Student Name: / Student ID:
1ST Grading Period
Chronological Age:
Your Child is demonstrating skills in the following ranges:
Adaptive Semantics to
Social-PragmaticsEmotional to
Communication Syntax to
Motor to
Cognitive to
Additional Comments:
2nd Grading Period
Chronological Age:
Your Child is demonstrating skills in the following ranges:
Adaptive Semantics to
PragmaticsSocial-Emotional to
CommunicationSyntax to
Motor to
Cognitive to
Additional Comments:
3rd Grading Period
Chronological Age:
Your Child is demonstrating skills in the following ranges:
Adaptive Semantics to
PragmaticsSocial-Emotional to
Communication Syntax to
Motor to
Cognitive to
Additional Comments:
N = Not Observed (skill has not been observed in classroom)
E = Emerging (skill has been observed once or twice)
D = Developing (skill has been observed three or four times)
M = Mastered (skill has been observed five or more times)
X = Not addressed (skill has not been addressed at this time)
Student Name: / Student ID:
12-18 Months / 18-24 Months / 24-30 Months
Semantics / NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Follows one step commands
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses 3 to 20 words
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Requests using the word “more”
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Identifies two or more objects/pictures from a group
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Points to wanted object
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Points to pictures in a
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Points to five body parts
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses 50 intelligible words
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Produces animal sounds or names them
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / States hi/her name on request
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Begins to use some verbs and adjectives
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Identifies by pointing to pictures of at least 15 familiar items
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Listens to a five minute story
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Follows two step related commands
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Identifies at least 10 actions in pictures
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Understands one and all
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Understands simple what and where questions
Pragmatics / NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Requests objects by pointing and/or vocalizing
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Protests by saying “no”
or shaking head
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Waves or responds to Hi and Bye
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Engages in parallel play
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Enjoys imitating adult activities
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Plays simple interactive games with other children
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Requests desired objects by stating the objects’ name
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Directs listeners attention to object/action
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Answers simple “wh” questions via gesture vocalization or word approximation
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Makes choices for desired items
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Expresses intentions verbally
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Actively participates in large group time song/rhyme motions
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Expresses “mine”
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Takes turns when prompted
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Purposefully joins another child’s play scheme/activity
Syntax /
This Section Intentionally Blank
No Items at This Level
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Combines two word phrases
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses negation “no” in short phrase
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses me and name to refer to self
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Understands I and you
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses present progressive
–ing (i.e., jumping)
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Understands negative statements (i.e. “not sleeping”)
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Produces at least a few regular plural forms (“cars”, “cups”)
Cognitive / NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Fills and dumps objects
from a container
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Removes rings from a
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Places round shape into foam board
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Finds hidden toy or reaches an object from behind a barrier
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Attends to an activity for 15-30 seconds
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Hands a toy to an adult upon request
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Names at least 5 common objects
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Identify animal sound w/ corresponding animal
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Stack up to 7 blocks
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Match familiar items to corresponding pictures
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Verbalizes dislikes instead of hitting or crying
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Plays peek a boo
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Searches for removed toy
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Matches simple shapes
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Finger play, ex Twinkle Twinkle, Wheels on Bus
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Points to pictures in a book
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Scribbles on paper
Teacher: / Date:
Teacher: / Date:
Teacher: / Date:
Student Name: / Student ID:
30-36 Months / 36-42 Months / 42-48 Months
Semantics / NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Understands in/on/under
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Knows big and little
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Answers simple what, who and where questions
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Asks simple what and where questions
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Identifies familiar objects by use
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Understands spatial concepts of behind and in front of
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Follows two step commands
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Answers simple how questions
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Asks what and who questions
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Begins to understand simple time concepts (“Today”, “Tomorrow”)
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Completes simple analogies
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Describes simple two event sequence
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Answers what do you do when you are. …sleepy, cold.
