Maintenance Committee Report;
Thanks for having an interest in the Association and Reporting Needs for Improvement;
Projects this Month Completed;
Snow Plowing and training new folks that will be doing our plowing this year.
Two different grants were applied for to offset costs on taking care of cut, fallen trees and thinning on conservation easement. (Major Fire Hazard) Should hear back in the spring.
Agreementfor shed to be moved to land owner property has been signed. Will move as weather allows.
Pending Work to be Installed;
Road Repairs of Helena Sand and Gravels work (that was not Warranted) will be put on future lists for next year.
Abate trees on conservation easement/thinning to prevent fire hazard(Next Spring)
Move Shed from conservation easementto Home Owners property as weather permits or next Spring.
Mowing entrance again (Next Spring)
Dis-Continue Lighting Contract ($500 per month?) Replace with Solar Lighting Next Year, we will be testing new solar/lithium Ion battery lighting through out the winter.
Trees approaching in Road ways (Trimming/cutting)(Home Owners Responsibility) Please Trim and now is the time.
Proposed 2 Additional Large Parcel Mail Boxes to be installed on outside of existing ones, awaiting USPS Locks first. With the increase in parcel delivery and size, we are trying to save our home owners to have to drive to town to get their parcels at the Post office.
Will be replacing existing roofs on mail stations as weather permits with Metal roofing matching colors with entry.
If you see any other issues that should be addressed under Maintenance for the subdivision please email Mike Clouse (Chr) or Rory McLeod (Mem) and or attend one of our Open Home owner’s association committee meetings and let us know. Next Meeting see schedule on website. 21 MAR 18, Tri-Lakes fire station. 1PM
Snow Removal will be based on safety issues and main routes/cul-de-sacs, Ice prevention.
Again, Thanks to you all for your interest in the Sub Division.
Mike Clouse, Chair Maintenance Committee
Maintenance Committee Report;
November 2017
Thanks for having an interest in the Association and Reporting Needs for Improvement;
Projects this Month Completed;
Snow Plowing and training new folks that will be doing our plowing this year.
Two different grants were applied for to offset costs on taking care of cut, fallen trees and thinning on conservation easement. (Major Fire Hazard)
The paving patch at the top of the hill in front of Rods house was finally completed. So that’s the last of the repairs on Helena Sand and Gravels Non-Warranted work for this year.
Agreement for shed to be moved to land owner property has been signed.
Installed Rain Gutter on Postal Stations on both sides for Safety, so as not to create Ice in front of Boxes.
Garbage that was put in Salt containers at the Association mail stations removed; Please do not put anything in the salt pales at the mail stations, it just creates more unnecessary work that we are all paying for!!!
Pending Work to be Installed;
Road Repairs of Helena Sand and Gravels work (that was not Warranted) will be put on future lists for next year.
Abate trees on conservation easement/thinning to prevent fire hazard (Next Spring)
Move Shed from conservation easement to Home Owners property as weather permits or next Spring.
Mowing entrance again (Next Spring)
Dis-Continue Lighting Contract ($500 per month?) Replace with Solar Lighting Next Year, we will be testing new solar/lithium Ion battery lighting through out the winter.
Trees approaching in Road ways (Trimming/cutting) (Home Owners Responsibility) Please Trim and now is the time.
Proposed 2 Additional Large Parcel Mail Boxes to be installed on outside of existing ones, awaiting USPS Locks first. With the increase in parcel delivery and size, we are trying to save our home owners to have to drive to town to get their parcels at the Post office.
Will be replacing existing roofs on mail stations as weather permits with Metal roofing matching colors with entry.
If you see any other issues that should be addressed under Maintenance for the subdivision please email Mike Clouse (Chr) or Rory McLeod (Mem) and or attend one of our Open Home owner’s association committee meetings and let us know. Next Meeting see schedule on website. 27 DEC 17, Tri-Lakes fire station. 1PM
Again, Thanks to you all for your interest in the Sub Division.
Mike Clouse, Chair Maintenance Committee
Maintenance Committee Report;
September 2017
Thanks for having an interest in the Association;
Projects this Month Completed;
Entrance mowing/weed eating
Warrantee Request from Helena Sand and Gravel to repair past work installed by them. They did not warrantee any of the work they did prior to FEB 2017 Conducted by prior Board! So, the road repairs will be delayed until next year. Other than the Crack Seal and the patch in front of Rod Kessels House.
