Global Network of Christian Ministries

4830 Wilson Rd ~ Ste. 300, PMB #53 ~ Humble, TX 77396

Phone: 281.441.4626 ~ 281.441.8629

Email: ~ Website:

Dear Friend,

Thank you for your interest in Global Network of Christian Ministries!

Enclosed in this information packet you will find:

·  Our Purpose & Mission

·  Consensus of Belief

·  Membership Application

Should you wish to become a member of the organization, please complete and return the enclosed application along with your payment for membership and licensing or ordination (if applicable). The sponsor form and three endorsement forms will also need to be completed and returned in order for us to process your application. Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing.

For more information, visit our website at We look forward to hearing from you personally with any questions or comments.

In Christ’s Service,

Rev. Scott Jones


Purpose and Mission

Global Network of Christian Ministries is a Ministerial fellowship that exists to honor the Lord Jesus Christ by assisting His servants in fulfilling their God-given calling. This is accomplished by making available those opportunities that can only be realized through working together.

Relationships The need for affirmation, encouragement and accountability among the servants of God is great. As the pace is being set for a new era of kingdom advancement, today’s leaders are faced with unique responsibilities. Genuine, spiritual kinships with others of like calling are key to dealing with the challenges of loneliness, discouragement and uncertainty. The strength of genuine relationships is honest communication and accountability. While we cannot force or enforce accountability, we can provide an avenue for those meaningful relationships to be discovered and developed.

Resources There is invaluable strength in sharing. A major key to growth is exposure to knowledge. Networking means the sharing of ideas and information. We have nothing except that which we have received. There is an alternative to re-inventing the wheel when launching into a new endeavor. God has blessed our network with many gifted and effected people in many different ministry disciplines. Our aim is to draw from these graces and make them available to the constituency. That is what networking is all about.

Representation Global Network exists to satisfy those certain specific needs of licensing and ordination that face Spirit-filled, independent ministers. It provides an opportunity for ministers to belong to something larger than themselves of their own particular ministry. While we do not set the standard for the flavor or methodology of one’s ministry, we do seek to provide an identity that we can all be proud of and that reflects our common distinctives.

Recommendation The idea of endorsement and affirmation finds its base in the Word. Global Network seeks to connect local pastors with international ministries worthy of support. We encourage pastors to lead their congregations into covenant relationship with world ministries. Our aim is to help independent churches in developing meaningful mission programs.


(Please Type or Print – You must include a check or money order with your application or pay via paypal on our website)

I. Personal Information

Applicants Name______Birthday______

(Last) (First) (Middle) (Month) (Day) (Year)

Home Address ______City ______State______Zip______

Phone (_____)______Cellular (_____)______Pager (_____)______

Fax (_____)______Email______Website______

Marital Status: q Single q Married q Divorced q Remarried q Widow q Widower

If divorced or separated, would you be willing to furnish GNCM with information concerning the circumstances?

q Yes, I would be willing. q No, I would not be willing.

Spouse’s Name ______Birthdate ____/_____/_____ Anniversary____/___ _/_____

Dependent Children ______

Are you current with your financial obligations? q Yes, I am. q No, I am not. If not, please explain:


Have you ever been convicted of a felony? If so, give a brief description of the charge and details surrounding the charge:

q  Yes ______

q  No

II. Church Information

Church Name ______Your Position______

Physical Address ______City ______State ______Zip______

Mailing Address ______City ______State ______Zip______

Phone (_____)______Private Phone (_____)______Fax (_____)______

Email______Website______Pastor’s Name______

III. Ministerial Information

Your Ministry

q Pastor q Associate Pastor q Assistant Pastor q Pastor Emeritus q Teacher q Missionary q Music Minister q Christian Educator q Youth Minister q Children’s Minister

q Lay Minister q Other______q Evangelism How long in ministry?______

Current Licensing

q Local q General q Ordination q Missionary q Worker q Lay Minister q None q Other______

Ordaining/Licensing Body ______Date of Ordination____/____/____

Other organizations or churches with whom you have held credentials::

