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Call for ResearchCollaboration Agreement

Call Title: Wind and Ocean Conditions Scientific Chair

CallRef: ORE/16/41

Date:18 November 2016





Any questions in relation to the Call process must be in writing ONLY.

Deadline dates and times are strict; late submissions will NOT be accepted.

Unsigned submissions will be regarded as a non-compliant application and therefore rejected.

Responsesmay also be rejected if they do not provide a complete response to the Call.

Call for Wind and Ocean Conditions Scientific Chair / Page 1 of 12

Appendix 2 Call Declaration Form

**Please complete this form on your University’s letter headed paper **

This Section is to be completed and returned with your proposal.

Call Title: Wind and Ocean Conditions Scientific Chair

Call Reference: ORE/16/41

I/We hereby offer to enter in a Research Collaboration Agreementto support a Scientific Chair on Wind and Ocean Conditions and the related research activitiesspecified in the foregoing schedule, all in accordance with the Call for Research Collaboration Agreement and to the entire satisfaction of ORE Catapult or its authorised representative.

I/We hereby certify that no alteration, amendment nor qualification to the Call for Research Collaboration Agreement document as issued has been made other than as stipulated in our proposal.

I/We understand that ORE Catapult may reject my submission if there is a failure to provide all relevant information or if I provide false or misleading information.

I/We also declare that there is no conflict of interest in relation to ORE Catapult’s requirements.

Registered /Legal Name of the University:
Registered University Address:
Telephone Number:
E-mail Address:
Registration No:
Print name:
Position in University:
(e.g. Chancellor, Dean, Director, Principal)
For and on behalf of:
(i.e. University’s name)

Digital signatures are not acceptable. This form must be signed by persons authorised to do so on the University’s’ behalf e.g. Chancellor, Dean, Director, Principal or as established in the scheme of delegation.

Unsigned submissions will be regarded as a non-compliant application and may therefore be rejected.

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Appendix 3 General Due Diligence Questionnaire

This Section is to be completed and returned with your proposal.

All personal information supplied within this Call will be treated as confidential and will be subject to the Data Protection Act.

1 University Details
Full name of the University completing the Call
Registered University address
Registered number
Registered VAT number
2 Contact Details
University contact details for enquiries regarding this Call
Name and title
Position within the organisation
Full postal address
Phone number
Mobile number
E-mail address
3 Grounds for Mandatory Exclusion
You will be excluded from the Call if there is evidence of convictions relating to specific criminal offences including, but not limited to, bribery, corruption, conspiracy, terrorism, fraud and money laundering, or if you have been the subject of a binding legal decision which found a breach of legal obligations to pay tax or social security obligations (except where this is disproportionate e.g. only minor amounts involved).
Therefore you are to self-certify that you have read and fully understood and accept the following statement:
I / we can confirm that, within the past five (5) years the University (or any member of our proposed consortium if applicable) Directors, Partner or any other person who has powers of representation decision or control has not been convicted of any of the offences as specified underEU law. / Yes No
I / we accept that declaration of any conviction will lead to disqualification from further involvement in this competition. / Yes No
4 Professional Ability
Please self-certify the following:
I / we have, or can commit to obtain, prior to the commencement of the Research Collaboration Agreement,appropriate levels of insurance in relation to the provision of the WOSC. / Yes No
I / we comply with our statutory obligations under the Equality Act 2010. / Yes No
I / we operate a Health, Safety and Welfare management system certified to International, European or equivalent standard (e.g. OHSAS 18001) ORhas an in-house Health and Safety Policy that complies with current legislative requirements. / Yes No
I / we operate an Environmental Management System certified to International, European or equivalent standard (e.g. ISO14001 or EMAS) ORhas an in-house policy for the management of Environmental issues. / Yes No
I / we operate a Quality Management system certified to International, European or equivalent standard (e.g. BS EN ISO 9001)ORhas an in-house policy for the management of Quality issues. / Yes No
I / we operate an Information Security Management system certified to International, European or equivalent standard (e.g. BS EN ISO 27001) ORhas an in-house policy for the management of information security. / Yes No
I / we has an in-house policy for Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery. / Yes No
I / We confirm that myUniversity or any of its officers, employees or other persons associated with it, has not:
  • been convicted of any offence involving slavery and human trafficking; and;
  • to the best of its knowledge, been or is the subject of any investigation, inquiry or enforcement proceedings by any governmental, administrative or regulatory body regarding any offence or alleged offence of or in connection with slavery and human trafficking.
/ Yes No
I / We have a policy / statement that sets out the steps my / ourUniversity has taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any of my / our supply chains or in any part of my / our own business. / Yes No
If you have answered “No” to any of the above questions, please provide any reasons below:
5 Principles of Participation
a. / Does the Universityagree to ORE Catapult Principles of Participation as stated in Appendix 1? / Yes No

