SIT Meeting Minutes

September 26, 2013

Start Time: 3:45 p.m. End Time: 7:00 p.m.

Members Present: K-Armida Garza, 1st-Socorro Garcia, 2nd-Sonia Lucero, 3rd-Pricilla Medina, 4th-Oscar Gonzalez, 5th-Eduardo Gardea, Administration-Jesse Sepulveda, Gloria Holguin, Mary Salas, Counselors- Albert Mendoza, Mario Holguin, SPED-Monica Calderon, Adrian Esparza, Librarian-Esther Rodriguez, Administrative Assistant-Gloria Herrera, Parent Liaison- Sylvia Gomez, Nurse-Inez Vasquez.

School Updates:

·  Nurse update: No medication should be carried by any student on campus. All medications must be stored in the nurse’s office. A doctor’s note must be on file. Children cannot self-administer their own medication. No over the counter medication including cough drops can be carried by students.

·  GT Updates: GT trainings online. GT subjective data needs to be turned in for fall nominations as soon as possible.

·  Webpages: Webpages need to be updated periodically. They need to be current and considered a living document. This is the best communication tool we have at our finger tips with our parents.

Curriculum and Data:

·  Data Binders need to be updated often. Data drives our instruction at Chester Jordan. Teacher Binders have been ordered and are coming soon. Each teacher will be held accountable for their data and progress of their Tier III students.

·  CScope assessments must be scanned on a timely manner. We must make sure that deadlines are met.

·  I Station assessments must be done monthly. Interventions must put into place for our Tier II and Tier III students. Utilize our instructional aides on a daily basis to get our Tier II and Tier III students above grade level.

·  TCM district data to be analyzed and interventions for math to be put into place 2nd 9 weeks.

·  Social Studies based projects to be considered instead of CScope assessments but pending district approval.


·  Due to numbers and classroom sizes we lost a 4th grade teacher. Children in that class have been integrated into other classrooms successfully.

·  Coach Ives joins our Chester Jordan Family as an intern to Coach Diaz and Valdez. Teachers are asked to see Coach Diaz and Valdez if they have any concerns.

·  Additional cross guards to be hired for the 2nd 9 weeks. Our cross guard staff will be fully staffed once this is done.

Staff Development:

·  SMART Academy Chess Enrichment class has been postponed until we find a replacement instructor.

·  Intersession SMART Academy will have final rosters of students by Friday, September 27, 2013. SMART Academy will be Monday-Thursday 8:00-2:00 p.m. Lunch will be served if we have 100 students.

·  TEKS Academy will be concluded for the lower grade levels during intersession. Goal of TEKS Academy to analyze data and drive our instruction for 2nd 9 weeks.

·  Campus staff development survey to be filled out by Jesse Sepulveda for district planning for next year P2E sessions.

CIP/CAN Feedback:

·  SIT committee was given clarification on goals and objectives found on our current CIP. Suggestions and feedback was taken from the various committees created to analyze our direction as a campus. Jesse Sepulveda took that feedback and will make the necessary adjustments to our living document.

·  Lone Star Reading, Mentoring Minds, Math and Science manipulative, Learning A-Z being considered as possible resources for our campus.

·  IPAD and Nooks available for classes soon. These devices need to be cleared out before being used.

·  Wish List by grade levels requested by Jesse Sepulveda for possible resources to be purchased for our students.

School Organization:

·  Safety update was given by Mrs. Gloria Holguin. Our campus will be receiving 10 cameras to monitor our campus from the outside. The district has also purchased for every campus the Hall Pass device to monitor visitors to our campus.

·  Our safety record as a campus is one of the best in the district. We have systems and procedures in place to keep everyone on our campus safe.

·  Teachers are being asked to be informed of who is picking up students. Mrs. Holguin stressed that not everyone is authorized to pick up students. There must be names and numbers on file to assure the safety of our students.

·  Panic buttons will be installed soon in the front office to further protect our students.

·  Chief Vega also stated at the district meeting that no more citations can be issued to students when it comes to disruption of class, transportation, or conduct. Those types of situations must be handled at the campus level.

·  Intruder Drills can happen at any time! Faculty and staff must be prepared at all cost.

·  Attendance Updates: Attendance must be recorded by all teachers on a daily basis. Attendance is tied to funding so it is extremely important that it is done correctly. If clarification is needed by staff members please see Fanny Gallardo our PEIMS clerk immediately.

·  Monthly Attendance to be monitored for upper and lower grade levels. Best attendance rate each month will receive an incentive from administration.

Next Meeting Scheduled in October