The learner will… / Indicators/Objectives
The learner will… / Key Content & Skills / Instructional Strategies & Resources / Assessment Strategies

East Asian Studies

The learner will… / Indicators/Objectives
The learner will… / Key Content & Skills / Instructional Strategies & Resources /


Acquire knowledge about the geography and peoples of China and Japan and apply it to an understanding of East Asian Civilization. /

Geography and Peoples of China

A.  Locate major regions, cities and geographic features of China

/ ·  Desert, steppe, wet tropical and subtropical climates
·  Plateau of Tibet
·  Himalayas, Kunlum, Shan, Tien Shan, Altay Shan, and Greater Khingam range mountains
·  Huang(Yellow), Chang(Yangtze), and Xi rivers
·  Yellow Sea, Sea of Japan, East China Sea, South China Sea
·  Gobi Desert
·  Manchuria
·  Shinyang, Beijing, Shanghai, Lhasa, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Macao, Hong Kong, Taipei
·  Taiwan
·  Great China Wall / ·  Students complete China map with specific instructions
·  Computer population map
·  Chapter 27 Holt Geography text
·  Video
·  Websites / ·  Graded maps
·  Map quiz
·  Students complete "article" on China trip for newspaper

B.  Explain how major geographic features influenced Chinese history

/ ·  Himalayas and mountains affected China
·  Silk Road followed mountain passes
·  East vs. West China geography affected development of dynasties
·  Manchuria Plain
·  Great Wall built to protect China from north invasions / ·  Graphic organizer showing interaction of geography and history
·  Chapter 27 in Holt Geography text
·  Videos and materials
·  websites / ·  "article" on China (see above)
·  Essay question on test
·  Graphic organizer

C.  Identify the major themes of Chinese history including nomadic incursions; expansion South and West from the Yellow River area; Mandate of Heaven and cyclical view of history; unity of the state

/ ·  See above / ·  Graphic organizer

D.  Discuss Chinese history in light of these themes

/ ·  See above
Geography and Peoples of Japan

A.  Locate major regions, cities and geographic features of Japan

/ ·  Sea of Okhotsk, Sea of Japan, East China Se, Yellow Sea, Korea Strait, inland sea
·  Japanese Current, Chesima Current
·  Japanese Alps
·  Kuril Islands
·  Mt. Fuji
·  Five islands of Japan
·  Okinawa
·  Kyoto, Nara, Kobe, Nagoya, Sapporo, Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Hiroshima, Nagasaki / ·  Students complete Japan map with specific directions
·  Computer population map
·  Chapter 27 Holt Geography text
·  Video and websites / ·  Graded map
·  Map quiz
·  Students complete "article" on Japan trip for newspaper

B.  Explain how major geographic features influenced Japanese history

/ ·  Aimu
·  Shogunate region
·  Northern vs. southern Japan / ·  Video
·  Web sites
·  World History text
·  Graphic organizer of Japan
·  Chapter 27 in Holt geography text / ·  "article" (see above)
·  graphic organizer
·  essay question on test
Understand the impact of the Chinese and Japanese languages on East Asian civilization / Chinese Language

A.  Present an overview of the development of Chinese writing

/ ·  Earliest examples of writing
·  Comparison with other early writing forms of other languages
·  Formalization/standardization of kanji characters
·  Representation of concrete and abstract ideas
·  The art of calligraphy / ·  Internet resources
·  SPICE teaching packet
·  Writing activities
·  Brush activities
·  Kanji dictionary
·  Film/video
·  Text/reference books
B.  Explain the difference between written and spoken Chinese
/ ·  Use of written Chinese as literary source
·  Geography and dialect
·  Standardization of spoken Chinese (Mandarin/Cantonese) / ·  Internet resources
·  SPICE teaching packe
·  Pronunciation guide
·  Cassette tape/CD
·  Simple reading activities
·  Basic phrases
·  Text/reference books
Japanese Language

A.  Explain the difference between written and spoken Japanese

/ ·  Theories on the history of the spoken language (lit review)
·  Introduction of Chinese kanji through literary works - Classical period, introduction of Buddhism, etc.
·  Incorporation of Kanji into Japanese language system
·  Multiple "readings" within the Japanese language / ·  Internet resources
·  Sample writings
·  Cassette tape/CD
·  Simple reading activities
·  Basic phrases
·  Pronunciation guide
·  Text/reference books

B.  Describe the basic elements of Japanese writing including kanji, hiragana and katakana

/ ·  Linguistic need for hiragana
·  Katakana to i.e. foreign influence
·  Development of hiragana & katakana from kanji characters
·  Rapid growth of katakana words / ·  Internet resources
·  Sample readings & writings
·  Katakana word samples
·  Hiragana & katakana charts
·  Japanese kanji dictionary
·  Text & Reference books
Use a working knowledge and understanding of significant individuals, groups, ideas, events, eras, and developments in the history of China and Japan, utilizing essential analytical and research skills. / Early Dynastic History

A.  Outline the history and achievements of the Shang through Song dynasties including major rulers, religious/philosophical ideas, government organization and the development of the bureaucracy, social structure and the exam system, economic development and standardization of production, art and culture

B.  Identify the fundamental ideas and characteristics of Confucianism including the five relationships, filial piety, loyalty, “Li” or ritual and “Ren” or humaneness/benevolence.

