TGHSLL Member AnnualMeeting Notes

December 2, 2017, 6:00pm

Conference Call – Austin, Dallas and Houston

Member Attendance and Proxies Recorded

Central – 18 of 18 members

South – 17 of 23 members

North – 14 of 19 members

Quorum Confirmedby Weigand

Meeting Called to Order at approximately 6:10 by Weigand

Administrative Items

  1. Introduction of TGHSLL Coordinators, Board of Directors and Officers
  2. Weigand (Central), Longoria (Central – not in attendance), Evans (North), Purnell (North), Cancelmo (South) and Samper (South) introduced as District Coordinators.
  3. Weigand, Samper, and Evan introduced as members of the TGHSLL, Inc. Board of Directors.
  4. Weigand is President and Secretary of TGHSLL, Inc. and Merritt is Treasurer.
  5. Weigand stated that Merritt is planning to retire from the Treasurer role sometime this year and asked for everyone’s help identifying a replacement.
  6. Weigand thanked Jamie Platt and Jill Atmar for their service as South District Coordinators.
  1. Introduction of New League Members
  2. Central reported that Canyon High School is a new member and will be fielding a JV team this season.
  3. South reported that Ridgepoint and Westside are new members and will be fielding JV teams this season.
  4. North reported that Bishop Lynch is a new member and will be fielding a D2 V and JV team this season.

Old Business


New Business

  1. Weigand reviewed 2017finance report and the 2018proposed budget (see docs at end). The members approved the recommended league dues of $240 per varsity team and $75 per JV team.
  1. The following proposed Rule Revision was presented by Evans.

4.2 DI and DII Championship Format: Eight-Team Playoffs

Seeding Criteria:

The eight-playoff teams shall be ranked using the following seeding criteria. All criteria are based on regular season and district playoff games, not pre-season games, tournament, or play-day events. District Coordinators shall meet in person or telephonically to determine the final seeds using the following criteria listed in order of importance as a guide. For the sake of clarity, district champions will not necessarily be seeded 1-2-3 and wildcards will not necessarily be seeded 7-8.Whenever practical, final seedings should not result in two teams from the same District playing each other in any Quarterfinal game. The determination of a majority of the District Coordinators with respect to seeds shall be final.

The proposed rule change passed.

  1. May 12 and 13, 2018was approved for the State Championships. Games will be held at St. Andrew’s School in Austin.
  1. Other New Business

There was a discussion regarding expanding the championship playoff format over two weekends in order to eliminate the need for teams to play two games on one day. Programs expressedsome concern about the additional travel and potential conflicts with SPC tournament plans. Programs were encouraged to identify alternatives and share them with their coordinators so that options can be discussed, evaluated, and voted on early enough to allow adoption for the 2019 season.

Meeting was adjourned by Weigand at approximately 6:40pm.