America in the Great Depression
How did the Great Depression affect the lives of individuals in America?
Does the government have a responsibility to provide for the welfare of its citizens?
How effective were FDR’s responses in solving the Great Depression?
How did the New Deal change the role of the federal government?
Monday / Wednesday / Friday11/17
President Hoover’s Response
Braintrust Activity
HW: HW #1 due Friday; start brainstorming final project / 11/19
FDR & The New Deal
New Deal Agencies
Relief, Recovery, Reform
HW: HW #1 due Fri.; brainstorm final project / 11/21
HW #1 (reading quiz)
PresentNew Deal Agencies
Social Security
HW: HW #2 due 12/3; brainstorm final project
Block Periods 1-4
No US History today / 11/25 (Tuesday)
1st half (Lab): Brainstorm Museum Project
Film: The Dust Bowl
HW: None! Extra credit: interview re: Social Security. Extra credit due 12/1 at beginning of class or can email to me before then (no exceptions) / 11/27
No School for Thanksgiving break!
Great Depression Analysis
Finalize Theme for Museum Project (Lab)
HW: HW #2 / 12/3
Reading Quiz on HW #2
Museum Project Research in Library—2nd half
HW: HW #2 / 12/5
Museum Project Research in Lab/Library
HW: Museum Project
Great Depression Analysis
Project Time (Lab)
HW: Museum Project / 12/10
Museum Project Research in Lab/Library
HW: Museum Project / 12/12
Museum Project Due!
Exhibit Gallery Walk
Wrap-Up Great Depression
HW: Study for Final
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday12/12
Block schedule: periods 1-4 / 12/13
1stfinal: 8-10
Review for Final Exam
Block schedule:periods 5-7 (each meets for 1 hour) / 12/15
2ndfinal: 8-10
3rdfinal:10:25-12:25 / 12/16
5th final: 10:25-12:25 / 12/17
6th final:8-10
7th final: 10:25-12:25
Have a wonderful winter break! See you in 2015!
Homework #1: Chapter 14DUE: Friday, Nov. 21
- Read Chapter 14, Sections 1-3 in your textbook.
- Key Terms to know:credit, Black Tuesday, Dow Jones Industrial Average, Great Depression, direct relief, Dust Bowl, Herbert Hoover, Boulder Dam (now Hoover Dam), Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Bonus Army, rugged individualism
- Be able to discuss/answer the following questions:
- How did the economic trends of the 1920s help cause the Great Depression?
- How did Dust Bowl conditions in the Great Plains affect the entire country?
- How did Hoover’s belief in rugged individualism shape his policies during the Great Depression?
More on back
HW #2: Chapter15 Due: Wednesday, Dec. 3
- Read Chapter 15
- Key Terms to know:FDR, New Deal, New Deal Agencies (FDIC, AAA, CCC, NIRA, WPA, TVA, NLRB, Social Security), deficit spending, Huey Long, Eleanor Roosevelt, First Hundred Days, Second New Deal, “court-packing” bill
- Be able to discuss/answer the following questions:
- Of the New Deal programs discussed in these sections, which do you consider the most important? Why?
- How did Franklin Roosevelt change the role of the federal (national) government in the First 100 Days? Was this good for the country? The economy? National morale?
- How did liberal and conservative critics differ in their opposition to the New Deal? Do you think their criticisms were justified?
- Why did the government need to do more to assist farmers in the Second New Deal?
- Do you think women and African Americans made progress toward equality during the 1930s?
- In what ways did the New Deal succeed? In what ways did it fail?
Interview an adult who is willing to discuss these questions at length with you. Summarize his/her responses in complete paragraphs to the following questions:
1. What role should the government play in the individual lives of Americans? Why? (Follow up questions: is the federal government too involved in our lives? Not involved enough? In what areas should the government be more or less involved?)
2. Do you have confidence in our current federal government to address the economic, social, and international challenges of today? Why or why not?
3. What do you think of the Social Security system today? What should be done to it, if anything?