Institutions of the National Government 35-45%

Students must become familiar with the organization and powers, both formal and informal, of the major political institutions in the United States- Congress, presidency, bureaucracy, and the federal courts. Students should understand that these are separate institutions sharing powers and the implications of that arrangement. The functions these institutions perform and do not perform, as well as the powers that they do and do not possess, are important. It is necessary for students to understand that power balances and relationships between these institutions may evolve gradually or change dramatically as a result of a crisis. Students are also expected to understand ties between the various branches of national government and political parties, interest groups, the media, and state governments. For example, a study of the conflicting interests and powers of the president and Congress may help explain recent and repeated struggles to adopt a national budget.

  1. Congress
  2. Reasons for a Bicameral legislature
  3. Differences between the House and the Senate
  4. Size, Term, Qualifications
  5. Election
  6. Special Powers
  7. House of Representatives
  8. Reapportionment
  9. Redistricting
  10. Gerrymandering
  11. Baker vs. Carr
  12. How Congress is Organized
  13. Majority Party
  14. House of Reps.
  15. Speaker of the House
  16. Other House leaders
  17. Senate
  18. Leaders in the Senate
  19. The Committee System
  20. Importance
  21. Standing
  22. Other Types
  23. House Committees
  24. How a Bill becomes a law
  25. Read the handout I gave you in class
  26. Congress and the Executive Branch
  27. Oversight
  28. Refers to the congressional review of the activities of an executive agency, department, or office
  29. Senate’s special oversight
  30. Setting guidelines for new agencies(Power of the Pen), holding hearings and conducting investigations, using budget control (Power of the Purse), Reorganizing agencies
  31. Foreign Policy
  32. Constitutional Division of Power
  33. War Powers resolution
  34. Executive Branch
  35. Formal Powers of the President
  36. Appointment
  37. State of the union
  38. Veto
  39. Less than Ten percent of Vetoes have been overridden
  40. Line Item Veto
  41. Pocket Veto
  42. Commander in Chief (Deploy Troops)
  43. Negotiates Treaties
  44. Pardon
  45. Informal Powers
  46. Executive Order
  47. Executive Agreement
  48. Executive Privilege
  49. Bully Pulpit
  50. Threat of a Veto
  51. Working with Congress
  52. Strategies for Influencing Congress
  53. Patronage
  54. Media
  55. Approval Ratings
  56. President and the Media
  57. Approval Levels
  58. Honeymoon Period
  59. Foreign Policy Success
  60. Foreign Crisis
  61. Strong Economic Growth
  62. Bureaucracy
  63. Groups
  64. White House Staff
  65. Cabinet
  66. Independent Regulatory Agencies
  67. Government Corporations
  68. Independent Executive Agencies
  69. Implementation
  70. Congress usually provides federal agencies with general mandates. As a result, the agencies often have administrative discretion to set specific guidelines.
  71. Checks and Balances
  72. President
  73. Appointments
  74. Executive Orders
  75. Economic Powers
  76. Congress
  77. Budget
  78. Setting New Guidelines
  79. Hold Hearings
  80. Abolishing an Organization
  1. Judicial Branch
  2. Federal Court System
  3. Constitution
  4. Federal Judiciary Act of 1789
  5. Jurisdiction
  6. Original
  7. Appellate
  8. Supreme Court
  9. How the Supreme Court works
  10. Selecting Cases
  11. Original Jurisdiction
  12. Writ of Cert
  13. Rule of 4
  14. Solicitor General
  15. Writing Opinions
  16. Majority
  17. Concurring
  18. Dissenting
  19. Factors that Influence the Supreme Court’s decisions
  20. Stare Decisis- “Let the Decision Stand”
  21. Exceptions
  22. Judicial Philosophy
  23. Judicial Restraint
  24. Judicial Activism
  25. Public Opinion
  26. List 2 ways the Supreme Court is insulated from public opinion
  27. List 2 ways the Supreme Court is held accountable or aware of public opinion