Name ______Type of credential ______Date___/____/_____

Name ______Type of credential______Date___/____/______

Are you in full time ministry? q Yes q No If no, name of employer ______

Your Position______Are you active in your ministry? q Yes q No

Has there ever been an ethical or moral charge against you? q Yes q No

If yes, would you be willing to furnish details for the licensing committee? q Yes q No

IV. Educational Information

Graduate of High School? q Yes q No College? q Yes q No Bible School? q Yes q No

Name of College______Type of Degree______

Name of Bible School______Type of Degree______

Areas in which you have had experience:

q Pastoring q Evangelism q Missionary

q Television q Youth Ministry q Children’s Ministry

q Christian Education q Music Ministry q Home Bible Studies

q Cell Ministry q Chaplaincy q Church Administration q Prison Ministry q School Administration q Nursing Home

q Media q Radio q Editorial


V. Sponsor and References

Global Network of Christian Ministries believes strongly in the principle of spiritual accountability. Accordingly, members must have an individual to whom they look for spiritual oversight and from whom they are open to receive counsel. Your sponsor should fulfill this responsibility. Read the Sponsor Agreement Form and have the individual who best fulfills this role in your life submit the Sponsor Form on your behalf.

Sponsor’s Name ______Phone (_____)______



Name______Relationship ______


Name______Relationship ______


Name______Relationship ______


VI. For Which Membership Level Are You Applying?

q Membership q Licensing q Ordination

Please note: There is a one-time fee of $35.00 for licensing or ordination in addition to the annual dues.

Having read the Consensus of Beliefs of GNCM, I do hereby pledge, to the best of my ability, to be loyal to and uphold the integrity, principles and goals of this fellowship. “Till we all come into the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13) I also agree to pay my annual dues and to support GNCM with my prayers.

Print Name______Signature______Date______

For office use only:

Date received ______Funds Received: Allocated As: Dues $______

Licensing $______Ordination $______Check #______Date______Approved: ______

Levels of Membership Participation Available:


Anyone desiring membership only, can do so by filling out the proper forms and submitting them to the GNCM office.


·  A Christian, living a clean, godly life.

·  Being in agreement with the Consensus of Beliefs of GNCM.

·  Completing the proper forms and submitting them to GNCM for approval.

o  Application

o  Sponsor Form

o  Three (3) Reference Forms

·  Maintaining a Christian life above reproach.

·  Pay an Annual Fee for membership, due on January 1st of each year.


Any minister desiring to be licensed with GNCM must complete and submit the application to the Licensing Committee for approval.


·  A minister, living a clean, godly life.

·  Being in agreement with the Consensus of Beliefs.

·  Completing the proper forms and submitting them for approval.

o  Application

o  Sponsor Form

o  Three (3) Reference Forms

·  License/Ordination section of application.

·  Maintaining a Christian life above reproach

·  Pay an Annual Fee for membership, due on January 1st of each year, plus a one-time fee of $35.00 for licensing.

·  The request for licensing must go before the Licensing Committee for approval.


Anyone desiring to be Ordained by GNCM must have been previously ordained, asking for a transfer of that ordination, or have been a member in good standing of GNCM for two (2) years, and must complete and submit the application with appropriate fees to the Licensing Committee for approval.


·  A minister, previously ordained, or member in good standing of GNCM for at least two (2) years, living a clean, godly life.

·  Must be in agreement with the Consensus of Beliefs (see attached). Must complete forms and submit them for approval.

o  Application

o  Sponsor Form

o  Three (3) Reference Forms

o  License/Ordination section of application.

·  Maintain a Christian life above reproach

·  Pay an Annual Fee for membership, due on January 1st of each year, plus a one-time fee of $35.00 for ordination.

·  The request for ordination must go before the Licensing Committee for approval.

Instructions for Completing Membership Applications

GNCM Forms

·  Read the Consensus of Belief

·  Fill out the Application supplying the following:

q  Personal Information

q  Church Information

q  Ministerial Information

q  Educational Information

q  Name, address and phone number of Sponsor and References

q  Date and sign the application

·  Sponsor

q  Give the Sponsor Form to a member of GNCM who is willing to serve as your Sponsor.

q  Have him or her read the responsibility of a Sponsor at the bottom of the form.

q  Have him or her complete the form and send it directly to GNCM, Office of the Chairman/ 4830 Wilson Rd., Ste. 300, PMB# 53, Humble, TX 77396 or fax to 281.441.8629.

