Policy Sequence # 16-000

Rev. September 2008 1 of 11 Section 16

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Rev. September 2008 1 of 11 Section 16



Policy # / Title / Page #
Introduction / 4
16-000.1 / Request for Travel Authorization and Advance / 4
16-005.1 / Encumbrance of Travel Expense ……………………………………………………….. / 4
16-010.1 / Claims Submission / 5
Direct Payment / 5
16-020.1 / Prepaid Airfare / 5
16-025.1 / Prepaid Airfare (Others) / 5
16-030.1 / Prepaid Registration/Conference Fees / 5
Reimbursement / 6
16-040.1 / Foreign Travel / 6
16-050.1 / Business-Related Meals / 6
16-060.1 / Lodging / 6
16-070.1 / Transportation / 6
16-080.1 / Privately Owned Automobile Mileage Claim / 6
16-090.1 / Car Rental / 7
16-100.1 / Receipts / 7
16-200.1 / Meal Allowance (Per Diem) / 8
16-300.1 / Allocation of Travel Costs Among Several Projects / 8


The following travel regulations apply to all Foundation projects except where grant or contract requirements are more restrictive. Contact the Foundation Grants & Contracts Administrator for specific questions or allowability of costs. Contact the Foundation AP Travel Coordinator for additional information on Foundation travel policies. See also Appendix D for answers to frequently asked travel questions.


Foundation Travel Authorization Form

Travelers on Foundation business are required to complete the Foundation Travel Authorization (FTA) form (Appendix A). This form can be downloaded at: under Forms. A Foundation Travel Authorization form is the document by which travel on Foundation business is officially approved by the designated Foundation administrator. The traveler shall provide a justification that the travel is for project-related business under the ”Purpose of the Trip” section. All travelers are required to submit a completed and approved Foundation Travel Authorization Form prior to traveling whether or not money is advanced. Where there is no prior approved Travel Authorization form, we will honor the Travel Claim as long as the form has the appropriate approval signatures. The traveler assumes full financial responsibility for trips taken without the approved Travel Authorization Form.

A travel advance is requested by completing Lines 1 through 9 of the Foundation Travel Authorization form. The total expenses shown on the form are only an estimated cost of the trip. The form should be submitted two weeks in advance to allow adequate time for processing the request (i.e. encumbering the total estimated cost and allowability approval). Emergency situations are handled on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Foundation AP Travel Coordinator for additional information. When the travel advance check is ready, the Foundation Support Services Assistant will telephone the requestor for pick-up, unless otherwise specified. The Foundation may deny a request for a travel advance if requestor has delinquent advances outstanding.

University Travel Authorization Form

University staff or faculty traveling on Foundation business and using a Foundation project account to finance the trip, should complete a University Travel Authorization form to ensure adequate insurance coverage in the event of an accident. If travel costs are to be split between the University and the Foundation, the original and a copy of the University Travel Authorization is submitted to the University Business Office and the University Travel Coordinator will forward a copy to the Foundation AP Travel Coordinator.

At the beginning of each academic year, a blanket University Travel Authorization form will be completed by University staff or faculty to ensure adequate insurance coverage for the entire academic year. This form will be kept on file at the Foundation and will be required by designated departments.

Travel Restrictions and Allowability

If travel funds are not budgeted for an allowable expenditure, prior approval from the sponsor (fund “07" accounts) is required. An amended project agreement may be required for all other Foundation Program accounts. Please check with the Foundation Grants & Contracts Administrator in advance if uncertainty exists as to allowability of these expenses. The Foundation is under no obligation to reimburse expenses that have not been approved by the Project Director or the sponsor of the grant. If a traveler of a college under the jurisdiction of the Academic Affairs Division is taking a trip to a foreign country, the FTA form must be signed and approved by the Provost/Senior VP or designee in addition to the project‘s required approvals.


All amounts authorized after submittal of Foundation or University Travel Authorization Form will be encumbered by Foundation Purchasing by inputting in the system to ensure availability of funds. This amount will remain encumbered until one of the following occurs:

·  A claim is submitted;

·  The travel authorization is canceled and travel advance, if applicable, is returned.

