Table 3 Full case profiles (Abbreviations: F female; M male; CP failure cardio pulmonary failure; MOF multiple organ failure; HV shock hypovolemic shock; COHb carboxyhaemoglobin (%); BAC blood alcohol concentration (g‰)
Case / Gender / Age (yrs.) / PMI (h) / Reanimation? / Cause of death / Manner of death / Length of agony / mechanism of death1 / F / 36 / 36 / no / cut, stab and gunshot wounds / suicidal / ultrashort / acute cranio-cerebral failure
2 / M / 39 / 40 / no / cut, stab and gunshot wounds / criminal / ultrashort / acute cranio-cerebral failure
3 / F / 42 / 21 / no / cut, stab and gunshot wounds / criminal / ultrashort / acute CP failure and internal bleeding
4 / M / 53 / 45 / no / cut, stab and gunshot wounds / criminal / ultrashort / acute CP failure and internal bleeding
5 / M / 58 / 21 / no / cut, stab and gunshot wounds / criminal / ultrashort / cerebral and cervical spinal cord trauma, subdural hemorrhage
6 / M / 38 / 31 / no / cut, stab and gunshot wounds / suicidal / short / haemothorax and cardiac tamponade
7 / M / 51 / 30 / no / cut, stab and gunshot wounds / criminal / short / internal bleeding; HV shock
8 / F / 29 / 30 / no / blunt (poly) trauma – brain damage / criminal / short / diffuse brain injury and skull base fracture with blood aspiration
9 / M / 61 / 26 / yes / blunt (poly) trauma – brain damage / criminal / multiple hours/days / deficiency of oxygen
10 / M / 34 / 31 / yes / blunt (poly) trauma – brain damage / undetermined / multiple hours/days / brain death
11 / M / 46 / 72 / no / blunt (poly) trauma – brain damage / criminal / multiple hours/days / cranio-cerebral trauma
12 / M / 38 / 72 / yes / blunt (poly) trauma – brain damage / undetermined / multiple hours/days / cranio-cerebral trauma and intracranial hypertension
13 / M / 31 / 38 / no / Intoxication – sedatives / criminal / long / (sub) acute CP failure
14 / M / 42 / 50 / yes / Intoxication – sedatives / accidental / multiple hours/days / (sub)acute CP failure
15 / M / 45 / 48 / no / Intoxication – sedatives / undetermined / multiple hours/days / HV shock
16 / M / 5 / 100 / no / Intoxication – sedatives / criminal / multiple hours/days / (sub)acute CP failure
17 / F / 27 / 56 / no / natural death / natural / short / unknown
18 / F / 30 / 96 / yes / natural death / natural / long / acute CP failure
19 / M / 41 / 48 / yes / natural death / natural / long / acute CP failure
20 / M / 52 / 81 / yes / natural death / natural / long / CP failure due to coronary sclerosis
21 / F / 84 / 13 / no / natural death / natural / multiple hours/days / bronchiolitis, hypoglycaemia, dehydration
22 / M / 19 / 73 / no / natural death / natural / multiple hours/days / intracerebral haemorrhage and intracranial hypertension
23 / F / 47 / 31 / yes / natural death / natural / multiple hours/days / cardio-pulmonary failure
24 / M / 73 / 192 / no / natural death / natural / multiple hours/days / MOF
25 / M / 36 / 44 / yes / natural death / natural / multiple hours/days / MOF and sepsis
26 / F / 68 / 45 / no / blunt (poly) trauma – no brain damage / accidental / ultrashort / polytrauma and haemorrhage shock
27 / M / 54 / 149 / no / blunt (poly) trauma – no brain damage / criminal / ultrashort / internal bleeding due to aortic laceration
28 / F / 26 / 27 / yes / blunt (poly) trauma – no brain damage / criminal / short / unknown, reflectory, carotic sinus stretch?
29 / M / 36 / 29 / no / blunt (poly) trauma – no brain damage / accidental / short / acute cardiac failure, cardiac arrhythmia; thoracal injuries
30 / M / 65 / 91 / yes / blunt (poly) trauma – no brain damage / natural / long / (sub)acute CP failure
31 / M / 62 / 66 / yes / blunt (poly) trauma – no brain damage / accidental / multiple hours/days / polytrauma; HV shock
32 / M / 47 / 70 / yes / blunt (poly) trauma – no brain damage / criminal / multiple hours/days / (sub)acute CP failure
33 / F / 75 / 42 / no / blunt (poly) trauma – no brain damage / accidental / multiple hours/days / MOF
34 / F / 86 / 114 / yes / blunt (poly) trauma – no brain damage / accidental / multiple hours/days / polytrauma (thoracic)
35 / M / 37 / 762 / no / blunt (poly) trauma – no brain damage / criminal / multiple hours/days / pulmonary shock and CP failure
36 / F / 35 / 56 / no / mechanical asphyxia / criminal / short / mechanical asphyxia; internal bleeding
37 / F / 46 / 30 / no / mechanical asphyxia / suicidal / short / mechanical asphyxia
38 / M / 8 / 40 / no / mechanical asphyxia / criminal / short / mechanical asphyxia
39 / F / 50 / 432 / no / mechanical asphyxia / suicidal / short / asphyxia
40 / F / 28 / 58 / no / mechanical asphyxia / criminal / short / mechanical asphyxia
41 / F / 19 / 40 / no / mechanical asphyxia / criminal / long / mechanical asphyxia
42 / M / 87 / 40 / no / mechanical asphyxia / criminal / multiple hours/days / cranio-cerebral trauma, asphyxia
43 / M / 27 / 187 / yes / mechanical asphyxia / suicidal / multiple hours/days / MOF, hypoxic encephalopathy
44 / M / 2 / 78 / no / Intoxication – no sedatives (COHb 69 %) / criminal / short / toxic asphyxia
45 / F / 2 / 80 / yes / Intoxication – no sedatives (COHb 66%) / criminal / short / toxic asphyxia
46 / F / 52 / 11 / no / Intoxication – no sedatives (COHb 31,6%) / suicidal / short / heat shock, toxic asphyxia
47 / M / 33 / 102 / yes / Intoxication – no sedatives (cocaine, cocaethylene, BAC 1,99 g‰) / accidental / short / CP failure due to ventricle fibrillation
48 / M / 78 / 60 / no / hypothermia / accidental / multiple hours/days / cardiopulmonary failure