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Answers what if questions
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Requests information via how, why and when questions
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Provides explanation for how objects are used
Pragmatics / NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses attention getting words
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses language in imaginative ways
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Initiates social interaction by offering an object or delivering a message
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Describes actions being performed
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Requests permission
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Corrects others
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Shares toys by asking for or giving item
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Clarifies and requests clarification
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Relates a short story about a current or recent activity
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Expresses frustration with words rather than physical action
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Assumes the role of another person
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Engages in dialogue
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Shows empathy
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Introduces and changes topics of discussion
Syntax / NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses pronouns I, me, you and mine
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Understands he and she
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses is + adjective
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Combines 3 to 4 word sentences
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses ‘s for possession
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Understands frequently used prepositions (i.e. in, on, under)
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Combines 4 to 5 words in sentences
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses regular plurals
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses is, are and am in sentences
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses compound sentence with “and”
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Understands simple possessives (“baby’s”)
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses simple past tense
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Combines 4 to 6 words in sentences
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses present progressive is + -ing
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses he, she , I, you, me and mine
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses negative not
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Comprehends passive sentences (“The baby was fed by the father”)
Cognitive / NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / States boy or girl
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Attends to an activity for 3+ minutes
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Matches by color, shape and size
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Rote count up to 10
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Complete inset puzzle
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Attempts to draw representations of a people
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Demonstrates 1:1 correspondence
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Recognizes written name
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Identifies familiar objects by their use
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Chooses objects that are the same from an array of 3
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Chooses object that is different from an array of 3
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Accurately responds to yes / no
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Answers simple what, where, who questions after a short story
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Counts up to 3 objects
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Retells an event from a picture book
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Complete a 6-8 piece animal puzzle
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Counts groups of objects up to 5 & can state the amount
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Responds signifying cause/effect (“This happened because…”)
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Follows novel 2 step commands
Student Name: / Student ID:
48-54 Months / 54-60 Months / 60-72 Months
Semantics / NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Understands spatial concepts of between, above, below, top and bottom
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / States functions of objects
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Asks what + auxiliary do, does questions
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Completes 2 step, unrelated verbal commands with one modifier
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Describes what is similar about 2 different objects
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Understands descriptive concepts of heavy/light, loud/ soft, like/unlike and long/short
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Answers when questions
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Responds appropriately to how often and how long questions
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Follows three step commands
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Ask meaning of words
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Provides definition for 5+ commonly used words
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Tells main events of long story accurately
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Describes location or movement using away, from, toward and over
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Understands opposites
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Understands temporal concepts of yesterday/tomorrow, before/after and now/later
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Understands quantitative concepts of more/less, some/many, several/few and most/ least
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Understands half/whole
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Names position of objects first, second, third
Pragmatics / NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Talks about own feelings
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Shows pride in accomplishments
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Swaps materials with another child in play
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Plays games with rules
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Makes promises
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Offers assistance to others
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Waits his or her turn for teacher’s or adults direction
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Gives a praise
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Understands and uses humor (tells jokes, makes funny statements)
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Tells a story containing varying details
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Recalls events sequentially from a passage of story read aloud
Syntax / NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Combines 4 to 7 words in sentences
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses could and would in sentences
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses irregular plurals
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses our, they and their
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses conjunction because
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Combines 5 to 8 word sentences
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses will to express future tense
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses comparative –er
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Comprehends superlatives (biggest, longest)
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Understands and uses various regular plural forms
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Is able to join sentences together using conjunctions
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses pronouns consistently
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses superlative –est (biggest)
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Constructs sentences with irregular plural forms
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Is able to comprehend complex sentences
Cognitive / NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Draws a person w/ 6 parts
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Sequences events to describe experiences (“First, Next, Last”)
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Places 5-6 objects in order by size
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Names 4-6 basic shapes
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Identifies the first letter of own name
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Uses one-to-one correspondence to recognize words
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Counts groups of objects up to10 and states amount
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Answers basic why questions
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Names 24-26 letters
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Identifies a few letters that represent initial sound
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Continues simple AB pattern
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Builds/creates structures that demonstrate symmetry
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Follows directions using … (behind, in front of, under…)
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Retells story using pictures including items/actions
/ NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Identifies or creates rhymes
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Writes first & last name from memory
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Matches 6-8 words with corresponding pictures
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Counts 2 sets of items and tells which has more
NEDMX / NEDMX / NEDMX / Answers simple why questions