FOM Board Meeting
August 10th
Mayer Library
- Attendance: Margot, Pam, Stacey, Katie K., Nisha, Ryan, Julie, Roona, Ursula, Ericka, Erin, Jen, Mark (LSC)
- Julie motioned, Stacey 2nd, Nisha voted as treasurer
- Ryan is stepping down and needs a replacement for fund-raising/finances. Board agreed to send separate email to publicize open position, may hold election,
- Budget c/o Nisha:
- Raised over $600k in 2015-2016 (first-time ever!)
- Handout/budget-sheet was distributed
- Discussion that Anastasia (wellness coordinator) doesn’t need to be a separate line item on the budget sheet.
- Nisha wants email from chairs, within next couple weeks, w/their proposed budgets (especially beyond the classroom) and hopes chairs don’t go more than couple hundred-dollars over that proposal. If going over, Nisha wants to vote to approve that. She suggested chairs shop around, find lower costs and still use FOM/OM supporters. She asked that receipts be kept. She will create expense reimbursement form. Take note of what is in lunch room closet, since it is full.
- Mark: this was 2nd year in row FOM spent over means, wants back-up funds to remain budgeted/saved.
- Auxillary (“aux”) position c/o Katie:
- Legally, students can only have one aux. class/day. We had seven aux teachers for five periods that are one-hour each. It was fiscally irresponsible to sustain seven aux people when we lost almost $900k from the district over the past few years. Letting go of the aux position is not a reflection of our feelings about aux.
- Sentiments from Jenn, Julie, Ericka – that don’t want kids to lose aux and hope it can come back somehow, in kids’ interest.
- Pledge Drive (“p/d”):
- Hard to motivate parents to donate, hard to keep anonymous if want to thank them
- Suggestions for motivating parents : ask them to come to budget meetings, tell them the $ is for emergency situations (like budget cuts)
- Idea to highlight progress over past 10 years (for p/d and all up-coming events this year), but don’t want to offend anyone, just want to celebrate, show that we’re thankful
- Other calendar events:
- Handout/calendar of events was distributed
- Mom’s Night Out (“MNO”)
- Challenge: family-events v. all-inclusive
- Jen to meet with Ameera to discuss
- Boo-hoo: 9/12 @ Floriole, treats/coffee to be provided
- Cradles to Crayons: will be put on website and an email, so to avoid too may emails
- Benefit c/o Stacey:
- 3/31/17 @ Salvatore’s
- Increasing tix to 300 by using outdoor space
- Same auctioneer
- Picnic on 9/2:
- 2nd & 3rd graders shifting rooms to go to visit new room, email to go out
- 1st graders will meet teachers outside and not in room
- 2017: maybe don’t schedule on the Friday of Labor Day Weekend?
- Other committees:
- Try to get Room Parents to come to some FOM meetings
- Communications c/o Roona: weekly newsletter, website to have main info, Pam working w/Roona and Maureen. Working to get less emails, single-list of names, send email all @ one time
- Neon:
- Nisha needs specific info, will set-up meeting with Adam