If you have answered “No” to the above question, please submit, as a separate appendix, your proposed amendments.

6 Requirement Specific
The following questions are for information purposes only.
Question / Guidance
Position of the University on REF 2014 results / Please confirm your position along with any supporting information you feel is relevant.
Response: (100 words limit)
Patents / Please provide information on patents relevant to the scope of the Call that have been granted or filled in the last five (5) years (including 2015/16). Include a brief description of each patent.
Response: (1/2 page limit)
Major R&D programmes / Please provide information on all major R&D programmes (Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) or similar) managed by the University relevant to the scope of the Call.
Response: (1/2 page limit)
6.1 Scientific Excellence
The following questions will be assessed on a pass and fail basis.
Question / Guidance
Are you a UK-based university? / It is a requirement of the application process that the University must be based in the UK.
Research teams / Please provide information on the relevant research capabilities including Professors, PhDs, Research Associates, Postdoctoral, etc. working on topics related to the Call. The information you provide may include: organisational charts, details of professionals, persons’ specifications or brief CV’s demonstrating relevant skills.
At this stage staff are indicative only for the technical competences of the University; guaranties of liability of certain staff and allocation to fulfilling a role within the WORT will be assessed as part of the University proposal in Appendix 4.
Response: (2 page limit)
Facilities / Please provide details on your research facilities which are relevant to the scope of the Call.
Response: (1 page limit)
Publications / Please provide details of three (3) scientific publications produced by the University relevant to the area of Wind and Ocean Conditions over the last five (5) years.
Please do not include publications that are outside the scope of the Call.
Response: (1/2 page limit)
Leadership and participation in public funded programmes (EPSRC, EU FP, H2020, Innovate UK, etc.) / Please provide the five (5) most recent projects which you have either led or participated that are relevant to the scope of the Call.
Response: (1 page limit)
PhDs and EngDs projects / Please provide information on three (3) PhD or three (3) EngD projects on topics relevant to the scope of the Call that have been supervised by the University over the last five (5) years. Include a brief explanation of each PhD/ EngD project.
Response: (1 page limit)
6.2 Industry Impact
Academic networks / Please provide information on the academic networks in which the University actively participates that are relevant to the scope of the Call.
Response: (1/2 page limit)
Industry partners / Please provide evidence of engagement with industry in the Wind & Ocean Energy sector. Provide high level details about those agreements (e.g. non-disclosure agreements, framework agreements, studentship agreements, consortium agreements, etc.).
Response: (1/2 page limit)
Print name:
Position in University:
(e.g. Chancellor, Dean, Director, Principal)
For and on behalf of:
(i.e. University’s name)

Digital signatures are not acceptable. Must be signed by persons authorised to do so on the University’s’ behalf e.g. Chancellor, Dean, Director, Principal or as established in the scheme of delegation.

Unsigned submissions will be regarded as a non-compliant application and may therefore be rejected.

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Appendix 4 University Proposal Form

This section is to be completed and returned with your proposal.

All personal information supplied within this Call will be treated as confidential and will be subject to the Data Protection Act.

