Massachusetts Harbormaster Training Council
Meeting December 8, 2016
Rockport Police Department
10 am
Members Present: C. Hunter (Chairman), R. Lesch (V Chairman), Robert Gillan, Dan Zivkovich, Charles Blair, James Concannon, Stephen Kamb, Joe Cheever’s
Guests Present: Richard F. McDermott, Kristin Uiterwyk
Meeting called to order 10:25
Approved minutes from November 10, 2016 meeting
Waiver/Exemptions Applications: no applications
The MHTC will be reissuing new certificates with the new wording:
“Is in full compliance with the initial training requirement pursuant to Chapter 422 of the Acts of 2008 to serve4 as a Massachusetts Harbormaster.”
Urban Harbors/Kristin Uiterwyk reported on the final phase of the Harbormaster training.
The contract Urban Harbors has with the MHTC is up on December 31, 2016, the contract will be extended probably to March or April.
USCG SAR training update-USCG and EP’s have the ability to conduct classes with the NASBLA course material. Bob Gillan will get a report from Rob Akins as to the status of the opportunity to use the Environmental Police training-better to go directly to the NASBLA course.
Seaport Application: Bob Gillan will get a copy of the last Seaport application from Chad Hunter and use that as a template for our next application to the Seaport Council. This new application should have a more economical spin and ask for $90,000 to $150,000 for education/training and tools to use in the field, manuals, guides etc.
Bob Gillan will get some estimates on printed material, guides etc.
Chairman Hunter suggested we regroup at our January meeting to set the next direction of the council.
Dan Zivkovich explained that the financial set up of the MHTC and EOPPS was arranged for the ability so money can be collected, if necessary, for training and go into to the EOPPS /MHTC funds with the ability to be paid out for instructors etc.
EOPPS website: Chad Hunter suggested adding a link to MHTC In Service training and any other related training sites. This EOPPS/MHTC site should be “one stop” shopping for all information concerning harbormaster certification and harbormaster training. Chad had previously done a flow chart of the process to harbormaster certification and he will publish this again on the EOPPS MHTC site and send out to council members.
MPTC LMS (Learning Management Site) Chad Hunter has and will be sending out an updated copy of the LMS, along with instructions, to each MPTC member to forward along to the respective harbormaster departments in their area.
There are 78 coastal communities-Rockport being the prettiest!
These spread sheets are to be filled out by each harbormaster department and sent back directly to MPTC’s Melixza Esenyie @
Public Comments:
Richard McDermott stated again his concern of the lack of published information on the EOPPS MHTC site-we have that website please use it!
Charles Blair informed the group that he might have a “friend of harbormasters who might pay for the publishing of handouts” similar to the State Police Marine unites chapter 90B guides.
Next meeting January 12, 2016
Meeting adjourned 11:30 am