Cancellation of Travel Authorization

Request for cancellation of travel authorization must be made in writing (fax and e-mail are acceptable). If money was advanced, the Foundation AP Travel Coordinator will send a memo to request the traveler to return the travel advance. Complete a Deposit Transmittal (see Appendix A of Section 11-Cash Receipts) and bring to Foundation Cashier with the check to be credited to the project account. Once travel advance is returned, the total amount will be disencumbered. If travel advance is not returned within 120 days, the amount will be reported to IRS as taxable income to the traveler.

CLAIMS SUBMISSION Policy #16-010.1

Within 10 days of completion of travel for which either an advance has been granted or advance was not requested, a Foundation Travel Expense Claim (Appendix B) must be submitted with supporting original receipts to the Foundation AP Travel Coordinator for review. This form can be downloaded at under Forms. If the actual amount claimed after completing the trip is less than the amount advanced, the traveler shall send a refund check along with the Foundation Travel Expense Claim (Expense Claim). If the actual amount claimed is greater than the amount advanced, the Foundation will process the Expense Claim for reimbursement. A check will be generated for the amount of the claim. The claim check will be mailed to the traveler. Note: An Expense Claim with supporting receipts signed by the traveler may be submitted to the Foundation without obtaining the additional approvals provided that the actual amount claimed does not exceed $25 of the total encumbered amount and the purpose, travel dates, travel destination, and account to be charged correspond to the approved Travel Authorization.

Failure to submit claims where an advance was granted may result in the denial of future travel requests. After 60 days, a notice will be sent to the traveler and a copy to the ASM of the college. After 90 days, a second notice will be sent to the Dean of the college or authorized V.P. Any amounts advanced and still outstanding within 120 days of completion of travel will be reported to IRS as taxable income to the traveler and collection action will be taken. The Foundation reserves the right to deny future advances to anyone that has past 120 days delinquency. No future advances will be issued until the prior outstanding claim is submitted with all the necessary approvals to the Foundation.


PREPAID AIRFARE (Campus Approved Travel Agency) Policy #16-020.1

·  Traveler calls Global Travel at x54000 to make travel arrangements via airline/railway.

·  Traveler submits a completed and approved Travel Authorization form to the Foundation AP Travel Coordinator.

·  Funds are allowed and encumbered. Authorization Form is emailed to Global Travel to ticket.

·  Traveler receives a “ticketed itinerary” from Global Travel by email.


If airfare is to be paid in advance by Foundation to an airline company or travel agency other than the campus approved travel agency, the traveler must submit a completed and approved Foundation or University Travel Authorization form indicating the amount of the prepaid airfare. Along with the Travel Authorization form, the traveler submits a completed and approved Check Disbursement Request (see Appendix B of Section 15-Accounts Payable) payable to the airline company or travel agency. It is the responsibility of the traveler to arrange accommodations. The Foundation will not pay a service fee for airfare made with an agency other than the Campus Approved Travel Agency.


The traveler may request registration or conference fees be paid in advance. The traveler submits a completed and approved Foundation or University Travel Authorization form indicating the amount of the prepaid registration or conference fee. Along with the Travel Authorization form, the traveler submits a completed and approved Check Disbursement Request with the original completed registration form attached. If airfare and/ or registration fees are paid directly by the Foundation, these amounts will not be advanced to the traveler.


FOREIGN TRAVEL Policy #16-040.1

All Foreign Travel must have a Travel Authorization Form signed and approved by the Provost/Senior VP or designee in addition to the project’s required approvals. The reimbursement rate for foreign travel is issued by the US Department of State publication “Maximum Travel for Per Diem Allowances for Foreign Areas” monthly. These publications are maintained in the Foundation Central Office and are accessible via internet at URL Contact the Foundation AP Travel Coordinator for assistance.

