Registration of Master’s Research Proposal
Date Last Modified: September 2017
This form is to accompany the candidate's research proposal, which must be submitted 2 months (if no coursework) or 4 months after enrolment. For part-time candidates, the proposalshould be submitted 4 months after enrolment. This form should be completed jointly by the candidate and supervisory team.
If the research is dependent on the approval of a UCEthicsCommittee, such aspects of the research which require approval shall not proceed until the approval has been acquired.
Applicants are advised to read Section L (Theses) of the General Regulations and Policies section in
the University Calendar.
Please email the completed form and research proposal to the COE Office ().
Full Name:UC Student ID Number:
Email address:
Date of enrolment (dd/mm/yy):
Degree sought: / ME / MEFE / MET / MHIT
4 letter code for thesis subject (e.g., ENCI,HITL):
Name of scholarships held:
Enrolment Status / Full-time Part-time
Proposed Thesis Title
Please send a detailed research proposal to the COE Office () with the completed proposal form. The research proposal itself should be presented in sufficient detail for the supervisor and Head of Department/School to be able to comment on its suitability. It should include a detailed literature review of the research area, a list of objectives, description of methods to be used anda realistic planned timeline and schedule for work to be completed.
Is Māori consultation appropriate? ( No
Why/ why not?The Research Proposal must be submitted to TURNITIN. Have the student and senior supervisor discussed the concept of plagiarism and confirmed that there is no significant plagiarism in the proposal?
Yes No
The regulations require least one supervisor other than the Senior Supervisor. The Senior Supervisor should be a member of the UC continuing academic staff.
If a supervisor is external to UC, include e-mail, institution affiliation and phone number.
Name / Dept/School or OrganisationSenior Supervisor
Co-Supervisor (if applicable)
Associate Supervisor(s)
EFTS Split
EFTS splitshould be agreed by all supervisors and need to be approved by the HOD/S or nominee. EFTS split apply only to UC staff.
Name and % EFTS / Department / HOD Name/SignaturePART D: RESOURCES AND COSTS
Please provide details of the resources and technician support required for the proposed research. Resources may include library materials, space, equipment, other material etc. You must also note whether the resources are in place or will require new expenditure. You must state who has been consulted about this project and the listed requirements.
Please provide details of the costs of the research and what arrangements have been made to meet these costs.
The candidate must be informed if they need to meet any of the costs of the research. Has the candidate been informed whether they must meet any such costs?
N/A Yes No
It is the responsibility of the Senior Supervisor to advise the candidate on any contracts that govern theresearch to be done, and to inform, discuss, and give advice on Intellectual Property Rights. For guidance,the supervisor and candidate should read the University’s IP Policy. It is also the responsibility of the supervisor to give adviceon the necessity or otherwise of obtaining the approval of various committees (such as Ethics Committees), organisations (such as DOC, ERMA) and iwi and/or iwi entities for the research to proceed, and to give advice on any healthand safety issues.This section of the form is intended as a prompt to the supervisor to ensure that these matters have beenproperly dealt with.
a) Have the candidate and senior supervisor discussed issues regarding copyright?
Yes No
b) Do any of the matters (c) to (h) listed below apply to the candidate’s proposed research?
If not, then skip (c) to (h) and sign at the end of the section.Yes No
c) Will the candidate require the approval of the University’s Human Ethics Committee before certain parts of the research can proceed, and has the candidatebeen advised accordingly?
Yes No
d) Will the candidate require the approval of the University’s Animal Ethics Committee before certain parts of the research can proceed, and has the candidatebeen advised accordingly?
Yes No
e) Will the candidate require the approval of the University’s Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBSC) before certain parts of the research can proceed, and hasthe candidate been advised accordingly?
Yes No
f) The candidate will require the approval of
before certain parts of the research can proceed. If applicable, hasthe candidatebeen advised accordingly?
N/A Yes No
g) The candidate’s research will be sponsored by
If applicable, has the candidateand Research & Innovation (if there is potentially important commercial IP) been fully informed about any confidentiality agreements and IP implications.
N/A Yes No
If the answer is “Yes”, please provide reference to any contract or agreementbelow and confirm that the candidate has entered into a written agreement about the IP if appropriate.
h) Will the candidate’s research involve the use of dangerous/hazardous materials/equipmentor be conducted in part in a dangerous/hazardous environment (e.g. field work in isolated terrains)?
Yes No
Has/ will the candidate be fully informed of the risks, be provided with any appropriate training and be fully informed about any necessary procedures,safety equipment, etc.?
