FinalLandscape design 2014

Here is what I want to see in your final garden design! 100 points. This plan can be hand drawn or done using one of the million landscape design programs. If the design is done on computer the layers must be printed out on 81/2X11 or larger paper. Review Chapter 7 ( link on web page)

These are the things I want to see: 1/3 of the points(33 points) are the base drawing tasks 1-3 Task 1 is due by Tuesday April 8, the rest is due at the latest by finals time. You can come to me and discuss any parts of this as you are working on it. You can turn your final project in early. If you have your own house you can use that for your landscape project. We will be doing a base plan in lab using a staff members’ new home walking distance from campus for the students who are in a dorm.

These are the things I want to see:

1. Scale drawing of the site (property) with the "scale" indicated.

2. Site assessment

Compass directions

wind direction

sun and shade areas


river or lake shore

any trees that you want to preserve in the final landscape

any unique peculiarities

3. Use areas and views; public, entry, utility, dog kennel, private, kid zone, etc

1-3 can be on the same “site assessment” sheet

4. Your plan, plants and other landscape alterations drawn on a separate sheet using the same base dimension. Draw in the evergreens and deciduous plants as it is done in your book, vegetable and perennial beds as previously discussed. (Fig 11-4, pg. 228)

5. Plant names must be indicated either with a list and numbers on the plan or written in place. You must have SCIENTIFIC, COMMON and ‘Cultivar’ name if you have selected one. Plants must be those that could grow here ZONE 4. Or if you have a home in another zone you must state that and select appropriate plants.

6. Give me a list of how much the plants are going to cost. Prices are in catalogs or on the web. Or you can go to a local nursery and price them out.You don't have to count labor, just a total plant cost. Example: Daylily (Hemerocallis) planting on slope, bed 5 , 34 plants ‘Stella ‘d Oro’ @ $5.00 total $170.00. Prices can be on a separate sheet of paper not listed on the plan.

7. If your plan involves planting different sections in different years, show which cultivars or beds get planted when.

(Be neat and legible, if you hand-write on your printout, I should be able to read the names and other things you write on your plan.) Velum (semi transparent) is available in the bookstore.