Review Sheet on Political Parties, Interest groups, and Mass Media
- Political parties and elections
- Functions
- Organizations
- Differences between the two parties in the USA
- Beliefs
- Demographics
- Third parties and their impact
- Obstacles to their success
- Contributions
- Development and reform
- Realignment
- Dealignment
- Critical election
- Effects on the political process
- Financing campaigns
- Federal Election Campaign Act
- Soft Money and McCain-Feingold Act (Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act)
- Buckley v Valeo (1976)
- Party voting behaviors
- Individual voting behaviors
- Straight ticket voting vs. ticket splitting voting
- The power of incumbents
- Electoral laws and systems
- Party caucus
- Election cycles
- Closed primary
- Open primary
- Blanket primary
- Primary Season
- National Conventions
- General Elections and the Electoral College (winner take all)
- Midterm election v Presidential Elections
- Congressional districts determined by state legislatures (equal representation for each voter)
- Changes through the years to the presidential election process
- Longer campaigns
- Increased campaign costs
- Media coverage
- Front loading (States)
- Professional consultants
- Decline in party leadership
- Increased importance of primaries v. conventions
- Process is more representative
- Party machines
- Interest groups, including political action committees (PAC’s)
- The range of interests represented
- The activities of interest groups
- Lobbying
- Litigations
- Testifying before Congress
- Court Action (amicus curiae)
- Campaign Contributions
- Endorsements
- Rallying their membership
- Propaganda
- The effects of interest groups on the political process
- Organized vs. unorganized groups.
- How some are able to effect public policy? (like the Farmers and the elderly)
- Free rider
- More effective on the DL
- The unique characteristics and roles of PACs in the political process
- Citizens United case and the development of Super PACs
- The mass media
- The functions of media on politics
- The impact of media on politics
- Public opinion (horse race journalism)
- Voter perceptions
- Campaign strategies
- Electoral outcomes
- Agenda development
- Images of officials and candidates
a. Symbiotic and conflictual relationship with candidates and elected officials
IV. Incumbents
- Advantages
- Consequences of incumbency advantage
Related chapters to read: Wilson Chapter 7, 8, and 9
Wilson (13th Edition) (Chapters 9, 10, and11)
ESLRs Addressed: Critical Thinking, Technological Proficiency, and Post Secondary Preparation (Cooperative Learning and Critical Thinking)
Standards Addressed:
American Democracy Standard 12. 6
Students evaluate issues regarding campaigns for national, state, and local elective offices.
American Democracy Standard 12. 8
Students evaluate and take and defend positions on the influence of the media on American political life.