Journey to a Stamp: Genetic Analysis

Read all directions before starting. First of all, Mr. Bernardo will NOT be helping you with this journey. This is your personal quest. When you complete all requirements of the journey, you will have succeeded and deserve the ultimate reward: a STAMP! Not only that, but you earn the grand prize, knowledge to help you on your Genetics Test. If you fail to complete your journey, you will be forever doomed to the disappointment of not receiving your reward…But be careful! The journey is treacherous and littered with mental obstacles that you must overcome. Most importantly, if you ask Mr. Bernardo a question that can be answered by reading the directions, he will ban you from the kingdom of Science and place you in his dungeon (the one where he places bad Freshmen). Start when you are READY!

1.  Turn to the next notebook page. Two pages will be used for this assignment.

2.  Using a pencil, divide each page into 4 equal square boxes. (The lines need not be perfect; you don’t have time to spare!)

3.  Number the boxes 1-8.

4.  Go to and title Box 5: “Beyond Dominant and Recessive”. Some traits are more complicated than a simple pattern of dominant and recessive alleles. For the following types of inheritance write down the word, the definition, and draw a colored picture that shows an example of the term (reference textbook pgs. 272-273):

a.  Incomplete Dominance

b.  Codominance

5.  Skip to and Title Box 1: “Gregor Mendel’s Peas”. Draw and label the figure to the right into this box. Label P1 as “Parental Generation,” label F1 as “First Filial” (means offspring) and label F2 as “Second Filial” Using two different colors; color all the inflated peas one color and the constricted peas another color.

6.  Go to Box 2. And title it “Analysis of the Picture” For the following questions answer them using the picture that you have drawn. Make sure to answer each question in complete sentences, restating the question in your answer.

a.  What two phenotypes are being shown in this cross?

b.  Which phenotype is the dominant trait? Which is the recessive trait?

c.  Using “I” for the dominant trait and “i” for the recessive trait, write down the genotype for both peas of P1. (Assume that both parents are homozygous)

d.  What would be the genotype for all F1 offspring?

e.  Show the cross between two F1 offspring.

7.  Go to Box 4. Title it “Incomplete Dominance Problem”. When breeding homozygous red cows (RR) with homozygous (WW) cows, the offspring are roan (a pinkish coat color) Show the cross between a roan cow and a roan bull.

Based on the cross what percent of the offspring will be:

a.  Red?

b.  White?

c.  Roan?

8.  Go to Box 6 and title it “Sex Chromosomes.” Go to textbook page 350 and draw figure 14-12 into this box. Answer the following question (in complete sentences, restating the question) based on the picture you have drawn.

a.  Which chromosome carries more genes?

b.  Which chromosome determined whether the individual develops into a male?

c.  On which chromosome would genetic disease like hemophilia, colorblindness, etc. be passed on through?

d.  Which gender would be more likely to be colorblind? Why?

9.  Go to Box 3. In hamsters, brown fur (B) color is dominant to silver fur (b) color. Show the cross between a homozygous brown hamster with a silver hamster.

a.  How many of the offspring will be brown hamsters?

b.  How many of the hamsters will be silver?

c.  What are the genotype(s) of the offspring?

Mom Genotype: ______
Dad Genotype: ______/ 1 / 2
3 / 4

10.  Go to Box 7. Title it “Blood Typing Problem”. A man with type AB blood marries a woman with type O blood. Set-up and show the cross between the man and woman. Use the set-up to the right.

11.  Skip to Box 8. Title it “Whose Adopted?” The man and woman have two natural children. Jane has type A blood, Booby has type B blood, and Grace has type O blood. Using the Punnett Square explain which two children are the natural children and which child would be adopted. Use the following sentence frames.

ð  Jane who has type A blood is there (natural child or adopted) because . . .

ð  Bobby who has type B blood is there (natural child or adopted) because . . .

ð  Grace who has type O blood is there (natural child or adopted) because . . .

12.  Once you have finished all 8 boxes, double check your work to make sure that you have everything that is being asked of you. Come up to your teacher only if you’re confident that you have successfully completed your mission. Congratulations you have earned your stamp and you are ready to ace the Genetics Test!!!