C.  Examine the significance of Confucian thought and socio-political organization in Chinese history

/ Shang
·  Ancestor worship
·  Chinese "characters"
·  Oracle bones
·  Ritual
·  Book of Songs
·  Confucianism
·  Daoism
·  Legalism
·  Buddhism
·  Great Wall
·  Silk Road
·  Terracotta Warriors
·  "Golden Age"
·  Art
·  Buddhism
·  Calligraphy
·  Expansion of Silk Road
·  Poetry
·  "Golden Age"
·  commercial growth
·  compass
·  gunpowder
·  Kublai Khan
·  Marco Polo
·  Mongols
·  Paper money
·  Printing
·  Tea drinking
·  Urbanization
·  Catholicism
·  Commercial development
·  Imperialism
·  Interregional trade
·  Portuguese
·  Spanish
·  Tribute system
·  Zheng He / ·  Collaborative learning in small groups to research dynasty and create Power Point over dynasty
·  Jigsaw the dynasties with key topics / ·  Present Power Point and teach to the class
Examine examples in art and literature that reflect the predominate values of Chinese and Japanese cultures over time and examine and evaluate the examples in relation to these values. /

The Analects

A.  Describe the insights into the human condition and self-identity in this work

B.  Discuss the meaning of this work in relation to its contemporaneous audience and to its readers today

/ Key Words
·  Analects
·  Confucius
·  Morality
·  Philosophy
Key Topics
·  Confucius the teacher and person
·  Filial piety
·  Government
·  Humanity "jen"
·  Influence on Mencius & Xunzi
·  Reciprocity
·  Rectification of names
·  Righteousness
·  Ritual procedure / ·  Read packet individually
·  Think Pair Share with the questions
·  Discussion over morality of Confucius (Character Education)
·  A&E video Biography of Confucius
Know the major principles of selected Eastern religions and apply to an understanding of the cultures of China and Japan over time. /

Daoism: Historical context and themes

A.  Identify the fundamental ideas and characteristics of Daoism such as the Dao and the Wuwei

B.  Examine the significance of Daoist thought and socio-political organization in Chinese history

/ ·  Lao Zi
·  Zhuang Zi
·  Follow the Way
·  Yin and Yang
·  Wu Wei - non-action
·  Three Jewels - compassion, moderation, humility / ·  PowerPoint

Chuang Tsu: Basic Writings

A.  Describe the insights into the human condition and self-identity in this work

B.  Discuss the meaning of this work in relation to its contemporaneous audience and to its readers today

C.  Compare the Daoist worldview with the Confucian

/ ·  Daoism (see above)
·  Daoist view of Confucian practice of ritual as contrived and arrogant
·  Daoist belief in each individual cultivating own "te" or virtue
·  Distinctions human beings made are based on confusion or ignorance. Therefore, humans should shift viewpoints and look at things from other perspectives / ·  Readings
·  Discussion
·  Venn diagram of Confucianism vs. Daoism / ·  Essay

Buddhism: Historical context and themes

A.  Identify the fundamental ideas and characteristics of Buddhism

B.  Examine the significance of Buddhist thought and monastic organization in Chinese society

/ ·  Prince Siddhartha
·  Gautama (Buddha)
·  Four Noble Truths
·  Eightfold Path
·  Growth of Buddhism in China
·  Chinese hierarchy
·  How Buddhism adapts to Chinese society
·  Monks and their relationship to nobles and peasants / ·  http://ccbs.ntu.edu.tw/DBLM/index.htm
·  http://www.accesstoinsight.org/
·  presentations
·  guest speakers
·  simulations / ·  research papers
·  essays
·  tests
·  quiz
·  PowerPoint presentations

Popular religion in China: Daoism, Pure Land, Chan

A.  Examine the difference between popular and formal religions

B.  Identify some tenets of popular religion such as Yin/Yang, the Five Elements, the Kitchen God and burial offerings

C.  Discuss the synthesis of Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism during the Tang and Song dynasties and its effect on society, literature, art and philosophy

/ ·  Role of popular and formal religion in government and across various socioeconomic classes
·  Importance of the tenets as to why they became popular and in what way did they influence everyday lives / Formal & Informal
·  www.uga.edu/religion/rk/basehtml/guides/CHINRELS.html
Chinese Religion
·  www.cpa.ed.ac.uk/edit1/08/articles/03.html
·  www.chinaonyourmind.com/chinatravel/chinainfo/religion.html
Folk Religion
·  www.fccj.org/library/chi-reli/chi-elem.htm
Rock gardens / ·  PowerPoint presentations
·  Videography essays and timelines
·  Interview
·  Formalized testing
·  Role-play
Later Chinese Literature

A.  Discuss the difference between the Ming dynasty and Qing dynasties including social structure and government administration, and trade and economic policies including the Ming treasure ships.

