PO BOX 212


TEL. (518) 548-3535

FAX (518) 548-7605




The regular monthly meeting of the Adirondack-Appalachian Regional Emergency Medical Services Council was held on Thursday, April 18, 2013, at the Holiday Inn, Johnstown, NY.

Chairman Lewis Jones, RN, presiding.


Edward Brandt Lewis Jones, RN Philip Mulleedy

Donald Coy Brian Knapp Thomas Pasquarelli

Andrew Cuccinello August Leinhart, MD Michael Swartz

Patrice Delameter Bonnie Looman, RN Gary Wickes

John Farquhar Joyce Mulleedy, RN Mark Zeek (adv.)

Patricia Green, RN


Sidney Chase Jared Gilston David Markowitz, MD

Cynthia Dunham Howard Hime Dana Weygand

John Early Stephen Hood




Anthony Agresta - Amsterdam Fire Department

Steve Anderson - Life Net of New York

Richard Beebe, RN - Paramedic Educator

Jill Dunham - Ambulance Service of Fulton County

Joseph Farrell - NYS-EMS

Howard Huth, III - SUNY Cobleskill Paramedic Program

Deborah Kufs, RN - Hudson Valley Community College Paramedic Program

Beth McGown - Cooperstown Medical Transport

Patrick Pidgeon - Chief, Oneonta Fire Department

Mary Ramo - NYS-EMS


The meeting was called to order at 1:02 PM by Chairman Lewis Jones.


A quorum was present.


The Minutes of the March 21, 2013 meeting had previously been made available electronically to all members in a timely manner, and in addition had been posted on the regional web site for review and/or downloading.

Motion was made by Mr. Pasquarelli and seconded by Mrs. Delameter, as follows:

RESOLVED, that the Minutes of the March 21, 2013 meeting are accepted as written.

This was adopted unanimously, with no abstentions.


Our guests, as named above, were introduced and welcomed.


For the period from March 21, 2013 through April 17, 2013:


·  03/21- to CMT, a supply of PCRs and continuation forms, as requested;

·  03/22 – to an agency officer, a listing of required ambulance equipment, as requested (via email);

·  03/22 – to Walton, their ALS reinstatement letter (with copy to Joe Farrell, DOH)(via email) (hard copy sent to agency on 03/25);

·  03/22 - to Dr. Leinhart, a QI issue (via email);

·  03/25 – to all AAREMS and REMAC members, about the State budget and proposed Article 30 revisions, as received from Tom Pasquarelli (via email);

·  03/25 – to an agency medical director, a QI issue;

·  03/25 – to the REMAC physicians, follow-up on a QI issue (via email);

·  03/25 – to all AAREMS members, the new DOH CME manual (via email);

·  03/25 – to Gene Myers, DOH, acknowledging receipt of the revised CME Manual (via email);

·  03/25 – to all AAREMS members, the revised CME Manual, as above (via email);

·  03/25 – to a practitioner, a copy of a training program, as requested;

·  03/26 – to Central Bridge and Schoharie County ALS, supplies of PCRs and continuation forms, as requested;

·  03/27 – to Morehouse, a supply of PCRs, as requested;

·  03/27 – to all AAREMS and REMAC members and others usually receiving them, the Minutes for the 03/21/13 AAREMS and REMAC meetings (via email)(also posted on regional web site);

·  04/01 – to an agency officer, replying about the BLS Narcan program (via email);

·  04/01 – to all usually receiving the Minutes, forwarding notice of voluntary recall of IV fluids received from Dan Clayton at DOH (via email);

·  04/01 – to a practitioner, replying about the BLS CPAP program and also about the ALS agency controlled substance issue (via email);

·  04/01– to two practitioners, provisional TEK numbers (via email);

·  04/02 – to a practitioner, a provisional TEK number (via email);

·  04/03 – to Lisa DeLong, DOH, quarterly program and Council deliverables and vouchers;

·  04/04 – to Long Lake, a supply of continuation forms, as requested;

·  04/04 – to Morris, a small supply of refusal forma, as requested;

·  04/04 – to all AAREMS and REMAC members, the latest Crossfire anti-terrorism bulletin (via email);

·  04/04. To a practitioner’s employer, a new provisional TEK number, as requested (via email);

·  04/04 – to all those usually receiving the Minutes, the new DOH policy on respiratory disease precautions;

·  04/04 – to Dan Clayton, DOH, acknowledging receipt of the new DOH policy on respiratory disease precautions via email);

·  04/04 – to all REMAC members, forwarding the email string about medical control physician credentialing, at Dr. Leinhart’s request (via email);

