Appendix No 3
to the Resolution by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
datedJuly 3, 2014 No PP- _2200_
the List of
unused state-owned facilities, icluding those unfinished by construction,
being subject to sale during the year of 2014 on the competitive basis at “zero” purchase price with the terms of
undertaking the investment obligations and commitment to create the new job-places
№ / № / Name of a facility / Location / Asset-holder / Head organization
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Republic of Karakalpakstan
1. / 1. / Hotel “Tashkent” / Nukus city, Turtkul str. / Nukus city Hokimiyat / Counsel of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
2. / 2. / Building of the liquidated LLC “KhATP No 17” / Beruniy district, “Khorazm” local citizens’ counsel / Beruniy district Hokimiyat / Counsel of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
3. / 3. / Building of a store-house of the liquidated LLC “KhATP No 24” / Karauzyak district, No1local citizens’ counsel / Karauzyak district Hokimiyat / Counsel of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
4. / 4. / Formeradministrativebuildingofa
Tax Inspectorate of Bozatau district / Kegeyli district, Kazanketken settlement / Kegeylidistrict
State Tax Inspectorate / State Tax Committee
5. / 5. / Buildingofthe feeder cattle baseof the former agriculture cooperative (shirkat) “Kizil-Zhar” / Muynak district, “Hokim-ota” rural citizens’ counsel / Muynak district Hokimiyat / Counsel of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
6. / 6. / Buildingofthe refrigerating store-house of the liquidated JSC “Muynakskiy konservniy kombinat” / Muynak district, Berdakh str. / Muynak district Hokimiyat / Counsel of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
7. / 7. / Buildingofastore-house of the liquidated JSC “Muynakskiy konservniy kombinat” / Muynak district, Berdakh str. / Muynak district Hokimiyat / Counsel of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
8. / 8. / Buildingofthe former support base of the
LLC “US-5” / Muynak district, Ubbuniyazov str. / Muynak district Hokimiyat / Counsel of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
9. / 9. / Buildings and facilities of support bases Nos 1 №2 of the liquidated LLC “PMK-13” / Nukus district, “Kerder” rural citizens’ counsel / Nukus district Hokimiyat / Counsel of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
10. / 10. / Buildingofashop-canteen of the liquidated Agroindustrial company “Karakalpak tutiniu” / Takhtakupir district, Berdakhstr. / Takhtakupir district Hokimiyat / Counsel of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
11. / 11. / Two-storeyed administrativebuildingofof the liquidated Agroindustrial company “Karakalpak tutiniu” / Takhtakupir district, Dustlik guzaristr. / Takhtakupir district Hokimiyat / Counsel of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
12. / 12. / Buildingofa department store of the liquidated Agroindustrial company “Karakalpak tutiniu” / Takhtakupir district, Dustlik guzaristr. / Takhtakupir district Hokimiyat / Counsel of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
13. / 13. / Buildingsand facilities of the liquidated LLC “QirqQizSuvQurilish” / Ellikkala district, “Ellikkala” rural citizens’ counsel / Ellikkala district Hokimiyat / Counsel of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
Andijan Region
14. / 1. / Buildingsand facilities of the children'scamp “Nur” / Khanabad city, “Kampirravot” rural citizens’ counsel, Naynavo str. / Khanabad city Hokimiyat / Andijan Region Hokimiyat
15. / 2. / Emptyadministrativebuildingofa
Tax Inspectorate / Khanabad city, 57, Ziyokor str. / Khanabad city
State Tax Inspectorate / State Tax Committee
16. / 3. / Buildings and facilities of of the former LLC “AvtoPredpriyatie No 155” / Boz district, A. Ikromov str. / Boz district Hokimiyat / Andijan Region Hokimiyat
17. / 4. / Building and equipment of of the former LLC “Marhamat KMK” / Marhamatdistrict, Ipak yuli str. / Marhamat district Hokimiyat / Andijan Region Hokimiyat
18. / 5. / Buildings and facilities ofa cowhouse / Ulugnar district, “Mingbuloq” rural citizens’ counsel / Ulugnar district Hokimiyat / Andijan Region Hokimiyat
Bukhara Region
19. / 1. / Two-storeyed administrativebuildingofof the liquidated agrocultural cooperative “Dustlik”of Bukhara district / Bukhara district, “Istiqbol” rural citizens’ counsel «Истиқбол» / Bukhara district Hokimiyat / Bukhara Region Hokimiyat
20. / 2. / Two-storeyed administrativebuildingofof the liquidated agrocultural cooperative “Oq Oltin” / Gizhduvan district, “Ulfatbibi” rural citizens’ counsel / Gizhduvan district Hokimiyat / Bukhara Region Hokimiyat
21. / 3. / Buildingofa bankrupt enterpriseOJSC “BukhoroTeks” unfinished by construction / Jandar district, “Puloti” rural citizens’ counsel / Jandar district Hokimiyat / Bukhara Region Hokimiyat