B.  Discuss the importance of intellectual, literary and artistic achievements of the Qing dynasty / ·  Ming voyages
·  Strong, centralized civil service
·  Interregional trade
·  National market
·  Tribute system
·  Manchus
·  Portuguese/Macao
·  Matteo Ricci
·  Catholic missionaries / ·  Venn diagram to compare Ming and Qing
·  Mapping activities
·  Readings
·  Video
·  Internet resources

The Dream of the Red Chamber

A.  Define and use correctly the vocabulary of literary analysis including character, plot, setting, and point of view, and apply such to this work

B.  Describe the insights into the human condition and self-identity in this work

C.  Discuss the meaning of this work in relation to its contemporaneous audience and its readers today

/ ·  Book as a critique of Confucianism
·  Attitudes towards marriage and married women
·  Differences between men and women
·  Reflections of Buddhist/Taoist morals / ·  Readings
·  Discussions
·  Literature questions & responses / ·  Essays
Early History of Japan

A.  Describe the artifacts from Jomon, Yayoi, Tumulus period sites

/ ·  Myths
·  Ancient Japan timeline
·  Characteristics of each period to identify artifacts / ·  Myths reading
·  Lecture
·  Chronology of Japanese history
·  Pictures of artifacts from Internet
·  Reading pp. 1-21 in Japanese Culture / ·  Questions/response
·  Quiz
·  Samples from different periods for students to identify

B.  Discuss the importance of the introduction of wet rice agriculture and the resulting social changes

/ ·  Basic food source
·  Measure of wealth
·  Group effort, cooperation / ·  Discussion
·  simulation / ·  Reflection
·  Learning log

C.  Describe developments during the Yamato state that are the foundation of Japanese heritage such as the Imperial clan

/ ·  17 Article Constitution
·  Prince Shotoku
·  Taika Reform
·  Imperial clan
·  Yamato Art
·  Asukadera Temple / ·  Readings in Japanese Culture - p.24, 25; ppp. 84-9
·  Lecture from redings and Internet information
·  Discussion
·  Field trip to museum for artifacts from these time periods / ·  Essay
·  Short answer test


A.  Identify the fundamental ideas and characteristics of Shinto including the Sun Goddess, Storm God, creation myths, divinity of the Emperor

B.  Describe how Shinto ideas are manifested in shrine architecture

/ ·  Identify the fundamental ideas of Shintoism
·  Evaluate the impact of Shintoism on the history of Japan
·  Compare/contrast Shintoism with Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism
·  Evaluate the impact of Shintoism on historic Japanese culture and architecture
·  Evaluate the state of Shintoism on current Japanese culture / ·  Videos
·  Websites
·  readings / ·  Observation of completion of graphic organizers
·  tests

Introduction of continental culture to Japan

A.  Describe the effect of the introduction of continental culture to Japan in terms of religion, economics and statecraft, touching on Buddhism, Prince Shotoku, and the Taika Reforms

/ ·  Shinto history
·  Prince Shotoku's envoys to China
·  Intro of Buddhism & Confucianism to Japan
·  Chang'an city design in Nara
·  Extension of Silk Road trade
·  Taika reforms goals and outcome / ·  Internet resources
·  Text/Reference resources
·  Selected readings

B.  Describe the relationship between Buddhism and Shinto during the Nara period

/ ·  Basic precepts of Buddhism, e.g., what Japan adopted and adapted - Japanese based sects of Buddhism (Heian)
·  Elements of balance and imbalance between Buddhism and Shinto during Nara period / ·  Internet resources
·  Text/reference resources

Heian aristocratic culture

A.  Explain the significance of the Fujiwara regents

B.  Identify the fundamental ideas and characteristics of Shingon and Tendai Buddhism

C.  Discuss the religious and social values of Heian culture as reflected in its literary and visual arts

Tale of Genji

A.  Identify major Heian period aesthetics including elegance and pathos

B.  Define and use correctly the vocabulary of literary analysis including character, plot, setting, and point of view, and apply such to this work

C.  Describe the insights into the human condition and self-identity contained in this work