·  04/04- to Dr. Markowitz, replying about intranasal Narcan program supplies (via email);

·  04/05 – to all AAREMS and REMAC members, forwarding the latest anti-terrorism bulletin (via email);

·  04/05 – to REMO, a letter of reference for a TEK in this Region, as requested (via email);

·  04/05 – to Dr. Markowitz, intranasal Narcan training supplies, as requested (via email);

·  04/08 – to an agency officer, replying about a TEK (via email);

·  04/08 – to a practitioner, replying about training courses (via email);

·  04/08 – to a practitioner, replying about CPR classes (via email);

·  04/08 – to all AAREMS and REMAC members, the Crossfire/CDC bulletin on a new influenza virus (via email);

·  04/09 – to Oneonta FD Ambulance, a supply of PCRs, as requested;

·  04/11 – to two agency officers, provisional TEK numbers for new members (via email);

·  04/11 – to all AAREMS members, meeting notice for April 18, 2013 (via email);

·  04/12 – to all AAREMS and REMAC members, the latest Homeland Security bulletin (via email);

·  04/16- to an agency officer, replying about certain training programs (via email);

·  04/16 – to Milford, South Minden and Charleston, supplies of PCRs, as requested;

·  04/16 – to a county coordinator, and other appropriate officials, regarding an agency’s new level of service, with copy to Joe Farrell at DOH (via email) (phone call first having been received from DOH);

·  04/17 – to all AAREMS and REMAC members, the latest Crossfire bulletin (discussing the Boston Marathon bombings)(via email);

·  04/17 – to all AAREMS and REMAC members, the Spring edition of the newsletter of the Commission on Rural Resources (lead article about rural broadband)(via email);

·  04/17 – to AAREMS and REMAC members and all others usually receiving the Minutes, the Special Edition Crossfire bulletin (via email);

·  04/17 – to all AAREMS members, the flyer for the Instructor Update on June 01 (via email);


·  03/25 – from Dr. Leinhart, follow-up on a QI issue (via email);

·  03/25 – from Tom Pasquarelli (also received from NYSVARA), about the proposed Article 30 revisions in the State budget (via email);

·  03/25 – from Mark Zeek, the new DOH CME Manual (via email);

·  03/25 – from Gene Myers, DOH, a revised copy of the CME Manual (via email);

·  03/25 – from Steve Hood, about the above (via email);

·  03/26 – from Art Breault, Albany Medical Center, about a training course in Clifton Park (via email)(posted on regional web site);

·  04/01- from an agency officer, about the BLS Narcan program (via email);

·  04/01 – from Dan Clayton, DOH, about a voluntary recall of IV fluids (via email);

·  04/01 – from a practitioner, asking about the BLS CPAP program and the ALS agency controlled substance issue (via email);

·  04/03 – from Dan Clayton, DOH, the new DOH policy statement on respiratory disease precautions (via email);

·  04/03 – from Dr. Dailey and Dr. Leinhart, an email string about online medical control physician credentialing (via email);

·  04/04 – from Crossfire, an anti-terrorism bulletin (via email);

·  04/05 – from Homeland Security, an anti-terrorism bulletin (via email);

·  04/08 – from an agency officer, asking about a TEK (via email);

·  04/08 – from a practitioner, asking about training courses (via email);

·  04/08 – from a practitioner, asking about CPR classes (via email);

·  04/08 – from Upstate Medical University, about training opportunities (posted on regional web site)(via email);

·  04/08 – from Crossfire, a CDC bulletin on a new influenza virus(via email);

·  04/09 – from Upstate Medical University, about another training opportunity (posted on regional web site) (via email);

·  04/11 – from DOH, notice of enforcement action (see below);

·  04/12 – from Homeland Security, the latest anti-terrorism bulletin (via email);

·  04/12 – from Rockwell Falls Ambulance Service (Lake Luzerne), a course notice (via email)(posted on regional web site);

·  04/15 – from an agency officer, about certain training programs (via email);

·  04/17 – from a county EMS officer, about an agency level of service (via email);

·  04/17 – from the Commission on Rural Resources, their latest newsletter;

·  04/17 – from Crossfire, their latest bulletin (discussing the Boston Marathon bombings)(via email);

·  04/17 – from Crossfire, a special edition bulletin (via email);

A listing of the correspondence was distributed before the start of the meeting to each member present, for his or her perusal. Other handouts distributed to the members present included the cash flow and balance sheet, a list of meeting dates, copy of an article on broadband for underserved areas and the flyer for the Instructor Update on June 01.


