Dunbar Academic Fall Tournament 2009

Round 3 Tossups by Sandy Huang (21) and Jason Loy (2)

1. For studying the molecular basis of this process, the 2006 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Roger David Kornberg. During the pre-initiation and initiation stages of this process, TFIID interacts with the Pribnow box. The termination stage of this process involves the lollipop-shaped hairpin loop. This process’s factors bind to the Goldberg-Hogness box also known as the TATA box. The non-coding introns produced from this process are spliced before translation takes place. Thymine is replaced with uracil, for 10 points, during this process in which RNA polymerase produces a copy of mRNA from a DNA template.

ANSWER: transcription

2. The Daily Telegraph’s interview with this ruler produced the quote “You English are mad, mad, mad as March hares”. This ruler’s Grand Admiral aimed to build up this ruler’s country’s armed force by formulating the namesake Tirpitz Plan. Leon von Caprivi, Max von Baden, and Bernhard von Bulow would serve as chancellors under this ruler. This ruler’s general Helmuth von Moltke the Younger failed to prevent a two front war despite modifying the Schlieffen Plan. He was infuriated by an attempted alliance between Ludwig Windthorst and Otto von Bismarck which led to the latter’s dismissal. For 10 points, name this last Kaiser of Germany.

ANSWER: Friedrich Wilhelm II Viktor Albert

3. This writer discusses the loss of one’s language and culture due to migration in a essay collection entitled Imaginary Homelands. This writer depicts the da Gama and Zogoiby families in a novel entitled The Moor’s Last Sigh. After sex, the heads of several men are pulled off by one of this writer’s characters who magically turns into a white panther known as Sufiya Zinobia Hyder in a novel entitled Shame. Shiva is switched at birth with Saleem in one work while Alleluia Cone is killed by Gibreel Farishta in another novel by this writer. For 10 points, name this Bengali writer who wrote Midnight’s Children and The Satanic Verses.

ANSWER: Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie

4. Tourists in this city can enjoy a visit to the Estadio Alberto J. Armando stadium in the La Boca district. The Chacon, Canuelas, and Morales tributaries form this city’s Riachuelo River. The main square of this city’s downtown area is called the Plaza de Mayo. Tourists usually arrive in this city by flying to the Ministro Pistarini International Airport. The official seat of the government is located in this city’s Casa Rosada. Leaders like Bernardino Rivadavia and Juan Manuel de Rosas in addition to Nestor and Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner have lived in this city. Isabel and Eva each lived with Juan Peron, for 10 points, in this capital city of Argentina.

ANSWER: Buenos Aires

5. In this work the writer describes how as he was turning the pages of a book, the night before responding to a letter from Wilhelm Fliess, there appeared a botanical monograph. Leopold and Doctor M examine a guest who had been given a dose of trimethylamin by Otto in one scene of this work known as Irma’s Injection. The writer of this work first describes the concepts leading to the development of the Oedipus complex. For 10 points, name this Austrian psychological work where the titular concept is argued to be a form of wish-fulfillment by the sleeping unconscious according to Sigmund Freud.

ANSWER: The Interpretation of Dreams [or Die Traumdeutung]

6. This composer’s Symphony No. 7 was confirmed by scholars to not be the Gastein Symphony. Like Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 6, this composer’s Symphony No. 4 is also known as the Tragic Symphony. The fourth movement of one of this composer’s works includes his song Die Forelle in the work entitled Trout Quintet. This composer’s Symphony No. 6 is differentiated from his Symphony No. 9 by its nickname Little Symphony. Music from this composer’s Rosamunde has been used as additions to his Symphony No. 8. For 10 points, name this Austrian composer who composed The Great Symphony and The Unfinished Symphony.

ANSWER: Franz Peter Schubert

7. Mettus Curtius defeated this ruler’s general Hostus Hostillus during a certain conflict. During that conflict, a traitor, who opened the gates to this ruler’s capital city in exchange for gold bracelets but would actually receive shields, was named Tarpeia. This ruler agreed to joint rule with Titus Tatius as a way to end that conflict which occurred after this ruler facilitated the Rape of the Sabine Women. His mother Rhea Silvia was buried alive after she gave birth to him as a result of being raped by Mars. Raised by the prostitute Acca Larentia who might have been a she-wolf, for 10 points, name this first king of Rome who was the twin brother of Remus.