22. / 4. / Former building of a piggery complex “Kagan” / Kagan district, “Beklar” rural citizens’ counsel / Kagan district Hokimiyat / Bukhara Region Hokimiyat
23. / 5. / Buildingofa bankrupt enterpriseOJSC “BukhoroTeks” unfinished by construction / Romitan district, “Romitan” rural citizens’ counsel, “Qahramon” local citizens’ counsel / Romitan district Hokimiyat / Bukhara Region Hokimiyat
24. / 6. / Buildingofa bankrupt enterpriseOJSC “BukhoroTeks” unfinished by construction / Shafirkan district, “Zarchabek” local citizens’ counsel / Shafirkan district Hokimiyat / Bukhara Region Hokimiyat
Djizzakh Region
25. / 1. / Administrative building and a store-house / Gallayaral district, “Gh. Ghulom” local citizens’ counsel / Gallayaral district Hokimiyat / Djizzakh Region Hokimiyat
26. / 2. / Building and facilities of the former LLC “ATP-26” / Zaamin district, Zaamin city / Zaamin district Hokimiyat / Хокимият Джизакской области
27. / 3. / Building and facilities ofthe former Inter-districts’ production-supply Union LLC “Dustlik” / Dustlikdistrict,“Kholkhujayev” local citizens’ counsel / Dustlik district Hokimiyat / Djizzakh Region Hokimiyat
28. / 4. / Former buildings and facilities ofthe cotton-receiving point / Zafarabaddistrict,“Yorqin” local citizens’ counsel / Zafarabad district Hokimiyat / Djizzakh Region Hokimiyat
29. / 5. / Store-house room / Mirzachuldistrict,“Ipak Yuli” rural citizens’ counsel / Mirzachuldistrict Hokimiyat / Djizzakh Region Hokimiyat
30. / 6. / Buildings and facilities ofthe former LLC “Dustlik” / Mirzachuldistrict,
Gagarin city / Mirzachuldistrict Hokimiyat / Djizzakh Region Hokimiyat
Qashqadarya Region
31. / 1. / Buildings and facilities ofan auto-garage / Qarshi city, Qarshi-Beshkent highway, 3-d km / State Unitary Enterprise “Temir yul transport va qurilish birlashmasi” / QashqadaryaRegion Hokimiyat
32. / 2. / BuildingoftheformerLLC “KamAZCenter” unfinished by construction / Qarshi city, Qarshi-Beshkent highway, 3-d km / State Unitary Enterprise “Temir yul transport va qurilish birlashmasi” / QashqadaryaRegion Hokimiyat
33. / 3. / Former buildings and facilities of the military barracks / Guzar district, Obi-hayot settlement / Guzardistrict Hokimiyat / QashqadaryaRegion Hokimiyat
34. / 4. / Former building of the 1-st and 2-nd therapy departments / Qamashi district, Fazogir str. / Medical Union of Qamashi district / Ministry of Public Health
35. / 5. / Auto-station “Beshkent” / Qarshi district, Beshkent city, Hamza str. / Self-sustained enterprise “Beshkent” auto-station / QashqadaryaRegion Hokimiyat
36. / 6. / Buildings and facilities ofthe liquidated enterprise“Koson sano’at-savdo” / Kasandistrict,“Yangiobod” local citizens’ counsel / Kasandistrict Hokimiyat / QashqadaryaRegion Hokimiyat
37. / 7. / Building of agranary / Yakkabaghdistrict, “Suvoq buloq” localcitizens’ counsel / Regional Union “Ghuza urughchilik” / Ministry of agriculture and water industry
Navoiy Region
38. / 1. / Four-storied administrative building unfinished by construction / Navoiy city, industrial zone / Territorial Department of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Privatization, Demonopolization and Development of Competition / State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Privatization, Demonopolization and Development of Competition
39. / 2. / Buildingandfacilitiesofagaragefor 350 carsof the auto-base No 3 unfinished by construction / Navoiy city, industrial zone / State Enterprise “Navoiy GMK” / Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
40. / 3. / Building of anauxiliarypartatthehospitalblockof the Central Mining Department unfinished by construction / Zarafshan city, industrial zone / State Enterprise “Navoiy GMK” / Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
41. / 4. / BuildingandfacilitiesoftheareaNo 1 oftheConstruction-installationsection “Monolit” ofZarafshanConstructionDepartment(inventoryNos:1287, 1279В, 1488В) / Zarafshan city, industrial zone / State Enterprise “Navoiy GMK” / Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
42. / 5. / Former administrative building (inventoryNo: 72100602) TsPTVSiKof the Central Mining Department / Zarafshan city, industrial zone / State Enterprise “Navoiy GMK” / Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
43. / 6. / Building of the warehouse No1 with 1056 sq. ms area (inventoryNo:79121101) of the central material and technical depot of the Central Mining Department / Zarafshan city, industrial zone / State Enterprise “Navoiy GMK” / Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
44. / 7. / Building of the warehouse No2872 with 1128 sq. ms area(inventoryNo:79111102) of the central material and technical depot of the Central Mining Department / Zarafshan city, industrial zone / State Enterprise “Navoiy GMK” / Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
