The Columbus Chapter of the National Audubon Society and Oxbow Meadows Environmental Learning Center are co-sponsoring an Art Show and ContestonSaturday, March 10, 2018.

This eventis open to all Muscogee County students in grades K-8. Entries will be divided into the following grade groupings for judging: K2, 3-5, and 6-8. Ribbons will be presented to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in each category.

INFORMATION, RULES, and ENTRY FORM are included in this document; these documents will also be available on Oxbow Meadows’ web site. All information on the Entry Form must be completed, including the Artist Statement where what the bird eats, where it can be found, migration habits, etc. can be written. One of the principal purposes of this event is to encourage students to learn about birds, their beauty, and their role in the natural world.

If any teacher would like for a member of the Columbus Audubon Society to present a program on birds to their class, please contact Glenda Merrill (706 593-0642) or Priscilla Marshall (706 323-6673). It would be very helpful if the type of program desired is specified. For example: review of birds that live here all year, those who migrate and why, general information about birds such as structures enabling them fly, beaks and claws adapted to find food, etc. In addition,a PowerPoint presentationof birds which are seen in the Chattahoochee Valley Area can be provided.

THEME FOR 2018ART CONTEST: Birds seen in the Chattahoochee Valley Area (residents or migrants)

DEADLINE for SUBMISSION of ART: Art must reach Oxbow Meadows Environmental Learning Center before 4 pm on Thursday, March1,2018. (Oxbow Meadows closes at 4pm.)

JUDGING: March 5-9, 2018

Art will be on displayfor public viewing at Oxbow Meadows Environmental Learning CenterstartingMonday afternoon, March 5, 2018.

If students and parents want the student’s name displayed on their art work, a permission slipmust be submitted with the work of art.

AWARDS PRESENTATION CEREMONY: Saturday,March 10,2018at 1:30pm at Oxbow Meadows Environmental Learning Center

Following the Awards Ceremony, artists may either pick up their art or leave it on display at Oxbow during the upcoming year.




SIZE: Art paper can be 8½” x 11” or 11” x14”

MOUNTING: either black or white poster boardwhich mustaccommodate the following MATTING requirements:

2” showing at the top

1½” of showing on each side

5” showing at the bottom.

(The larger bottom margin provides room for the attachment of the entry form with the Artist’s Statement.)

ENTRY FORMmust be securely mounted on front and centered under the art work.



True to life as in the work of traditional wildlife artists. Bird(s) should be easily identifiable with accurate color and markings.

a)Free-hand drawing

(no tracing, stencil, or computer drawing allowed)

b)Any Medium

(colored pencils, ink, marker, water color,tempera paints,pastels, etc.)

c)Must be in color unless the bird is black and/or white


Must be in color on 8½” x 11”paper and matted as described above for realistic art.

Columbus Audubon Society


Oxbow Meadows Environmental Learning Center

Art Contest Entry Form

Artist Statement



Grade Category (circle one): K-2 3-5 6-8 9-2

Art Category (circle one): Realistic Art Photography



Teacher’s Name______

Teacher’s Email______

School Name______

School Phone Number______