ANSWER: Romulus

8. Carl Georg Sioblad led an army against this ruler’s general Mikhail Golitsyn during the Battle of Grengam. This ruler defeated Adam Ludgwig Lewenhaupt at the Battle of Lesnaya. Eight years earlier, this ruler’s general Charles Eugene de Croy had surrendered at the Battle of Narva. However, this ruler defeated Carl Gustav Rehnshiold and Ivan Mazepa at the Battle of Poltava. The territories of Ingria, Livonia, and Estonia under Charles XII were given to this ruler in the Treaty of Nystad which ended the Great Northern War. For 10 points, name this brother of Sophia Alekseyevna and Ivan V who, beginning in 1682, helped modernize Russia.

ANSWER: Peter I the Great [or Peter the Great; or Pyotr Alekseyevich; or Pyotr Veliky]

9. This poem includes fifty lines entitled as The Finnesburg Fragment. This poem also includes characters such as Fitela, whose valor is compared to the titular character. In this work, the titular character uses his powerful grip to crush the Frankish warrior Daeghraefn; however he loses a swimming marathon to the Prince of the Brondings known as Breca. In this poem, Wiglaf is appointed the successor of the titular character and Unferth lends the titular character the sword Hrunting before a battle against the antagonist’s mother. The titular protagonist saves Hrothgar’s hall, for 10 points, from the monstrous Grendel in this Old English epic poem.

ANSWER: Beowulf

10. Leonard Schiff and Myron Good argued these entities would violate the Eotvos experiment and CPT symmetry. The hydrogen varieties of these entities have been experimented with by ATRAP, ATHENA, and ALPHA. The 1959 Nobel Physics Prize was awarded to Owen Chamberlain and Emilio Segre for using the Bevatron to discover a variety of these entities. Paul Dirac hypothesized the hole theory to explain these particles. Positrons are an example of, for 10 points, this class of particles which undergo annihilation when combined with their regular counterparts due to having equal mass but opposite charges.

ANSWER: antiparticles [or antimatter]

11. This artist depicted a pregnant female with a piece of red cloth on her lap in the work entitled Fortitude. This artist depicted Ptolemy I Soter in a painting which also depicted Remorse personified as an old woman facing Truth personified as a naked Venus in the work entitled The Calumny of Apelles. Words from the Gospel of Luke are spoken by Gabriel to Mary in this artist’s work entitled Cestello Annunciation. The nymph Chloris is pursued by Zephyrus in one of his works and emerging from the sea is the goddess of love in another of his works. For 10 points, name this Italian painter who painted Primavera and The Birth of Venus

ANSWER: Sandro Botticelli [or Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi]

12. According to this book, during the reign of Zedekiah a man named Lehi led his family to the Promised Land. Later in this book, the evil Lamanites defeat the Nephites. In regards to linguistics, genetics, and archaeology this book advances the notion of an Israeli tribe migrating to the Americas. Oliver Cowdery claimed to have witnessed the translation of this book from the Golden Plates received from Moroni. For 10 points, name this religious work published by Joseph Smith for an organization constituted by Latter-Day Saints based mainly in the state of Utah.

ANSWER: Book of Mormon [prompt on Book of Nephi]

13. This philosopher explained the benefits of consuming opium in a work entitled Sylva Sylvarum. This philosopher argued that misconceptions of philosophy were due to false gods in the first part of a work entitled Instauratio Magna. The narrator of one of this philosopher’s works meets a Jew named Joabin, who resides on an island containing Solomon’s House. In another of his works, the marketplace, theater, cave, and tribe idols are mentioned as entities which handicapped men from studying nature. For 10 points, name this English philosopher who wrote The New Atlantis and Novum Organum in addition to claiming “knowledge is power.”