Yes No
Senior Supervisor’s Typed Name/ ESignature: Date:
PART F: SUPERVISORY AGREEMENT – To be completed by Senior supervisory and candidate.
We agree that the following conditions govern the relationship as senior supervisor and candidate in relationto the thesis research which is the subject of this application:
i. Regular formal supervision meetings, to take stock of progress, will occur at intervals of:
(A normal expectation is that these meetings occur at intervals of between one and three months, and they should not be confused with less formal and more frequent other meetings.)
ii. The student will endeavour to meet deadlines for work in progress, and the senior supervisor willcomment on this work as soon as possible, which will then be discussed at formal supervision meetings. The senior supervisor undertakes to provide expert opinion on progress, and to indicate what needs to be done if progress is inadequate. Senior supervisor and student should maintain their own written records of these meetings.
iii. The senior supervisor and student will make themselves familiar with the regulations concerning the degree for which the candidate is enrolled, including deadlines.
iv. The senior supervisor will provide the candidate with information about relevant departmental/school handbooks, guides, websites about postgraduate studies, resources etc., and the candidate undertakes to read the information provided in such documents or on the website.
v. The senior supervisor will discuss with the candidate the roles of any assistant, associate, and co- supervisors or members of any supervisory committee. A summary of their roles must be given here:
vi. Responsibility for the correct format, copyright compliance and technical writing aspects of the thesis rests with thecandidate.
vii. The candidate will fulfil departmental/school obligations to contribute to annual departmental/school conferences or research seminars.
viii. In the event of the senior supervisor being absent on leave, or in the event of the supervisor retiring or resigning from the university, the department/school will take all reasonable steps to ensure continuity of supervision, having consulted the candidate with regard to the arrangements made.
ix. The candidate has the right to request alternative supervision if they believe the project is being inadequately supervised. Any request should be made to the HOD/HOS or nominee (for example, Postgraduate Director of Studies), or if both the HOD/HOS and nominee are supervisors, then to the Associate Dean of Engineering (postgraduate).
x. If the candidate’s work is deemed by the senior supervisor to be unsatisfactory, the senior supervisor must inform the candidate in writing. If progress continues to be unsatisfactory, the HOD/HOS or nominee in consultation with the appropriate departmental/school parties may recommend that the project be terminated.
xi. The student and senior supervisor should reach agreement about authorship of any published results of the research work. Matters to be considered include whether the supervisors are to be co-authors, and under what circumstances (such as failure of the student to publish work) the supervisors may publish any of the work, with the student as co-author.Refer to the University’s IP Policy.
xii. If the student’s research contributes in any way to intellectual property of possible commercial importance, the matter must be discussed carefully with Research & Innovation from the points of view of the student, the supervisors, and the university.
xiii. This agreement should be reviewed regularly as part of the formal progress reporting process.
Senior Supervisor Typed name/Esignature: Date:
Student Typed name/Esignature: Date:
I understand and accept the arrangements specified above.
I agree to ensure that any necessary copyright approvals are sought prior to thesis submission.
I would like to bring the following issue(s) to the attention of the HoD/S or nominee and/or the Associate Dean of Engineering (Postgraduate):
Typed name or Esignature: Date:
I support the student’s continued candidature and agree with the arrangements as specified above.
I do not support the student’s continued candidature, for the reasons specified below.
Is it feasible for the proposed research to be completed in the normal time-frame for a Masters? Yes No
Is the students written/spoken English acceptable to complete a Masters? YesNo
If no, what action will be taken?I would like to bring the following issue(s) to the attention of the HoD/S or nominee and/or Associate Dean of Engineering (Postgraduate):
Senior Supervisor Typed name/Esignature: Date:
Co-/Associate- Supervisor Typed name/Esignature: Date:
Co-/Associate- Supervisor Typed name/Esignature: Date:
HoD/S or nominee
I support the student’s continued candidature. Please complete the questions below.
I do not support the student’s continued candidature.
Are the supervision arrangements specified above (including planned sabbatical leave by supervisors) satisfactory?
Do you approve the use of laboratory space, resources and technical support detailed above?
Are the financial arrangements acceptable?
Please add comments supporting your decision below:
HoD/S or nominee Typed name/Esignature: Date:
Please now email with research proposal to
Associate Dean of Engineering (Postgraduate):
Registration of Master’s Research Proposal is: approved; not approved
Typed name/Esignature: Date:
For Office Use OnlyNotification:
Student?Coded note?
Supervisor?College Postgraduate database?
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