Our story, our future

Queensland Multicultural Policy and Queensland Multicultural Action Plan 2016-17 – 2018-19




  • ‘Our story, our future’ is the Queensland Government’s multicultural policy promoting an inclusive, harmonious and united community for Queensland. The policy focuses Queensland Government action on three policy priorities for culturally diverse communities and Queensland as a whole – achieving culturally responsive government; supporting inclusive, harmonious and united communities; and improving economic opportunities.
  • The policy is being implemented through a three year Queensland Multicultural Action Plan 2016-17 – 2018-19.
  • The policy and action plan are a requirement of the Multicultural Recognition Act 2016 (the Act) and represent one of three key provisions of the Act – together with establishing the Multicultural Queensland Charter and Multicultural Queensland Advisory Council.
  • Section 24 of the Act requires entities with actions in the action plan to report publicly on an annual basis. The attached report fulfils this requirement for Queensland Police Service.

Priority area 1: Culturally responsive government
Outcome / Action / Lead agency / Timeframe / Progress status
  • On track
  • Completed
  • Yet to commence
  • Ceased (include reason in notes)
/ Progress/achievements/outcomes for culturally diverse Queenslanders
Improved knowledge about customers’ diversity / Develop agency implementation plans outlining the steps needed for the government agency to collect and report on the minimum mandatory indicators for culturally diverse customers. / Multiple agencies:
QH, including HHS
QFES / 2016-17 / Under consideration/review / The QPS is progressing discussion around this action to ensure any response complies with its mandate to collect and use data for identified purposes.
Ensure relevant staff are aware of the minimum mandatory indicators for culturally diverse customers and of the importance of capturing this information. / 2016-19 / Under consideration/review / The QPS is progressing discussion around this action to ensure any response complies with its mandate to collect and use data for identified purposes.
Develop a plan to ensure that the improved data regarding culturally diverse customers is aggregated and published on a regular basis, subject to all privacy requirements being met. / 2016-19 / Under consideration/review / The QPS is progressing discussion around this action to ensure any response complies with its mandate to collect and use data for identified purposes.
A productive, culturally capable and diverse workforce / Deliver on the Public Service Commission 2022 foundationnon-English speaking background diversity targets for theQueensland Public Sector. / All departments / 2016–19 / On track / The Queensland Police Service conducts a range of targeted recruiting campaigns encouraging people to apply. The Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Recruit Preparation Program is an example of this and more information is provided below.
A productive, culturally capable and diverse workforce / Increase diversity in the QPS by providing police recruit positionsspecifically for people from non-English speaking backgrounds atthe QPS Academy through the Culturally and Linguistically DiverseProgram. / QPS / 2016–17 / On track /
  • While the minimum standard required across the various assessments is the same irrespective of an applicant’s pathway, gender or ethnic background, the QPS offers a number of different entry pathways into the Recruit Training Program.
  • One of these is the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Recruit Preparation Program (CALDRPP) which commenced in May 2016.
  • CALDRPP participants who complete the program are then evaluated and, if deemed suitable, may enter the Recruit Training Program.
  • There have been two CALDRPP intakes in the 2016-2017 reporting period.
  • A total of 37 CALDRPP recruits have graduated from these two intakes with 37 going on to enter the Recruit Training Program.
  • Of these, 17 former CALDRPP recruits have already graduated from the Recruit Training Program with 17 appointed as constables in the Queensland Police Service
  • The QPS aims to continue the CALD program with two intakes per year.

Priority area 2: Inclusive, harmonious and united communities
Outcome / Action / Lead agency / Timeframe / Progress status
  • On track
  • Completed
  • Yet to commence
  • Ceased (include reason in notes)
/ Progress/achievements/outcomes for culturally diverse Queenslanders
A respectful and inclusive narrative about diversity / Deliver an integrated public transport system that is safe andaccessible to all members of the community and actively work inpartnership with ADCQ and QPS to support this. / DTMR
QPS / 2016–18 / On Track / The Queensland Police Service continues to work in collaboration with other agencies to support public safety including travellers on our public transport systems. Key activities undertaken by the Queensland Police Service’s specialist Railway Squad in 2016-17 include:
  • Over 700 police operations aimed at addressing anti-social behaviour;
  • proactive community engagement strategies including personal and property safety awareness activities; and
  • a visible presence on the city train network with 78 police officers working from seven designated facilities spread across the network to address public safety.