·  References

q  Give a copy of the Ministerial Endorsement Form to three people.

q  Have them complete the form and send it directly to GNCM, Office of the Chairman/ 4830 Wilson Rd., Ste. 300,

PMB# 53, Humble, TX 77396 or fax to 281.441.8629.

·  Licensing or Ordination

q  Check the membership level for which you are applying.

q  Pay an additional $35.00 one-time fee.

q  To be ordained you must have been previously ordained or have been a member in good standing of Global Christian Ministries, International Network of Ministries or Global Network of Christian Ministries for two (2) years.


·  Annual Membership Fee for the United States members.

o  Annual fee of $250.00

o  May be paid in one annual payment of $250.00 on January 1stt,

o  Or, may be paid in semi-annual payments of $62.50.

·  Annual Membership Fee for Missionaries and National Workers.

o  Annual fee of $20.00

o  May be paid in one annual payment of $20.00 – US Funds.

Annual Membership Fee for Canadian members

o  Annual fee of $60 – US Funds

o  May be paid in one annual payment of $60.00 – US Funds.

·  Licensing Fee

o  There is a one-time fee of $35.00 for License with GNCM.

o  It is to be paid along with annual or semi-annual dues at the time of request for licensing.

·  Ordination Fee

o  There is a one-time fee of $35.00 for Ordination with GNCM.

o  It is to be paid along with annual or semi-annual dues at the time of request for licensing.

GNCM Sponsor Form

Name of Applicant ______Phone (____)______

Address______City______State ____Zip______

GNCM believes strongly in the principle of spiritual accountability. Accordingly, members must have someone they relate to in spiritual oversight and from whom they are open to receive counsel. As Sponsor of the Applicant listed herein you fulfill this responsibility. Please furnish us with the following information, to the best of your ability.

Name of Sponsor______Phone (_____)______

Address______City______State ____Zip______

I have known the applicant as a q Minister q Friend q Relative q Business Person q Other


The relationship was q Casual q Close q Professional q Other ______.

To the best of my knowledge and judgment, I rate the applicant as follows:

Excellent Good Fair Questionable Poor Unknown

In Christian life and testimony q q q q q q

In conduct and moral attitude q q q q q q

In accepting responsibility q q q q q q

In meeting financial obligations q q q q q q

In family relationships q q q q q q

In dependability q q q q q q

In dedication to the ministry q q q q q q

·  How long have you known the applicant? ______

·  Have you visited in the applicant’s home? q Yes q No

·  In your opinion does the applicant exhibit a “call” to the ministry? q Yes q No

·  To the best of your knowledge has there ever been an ethical or moral accusation or charge against the above applicant? q Yes q No

·  If the answer is yes to the above question, would you be willing to discuss the matter with the GNCM licensing committee? q Yes q No

Additional Information:


A Sponsor must be of reputable Christian character, in agreement with the basic beliefs and philosophy of GNCM, presently speaking into the Applicant’s life, and maintaining a functional spiritual relationship with the Applicant.

I agree to be a sponsor and to provide spiritual oversight for the above named applicant. In the event correction is needed, I will make the initial contact and offer the necessary counsel. Should the matter be unresolved, or of a serious nature, I agree to notify GNCM for their direction and intervention. If, for any reason, I should not be able to continue as sponsor, I agree to inform GNCM leadership immediately.

Signature of Sponsor______Date______

(Please forward this form directly to Global Network of Christian Ministries via mail or fax.)

Ministerial Endorsement Form

Name of Applicant______Phone (____)______

Address ______City______State ____Zip______

GNCM, in striving to maintain a high level of integrity in its membership, asks for your assistance. Please furnish us with the following information, to the best of your ability concerning the person listed below. Information supplied by you will be placed in the applicant’s file and will be held in confidence.

Name of Person Supplying Information

______Phone (____)______

Address ______City______State ____Zip______

I have known the applicant as a q Minister q Friend q Relative q Business Person q Other