Hearing & Communication Neuroscience(HCN) Retreat May 5 - 6, 2014
HCN is an inter-disciplinary program that provides graduate and post-graduate training in audition and vocal communication; it is affiliated with three graduate programs at USC: Linguistics, Psychology, and Neuroscience. Sarah Bottjer & Neil Segil are the Co-Directors.
Departure: We take the USC boat from San Pedro at 7:30 am Mondaymorning (5/5); arrive 9:00 am at Two Harbors, Catalina Island (USC Wrigley Institute). Aim to arrivein San Pedro by ~7:00 am to allow time for parking and boarding the boat; carpooling encouraged due to limited parking.
Overnight parking is available on the street; see California Marine Institute) for directions to San Pedro. The address (for phone mapping purposes): 820 South Seaside Ave, Terminal Island, CA 90731. See attached doc “direc to SCMI” for directions you can print out.
BE SURE TO ARRIVE by 7:00; the boat will not wait. Also: no sandals or open-toed shoes can be worn on the boat. Return: The USC boat returns from Two Harbors at 3:30 pm Tuesdayafternoon (5/6); arrives San Pedro ~5:00 pm.
You will want to bring sneakers, a sweater (cool evenings), and sunscreen. Of course, it is useful to bring your own notebook for the talks. Although the boat is reasonably large and stable, if you are prone to motion sickness, then you should take Dramamine (or any similar non-drowsy medication) ONE HOUR before getting on the boat.
If you plan on snorkeling, then you may wish to bring your own fins/mask/snorkel OR you can rent them (plus a wet suit) out there for $10. Wireless is available on the island if you want to bring your laptop.
We are staying at the USC Wrigley Institute at Two Harbors on Catalina Island:
Hearing & Communication Neuroscience(HCN) Retreat May 5 - 6, 2014
HCN Retreat Schedule
(all sessions are in the Library unless noted otherwise)
9:45 Introductions (coffee/snacks starting at 9:30)
10:00 – 12:00Session 1
Lindsey Mork* (20 min + questions)
Rachel Yuan* (20 min + questions)
John Niparko,Chair, Dept. Otolaryngology(40 min + questions):
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch (Dining Hall)
1:00 – 3:30 Play time (water-front orientation 1:00 – 1:30)
3:30 – 5:30 Session 2 (coffee/snacks starting at 3:00)
Joe Crew* (20 min + questions)
Chris Ventura*(20 min + questions)
Jason Zevin,Assoc. Prof., Psych Linguistics(40min + questions)
6:00 – 7:00 Dinner (Dining Hall)
7:30 – 8:30PM Keynote address: Dan Sanes, (Library)
Center for Neural Science, New York University;
Title: "Critical periods for synaptic and perceptual development"
9:00 – 10:00 Poster session with open bar (Dining Hall)
Tuesday (Breakfast 7:30 – 8:00) [put your bags out for pick-up by 9 am]
9:00 – 11:00 Session 3 (Library)
Amy Garrison* (20 min + questions)
Amjad Askary*(20 min + questions)
Ed Rubel, Bloedel Hearing Research Center, University of Washington
(40 min + questions)
11:00 – 12:00(Library)
HCN Program; Program update and Q&A about program status and organization.
The future of the field of Hearing and Communication Neuroscience. What are the big scientific problems? How can the HCN program help to address them?
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch
1:00 – 3:00Session 4 (Library)
Mary Donhofner* (20 min + questions)
Amanda Ortmann* (20 min + questions)
Neil Segil, Stem Cell Biology & Regen. Medicine(30min + questions)
3:30 – Depart Catalina
* denotes trainee (talk + poster presentation required)