All foreign travel completed on a Foundation Travel Authorization form is required to obtain Foreign Travel Insurance through the Foundation Purchasing Department. The amount of the insurance is based on the destination and the traveler will be notified of the amount. The travelers will be issued an Insurance card to be carried with them to their destination.

The foreign traveler is urged to submit a receipt providing proof of the exchange rates(s) at the time travel occurred. Without such receipt, the Foundation will use exchange rate information from the bank.


Travelers may be reimbursed for actual business-related meal expenses. They may be reimbursed for actual meal expenses up to the maximum described under the Hospitality Policy (see Policy #15, Appendix C). Employees may not claim reimbursement for a business-related meal if they are also claiming per diem reimbursement. A Request for Payment/Reimbursement of Hospitality Expenses form (see Appendix C of Section 15-Accounts Payable) is required for reimbursement of business-related meals while on non-travel status or while extending hospitality to others for business purposes during travel.

LODGING Policy #16-060.1

All claims by travelers for lodging expenses must be supported by receipts. Employees may claim the actual and necessary cost of lodging (see Policy #16-100.1 of this section regarding receipts).

TRANSPORTATION Policy #16-070.1

When claiming transportation costs, travelers must attach original receipts to the expense claim form. Reimbursement will be based on the actual mode of transportation used, with airfare limited to coach class service whenever possible. When requesting automobile mileage, the number of miles to be paid will be based upon the shortest distance between point of origin and destination by inputting the beginning and ending odometer reading on the applicable travel form.


(when not part of a Travel Claim)

Traveler (employee) who is loaned a Foundation owned vehicle (including donated to the Foundation), lease a Foundation owned vehicle or who receives a car allowance is not entitled to claim reimbursement for mileage driven in connection with the Foundation business. Exceptions may be given under certain circumstances, such as if the vehicle is not operable. It is the responsibility of the Project Director or other authorized administrator approving the Mileage Claim to ensure compliance with the above requirement. Expenses for gasoline or routine repairs shall not be allowed.

Travelers shall complete a Mileage Claim form (see Appendix C) when a privately owned automobile is used for business trips. This form is submitted by the traveler to the Foundation Office to claim mileage reimbursement when no other expense has been incurred. A separate Mileage Claim need not be completed if mileage reimbursement is listed as part of the travel expense claim. Effective July 1, 2008, the standard mileage rate is fifty-eight and a half (58.5) cents per mile.

Where use of a privately owned automobile is authorized for travel to or from a common carrier terminal and the automobile is not parked at the terminal during the period of absence, a rate of 58.5 cents may be claimed for the distance between the terminal and home or campus, whichever is less. If travel commences or terminates before or after an employee‘s regularly scheduled work day or on a regularly scheduled day off, mileage may be computed from the employee’s home.

CAR RENTAL Policy #16-090.1

Reimbursement for car rental may only be for actual and necessary costs as substantiated by receipt. The Foundation will pay rates for economy or subcompact cars plus any applicable insurance charges.

RECEIPTS Policy #16-100.1

Receipts Required:

Travelers must provide original receipts for the following expenditures:

·  Air travel. Original receipts must be submitted with the Travel Expense Claim for official records. If a passenger receipt due to the ticketless system is not available, an itinerary or boarding pass is acceptable. Air travel is generally limited to coach class fare. The traveler is responsible for notifying the Foundation of any cancellation within 10 days of the transaction and returning any funds paid from Foundation account;

·  Travel by any surface common carrier greater than $25;

·  Long distance telephone charges of more than $5.00; indicate date, place and person called;

·  Registration fees;

·  Hotel accommodations (if the receipt is lost, a duplicate copy or statement must be obtained from the hotel);

·  Commercial automobile rental (reimbursement will not be made for damage waiver or personal accident insurance).

In cases where receipts cannot be obtained, a statement by the traveler and approved by the Project Director, or authorized personnel, shall be submitted. If the traveler is the Project Director, then his/her supervisor shall approve the statement. In the absence of a satisfactory explanation, the amount claimed will not be allowed.