ANSWER: Sir Francis Bacon, Viscount Saint Alban

14. This artist introduces Bobby Creekwater in the song “There He Is” for an album entitled The Re-Up. This artist says, “We just explain it and then we get our checks in the mail,” in the song entitled “Sing for the Moment.” This artist claims, “to be the soldier who never blows his composure,” in the song entitled “Like Toy Soldiers” which was recorded for the Encore album. In another song, this artist also claims, “This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo.” This artist recorded that song, “Lose Yourself,” for the 2002 film 8 Mile. He produced The Slim Shady LP and The Marshall Mathers LP. For 10 points, name this Detroit native White rap artist.

ANSWER: Eminem [accept Marshall Bruce Mathers III before mentioned; accept Slim Shady before mentioned]

15. In one of this writer’s works, the Captain unites with Charlotte after Ottilie starves herself to death leading eventually to the death of Edward in a novel entitled Elective Affinities. Philina and Mariana become infatuated with a titular character who marries Natalia in one of this writer’s novels. A pistol is supplied by Albert in another of this writer’s novels where a titular character is infatuated with Charlotte. Valentin tries to convince a titular character to kill Gretchen in another of this writer’s novels involving the devil. This German writer wrote Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship, for 10 points, in addition to The Sorrows of Young Werther and Faust.

ANSWER: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

16. James Condon had previously owned this politician’s slave named Charlotte Dupuy. Pennsylvania Representative John Sergeant and New Jersey Senator Theodore Frelinghuysen were two of the running mates this politician had chosen in two different Presidential elections. In those two elections, this politician lost as a Whig Party candidate and as a National Republican candidate to James K. Polk and Andrew Jackson. He became John Quincy Adams’s Secretary of State as a result of the Corrupt Bargain. For 10 points, name this Kentucky politician who brokered both the Compromise of 1850 and the Missouri Compromise.

ANSWER: Henry Clay

17. Central Asian mountains were created during this period by the Cimmerian Orogeny. Windy Hill Member is the oldest subdivision of the Colorado Morrison Formation which displays a distinctive sequence of sedimentary rocks belonging to this period. The Hettangian and Tithonian stages are the first and last stages of this geological period. The Tethys Sea was formed during this period between the two continents Gondwana and Laurasia which were formed as a result of the breakup of Pangaea. Followed by the Cretaceous Period, for 10 points, name this geological period, preceded by the Triassic Period, known for reptiles and dinosaurs.

ANSWER: Jurassic Period [prompt on Mesozoic Era]

18. This leader set up several unrealistic goals during the New Life Movement. The captain of the Chung Shan warship, Li Zhilong, was suspected of a conspiracy against this leader during the Zhongshan Warship Incident. Ten years later, Zhang Xueliang kidnapped this leader during the Xi’an Incident. Li Zongren, Feng Yuxiang, and Yan Xishan were defeated by this leader during the Central Plains War. He took power away from the treasonous Wang Jingwei which resulted in the consolidation of his leadership in the Kuomintang. Defeated by Mao Zedong, for 10 points, name this leader who set up the Republic of China by fleeing to the island of Taiwan.

ANSWER: Chiang Kai-shek [or Chiang Chung-cheng; or Chiang Chieh-shih]

19. This law’s conception was assisted by the 1932 Chemistry Nobel Prize laureate, Irving Langmuir, and the German physicist Walther Kossel. The 1913 Chemistry Nobel Prize laureate, Alfred Werner, provided the groundwork for this law’s later development from Abegg’s law. For transition metals, this law is replaced by a law using eighteen as its required number while free radicals like nitrogen oxide present an odd number issue with this law. Helium and hydrogen adhere to the duet rule instead of this rule. For 10 points, name this rule stating that atoms tend to combine in order to have eight electrons in their valence shells.

ANSWER: octet rule

20. In one novel by this writer, the juvenile delinquent Chrono is the son of Malachi Constant. American greed manifests itself in the character Norman Mushari who attempts to ruin the insane Eliot in another of this writer’s works. In addition to The Sirens of Titan and God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, a ballerina and a titular character are shot with a shotgun by Diana Moon Glampers in his work entitled Harrison Bergeron. The world is destroyed by ice-nine and the horror of Dresden still haunts, for 10 points, in novels by this American writer centering on Felix Hoenikker and Billy Pilgrim entitled Cat’s Cradle and Slaughterhouse-Five.