Mr. Jones had no special report.


On March 25, we received word from Mr. Pasquarelli and also from the New York State Volunteer Ambulance and Rescue Squad Association (NYSVARA) that all of the Article 30 changes proposed in the 2013 State budget had been removed from legislative consideration.

On March 28, Mary Ramo conducted an audit of the Council’s course sponsorship at the Council office. All materials were found to be in order. Documentation of courses held was found to be complete.

We have received the sad news of the passing of the wife of Mr. Early. An expression of sympathy has been sent to him.

On April 17, we received a Special Edition anti-terrorism bulletin from Crossfire publications (part of Homeland Security in New York State) detailing a suspicious incident that occurred April 12 at a fire station in New Jersey. It involved an attempt by two individuals to photograph the inside of the building and the equipment there. They were denied the opportunity to do so. This was forwarded to all usually receiving the Minutes. There was a brief discussion on the incident.

Notices of enforcement actions have been received, as follows:

Name/ DOB/Violation Address Cert. Number Action Taken

John McMillion
DOB 06/09/75
Violation Part 800.15b and 16.a; / 735 E. 163 Street
Bronx, NY 10456 / #308262 / Certification revoked,
effective 04/01/13;

A cumulative listing of training courses announced or in progress can be found on the Council’s web site – E-mail links to all of the course sponsors are also to be found with the course listings on the web site. For further information by phone, contact the following: Otsego County – Fred Lemister (607) 547-4226; Bassett Hospital – (518) 255-5367; Delaware County – Stephen Hood (607) 746-9600; Margaretville Hospital – Patrice Delameter (845) 586-2631, ext. 3226; Schoharie County – Andy Cuccinello (518) 287-1945; Fulton-Montgomery Community College (FMCC) – Mark Hitchcock (518) 774-0425; Hamilton County – Gary Wickes (518) 548-4380.


For the period from March 21, 2013, through April 17, 2013:

General Accounts Program Account

Checking - 154.23 Payroll - 192.12

Savings - 7575.85 C.O.N. - 425.33

A printed report of the cash flow and balance sheet was distributed to all members. Mr. Jones first received detailed cash flow, balance sheets and register reports plus copies of cancelled checks, as per the review arrangements agreed on to meet audit standards. He reported all was in order. Mr. Hime and Mr. Chase will be able to review and comment on these documents at next month’s meeting.

On April 03, we sent to Lisa DeLong, DOH, the quarterly Council contract deliverables and a voucher for $9886.20, showing expenditures for the period 01/01/13 through 03/31/13. On the same date, we sent her the program agency quarterly deliverables and a voucher for $50373.90, showing expenditures for the same quarterly period.

Motion was made by Mrs. Delameter and seconded by Mr. Coy, as follows:

RESOLVED, that the Treasurer’s Report is accepted as presented.

Those voting adopted this unanimously. Mr. and Mrs. Mulleedy abstained, as staff members.


Regional Program Agency Committee

There was no activity to report.

Training Committee

Mrs. Mulleedy led the discussion. She noted that the flyer for Instructor Update session #113038 is being distributed, and is also available online(on the “Education” page of the Regional web site). All active instructors of record will be contacted, either by regular mail or electronically to advise them of the training opportunity. The Update will be held on Saturday, June 01, 2013 at the Cobleskill Fire Department, beginning at 8:00 AM. There was discussion at the Committee meeting about the 2013 Teaching Day. It will be held on Saturday, November 02, 2013 at the Holiday Inn, Johnstown, beginning at 8:00 AM. The overall subject will be cardiac management, with further details to be arranged. All will be kept informed on this. Mr. Beebe noted that REMO is sponsoring a CLI course. This proposed course is also mentioned on the regional web site. It was also noted that AAREMS is discussing a CLI course for the fall.

Transportation and Standards Committee

Mr. Mulleedy advised that there was nothing new to report. No applications have yet been received from any entity that had previously expressed interest in a certificate of need process.


Mr. Zeek advised that there was nothing new to report. It is hoped that there will be a SEMAC and SEMSCO meeting in September (if not sooner), although no dates have yet been set.


Regional Program Directors Meeting

There was nothing new to report.

Other Program Updates

There were none.

REMAC Report

Dr. Leinhart advised that a physician’s group from the collaborative REMACs has met online on April 08 for discussion, and will do so in the future as well. Their topics of discussion included drug abuse and accuracy of Broselaw Tape use for certain medication administration. He also advised that both the Westchester County and Hudson Valley Regions may soon be signatories to the collaborative protocols.