and financial skills.

5. Demonstrate principles of food science, nutrition and wellness.

6. Analyze child development and the caregiver role.

7. Demonstrate textile care and design decisions.

Class rules and expectations

  1. Come in each day – get folder, write and answerDaily Starter
  2. 2 restroom passes per 9 weeks, please use restroom on way to class, passes are for emergencies, please have parent write a note if you have a medical condition or take medication that requires you to go to the restroom more frequently.
  3. Be prepared with pen and paper each day.
  4. Be respectful.
  5. Listen and follow directions.
  6. Raise your hand before talking.
  7. Maintain a quiet class.
  8. Stay in your seat.

Connections Consequences

  1. Verbal warning
  2. Alternative Learning Environment
  3. Call Parent
  4. Office Referral

FCCLA – Family, Career, Community Leaders of America Student Organization

We will –

*hold afterschool meetings/socials

*participate in District and State events

*conduct community service projects!

See Ms. Bowen to join. Dues are $15.00, this includes local, state and national dues!

Welcome to Family and Consumer Sciences!

FACS – Family and Consumer Sciences

This is an introduction class to the major areas of FACS!

  1. Human Growth and Development– We will study ages and stages of young children, caring for young children and age appropriate activities that we can do with young children to keep them engaged and safe!
  1. Money Management – Are you a good consumer of your time, money and resources? Banking basics – check writing, completing a deposit slip and check register and Budgeting!
  1. Housing and Clothing – Caring for clothes, Color wheel, elements of design, make a creative project!
  1. Foods and Nutrition – We will be studying MyPlate, major nutrients, kitchen safety and food safety. Students will also learn proper measuring techniques and will prepare 2 – 3 different recipes!

We will be cooking/preparing/eating foods during this class. If your child has food allergies or special requests (lactose intolerance or gluten – free diet, etc.) please let me know!

My child has the following food allergy or needs the following diet -

I look forward to teaching your child! Please contact me if you have questions or concerns!

Deanna Bowen

Family& Consumer Sciences Teacher


706-335-2083, ext. 19507

Email -

Website –

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