EDUCAUSE Live! Participant Chat: Links and Abbreviated Transcript

From Insight to Action: Translating Student Voice into Education Transformation

September 12, 2012: 1:00 p.m. ET (UTC-4; 12:00 p.m. CT,11:00 a.m. MT, 10:00 a.m. PT)

Session Links:

  • Business Innovation Factory:

AbbreviatedSession Chat:

Shannon Smith, EDUCAUSE: (13:12) How do you define student voice?

Terrie - BCcampus: (13:13) What students want and need to succeed

J. Gerenstein, NIU: (13:13) students are invited to participate on university committees

Kristen Vogt: (13:13) authentic inclusion in institutional decision making

Christian LaMotte Philadelphia University: (13:14) create student chairs on academic committees

James Ballard: (13:14) institutions/systems adapting to the learner and not the other way around

Javier Garza: (13:14) intentional design of formative assessment to solicit student feedback and using it to influence design of student experience

Andy Calkins: (13:15) students own responsibility for their learning and have the opportunity to actively shape it

: (13:15) Student focus groups.Qualitative analysis of survey responses.Interviews.

Shannon Smith, EDUCAUSE: (13:25) What are the key issues hindering student voice application and integration in your organization?

Chris Flanangan, Business Innovation Factory: (13:26) What are the key issues hindering student voice application and integration in your organization?

Christian LaMotte Philadelphia University: (13:27) The students themselves not wanting to take ownership of there education, wait for something to happen instead of making it happen

David J Wright (Univ Dayton): (13:27) Recently a new challenge for us has been the growth in the numbers of international students (esp from China).So the student voice really is becoming "student voices".Much more complex dynamics.

Terrie - BCcampus: (13:28) Student services and needs are changing due to technology

McGill: (13:29) One significant challenge is how do you hear from the students who are reluctant to speak?

Dan Gjelten: (13:31) Do you think there is a disconnect between what the college/university thinks the goal of education is and what the students think?The comment that it is a "pathway" - to better jobs and higher income might strike the believers in liberal arts education as part, but not all of the purpose of higher education.

Judith Tabron, Hofstra Univ.: (13:40) Hopefully the data underlying these stories is also available at the website?

Eli Stefanski, Business Innovation Factory: (13:40) What changes or innovations are you inspired to discuss with your organization after today's webinar?

Daniel Christian: (13:41) I'm hopeful that we can do a better job of helping students identify and pursue their passions. I'm hopeful there will be more choice, more control for students in the future.

Daniel Christian: (13:42) My comments addresses K-20, not just HE.

Jennifer Rian: (13:43) I'm interested in discussing options with my colleagues re: how the academic library may play a role in developing various competencies in tandem with the existing curriculum.

Terrie - BCcampus: (13:46) and more choice for students in how they access supports, such as, registration,course listings,

Teachers College: (13:46) how do we reconcile these insights into student needs for good counseling with the automated advising that we saw in the Analytics webinars? Do we have confidence that computer-assisted-advising can adequately supportour students?

Tarun Malik: (13:46)We use the library to deliver information literacy and then build on that model.

dtdiggs: (13:48) My alma mater! (Utah State) :)

Jennifer Rian: (13:50) Love the idea of moving towards a holistic vs. silo-ed approach to student services.

Judith Tabron, Hofstra Univ.: (13:51) There's an interesting tension here between the dual Generation Me drivers of too much info, wanting guidance, but also wanting to drive change and redesign themselves.

Tarun Malik: (13:54) Could you provide some examples of changes which were implemented as a result of this project?