Question / Guidance
The following questions will be assessed and scored against the Stage 2 Assessment Criteria predefined in Section 6.2.2.
1 Match funding strategy (30%)
Match funding strategy from the University / Please describe the strategy of the University to match fund ORE Catapult’s funding to the WOSC as part of the research collaboration. Explain all future contributions considered and quantify them (salary costs for the WOSC, costs per PhD, EngD, Research Associate, postdoctoral, supervision, facility utilisation, etc.). The assessment criteria for the match funding will look at quantity and value of match funding. Please specify the minimum time that the individual appointed for the WOSC will allocate to the WOSC role. Additionally, please specify your proportionate funding allocation for the Research Associates, PhDs, EngDs and post docs allocated to the WORT, i.e. are these research positions fully funded or part funded by your match funding contribution?
Response: (2 page limit)
Please fill in the table below accordingly when explaining the future University contributions:
Year 16/17 / Year 17/18 / Year 18/19 / Year 19/20 / Year 20/21
Cost for the WOSC
Costs for PhDs, EngD and postocs
Costs for the Research Associates
Cost for the facilities
Other costs
Total Match Funding
No of hours allocated to WORT by WOSC – see note 1
No of PhDs, EngD and postdocs – see note 2
Note 1: Please explain below the breakdown of hours specifically allocated to research supervision, intreraction with Head of R&D etc.
Note 2: Please explain the breakdown of costs ie are these PhD’s, EngDs and postdoctorals part or fully funded. All PhD’s, EngDs and postdoctorals must be new and not existing.
2 Research leadership and interaction methodology (20%)
Research leadership / Please explain the methodology that the WOSC will follow to define and implement the R&D Plan for the WORT, including liaison methodology with ORE Catapult.
Response: (1 page limit)
Staff development / How would the WOSC develop the staff within the WORT(please also provide some practical examples)?
Response: (1/2 page limit)
Staff development / Please explain the methodology that the WOSC will follow to form and lead a nationally and internationally pre-eminent research group in Wind and Ocean Conditions (this may also include highly relevant existing research groups).
Response: (1/2 page limit)
Interaction with ORE Catapult / Please explain your proposed approach in relation to managing the relationship between the appointed WOSC and ORE Catapult, including as a minimum the estimated time the WOSC will allocate to the interaction with ORE Catapult.
Response: (1 page limit)
Industry partners / Please explain how the WOSCwould seek to further develop your relationships with industry partners and/or establish new relationships with relevant industry partners (with industry partners named where appropriate).
Response: (1 page limit)
3 IPR methodology (5%)
IPR policy / Please describe the IPR policy and methodology (especially in relation to the Call) that the University will establish for the WORT.
Response: (1 page limit)
Patents / How would you seek to identify opportunities for patent applications within the WORT?
Response: (1 page limit)
4 Skills, Experience and Facilities (20%)
Skills & Experience of the Delivery Team / Please provide details of the delivery team including as a minimum the full CV for the proposed WOSC if he/she is in post, (CV’s for additional academic staff, PhDs, Research Associates, postdoctoral staff, etc. are optional). Details provided must also cover the team structure, roles and responsibilities. If the University is considering recruiting the WOSC position later in the process, this must be clearly stated in the application and the job description and person specification for the position must be provided.
Response: (4 page limit including the WOSC full CV if he/she is already in post or the job description and the person specification if he/she is not in post)
Facilities / Please provide details of your research facilities which must include the capacity to test technologies related to the Call.
Response: (2 page limit)
5 Other value add service (5%)
Development of deeper products / servicesfor Wind and OceanConditions / Please provide a brief description of how you might seek to develop products and services related to the Call (with some examples of possible products and services).
Response: (1 page limit)
6 Interview/Presentation (20%) -– Applicable following submitted proposal assessment
Print name:
Position in University:
(e.g. Chancellor, Dean, Director, Principal)
For and on behalf of:
(i.e. University’s name)

Digital signatures are not acceptable. Must be signed by persons authorised to do so on the University’s’ behalf e.g. Chancellor, Dean, Director, Principal or as established in the scheme of delegation.

Unsigned submissions will be regarded as a non-compliant application and may therefore be rejected.

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ORE Catapult

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T +44 (0)1670 359 555

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