Pending Work to be Installed;
Road Repairs of Helena Sand and Gravels work (that was not Warranted) will be put on future lists other than what’s mentioned above.
Mowing barrow pits/Roads/Cul-de-sacs
Abate trees on conservation easement (Next Spring) (Possible Grant)
Move Shed from conservation easement after Agreement signed by Home Owner
Mowing entrance again (Next Spring)
Dis Continue Lighting Contract ($450 per month?) Replace with Solar Next Year
Trees approaching in Road ways (Trimming/cutting) Home Owners
If you see any other issues that should be addressed under Maintenance for the subdivision please email Mike Clouse (Chr) or Rory McLeod (Mem) and or attend one of our Open Home owner’s association committee meetings and let us know. Next Meeting see schedule on website.
Again, Thanks to you all for your interest in the Sub Division.
Mike Clouse, Chair Maintenance Committee
Maintenance Committee Report; August 2017
Thanks for having an interest in the Association;
Projects this Month Completed;
Entrance mowing/weed eating
Street Sign Repair
Sprinkler Repair Entrance
Bids for Sealing Cracks in the All Paved/Chip Seal Roads, Paving repair at top of Water Dance
Warrantee Request to Helena Sand and Gravel to repair past work installed by them. Declined.
Pending Work;
Road Repair before freeze up or 1 OCT 17
Mowing barrow pits/Roads/Cul-de-sacs (after some moisture hits) Fire Safe
Abate trees on conservation easement (after some moisture hits) Fire Safe (Could be Spring)
Move Shed from conservation easement after Agreement signed by Home Owner
Mowing entrance again and blowout sprinkler system
Review Lighting Contract ($450 per month?)
Street Light repairs
Trees approaching in Road ways (Trimming/cutting)
If you see any other issues that should be addressed under Maintenance for the subdivision please email Mike Clouse (Chr) or Rory McLeod (Mem) and or attend one of our Open Home owner’s association meetings and let us know. Next Meeting OCT 17 see schedule on website.
Again, Thanks to you all for your interest in the Sub Division.
Mike Clouse, Chair Maintenance Committee
Maintenance Report July 2017
Thank you for having an interest in our association.
Weed spraying service on the trail was performed. The contractor also finished spraying the road ways.
After reviewing the sprinkler system. Investigation of property lines found that the Lake side has the required landscape easement. The mountain side has an easement of about 150’ or just past the mailboxes on both sides of road. Other areas not on the easement were shutoff and no grass cutting in those areas in the future. The fence across from the mailbox will has been removed due to the same reason.
The roadways were cut with available tools. It was determined that next time we need a different cutting device that doesn’t leave grass laid over. A brush hog was used on the mountain side trails. The lake side trail was cut and cleared.
Other items included fixing street light that was knocked off in wind. Street sign repairs.
Roads were still being investigated for repairs.
Rory McLeod and Mike Clouse
Maintenance Report June 2017
Thank you for having an interest in our association.
The mowing service used last year did not provide insurance proof and did not provide service as requested. The committee decided to cancel this service. Get er done service was hired to cut the entrance for memorial weekend. During the next board meeting the decision was confirmed that Get er done service would continue to provide the lawn service on an hourly rate.
The committee contacted a weed spraying service that was used in the past. Steve Pirtle was hired to spray the weeds along roads and on the trails. He will be spraying on weekend starting in June.
The sprinkler system was commissioned after repairing the broken pipe from winter freeze. After reviewing the sprinkler system. It appears that the sprinkler lines may have been installed on private property. Investigation of property lines and possible solutions to follow. Lake side appears to have a landscape easement.
The high wind event caused two aspen trees to be knocked down. They were removed.
Road maintenance involved getting bids for sealing asphalt, repairing cracks in roads, and fixing bad spots. After board meeting, the sealing asphalt cost was reviewed and determined it was too costly to proceed this year. The bad spots will be done later this fall.
Weeds in the entrance areas are not forgotten. Trying to find someone to pull them. Looks like a someone has pulled the lakeside. Thank you.
Other tasks to be looked at this year include tree removal, road gravel, road edge cleaning, and snow plowing.
Rory McLeod and Mike Clouse