45. / 8. / Buildingandfacilitiesoftheformer JV LLC “Malabar Silk” / Kiziltepa district, Husbiddin str. / Kiziltepadistrict Hokimiyat / Navoiy Region Hokimiyat
46. / 9. / Buildingsandfacilitiesof“Nurota MTP” / Nurata district, Nurata city / the National bank of Foreign Economic Activity / Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
47. / 10. / Buildingandfacilitiesoftheformer LLC “Obi-hayot LTD” / Nurata district,
S. Siddikov str. / Nuratadistrict Hokimiyat / Navoiy Region Hokimiyat
48. / 11. / Buildingandfacilitiesofthe refrigeration chamber (inventoryNo:8909084) of the catering plant «Sever» of the Northern Mining Department / Uchkuduk district, Navruz str. / State Enterprise “Navoiy GMK” / Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
49. / 12. / Buildingsandfacilitiesofthe ferro-concrete items’ plant No2 ofZarafshanConstructionDepartment(inventoryNos:6402, 6405, 6410) / Uchkuduk district,
industrial zone / State Enterprise “Navoiy GMK” / Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
50. / 13. / Building of the flour store-house No 1 (inventoryNo:6501129) of the catering plant «Sever» of the Northern Mining Department / Uchkuduk district, Navruz str. / State Enterprise “Navoiy GMK” / Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
51. / 14. / Buildingandfacilitiesofthe bakery plant with equipment (inventoryNo:6401170) of the catering plant «Sever» of the Northern Mining Department / Uchkuduk district, Navruz str. / State Enterprise “Navoiy GMK” / Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
52. / 15. / Buildingofthe moulding workshop (inventoryNo:№24555) ofthe ferro-concrete items’ plantof the UPP of of ZarafshanConstructionDepartment / Uchkuduk district,
industrial zone / State Enterprise “Navoiy GMK” / Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
53. / 16. / Building of the repair-shop (inventoryNo:7312549) of the Northern Mining Department / Uchkuduk district,
industrial zone / State Enterprise “Navoiy GMK” / Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Namangan Region
54. / 1. / Weaving workshop “Tergachi” / Kasansay district,Tergachivillage / National Holding Company “UzbekNefteGaz” / NHC “UzbekNefteGaz”
55. / 2. / Buildingandfacilitiesofthe former OJSC “89-avtokorkhona” / Kasansay district,“Guliston-2” local citizens’ counsel / Kasansay district Hokimiyat / Namangan Region Hokimiyat
56. / 3. / Empty building of the State Unitary Enterprise“KosonsoyQurilishTa’mir” / Kasansay district,“Gurmiron-2” local citizens’ counsel / Territorial Department of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Privatization, Demonopolization and Development of Competition / State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Privatization, Demonopolization and Development of Competition
57. / 4. / Former administrative building of a shirkat (collective farm) “Gulbogh” / Mingbuloq district,“Gulbogh” rural citizens’ counsel / State preschool educational institution No 62 / Ministry of Popular Schooling
58. / 5. / Building of a boiler-house unfinisdhed by construction / Namangan district,“Irvadon” rural citizens’ counsel, “Rovuston” local citizens’ counsel / Territory improvement Department byNamangandistrictHokimiyat / Namangan Region Hokimiyat
59. / 6. / Fire-safetyroomandbuildingofastore-houseintheterritoryoftheformerDOKunfinished by construction / Namangan district,“Irvadon” rural citizens’ counsel, “Urta Rovuston” local citizens’ counsel / NamangandistrictHokimiyat / Namangan Region Hokimiyat
60. / 7. / Aministrative building of the former subsidiary enterprise “PopIrQurilish” (PMK-1) / Papdistrict,“Uyghur” local citizens’ counsel / PapdistrictHokimiyat / Namangan Region Hokimiyat
61. / 8. / Building of a store-house of the former subsidiary enterprise “PopIrQurilish” (PMK-1) / Papdistrict,“Uyghur” local citizens’ counsel / PapdistrictHokimiyat / Namangan Region Hokimiyat
62. / 9. / Buildingandfacilitiesofthe alternativemachines & tractors’ park“Turkiston” / Turakurgandistrict, “Khujand” local citizens’ counsel / TurakurgandistrictHokimiyat / Namangan Region Hokimiyat
63. / 10. / Building of a warehouse / Turakurgan district,
“Oqtosh” rural citizens’ counsel / State Unitary Enterprise “Ijara Markazi by the Territorial Department of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Privatization, Demonopolization and Development of Competition / State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Privatization, Demonopolization and Development of Competition
64. / 11. / Former building of a subsidiary enterprise “UychiIrQurilish” / Uychi district,
“Jiydakapa” rural citizens’ counsel / UychidistrictHokimiyat / Namangan Region Hokimiyat
65. / 12. / Former building of the “Ma’ishiy khizmat kursatish uyi”(render of domestic services) / Uchkurgan district,
“Kayki” rural citizens’ counsel / UchkurgandistrictHokimiyat / Namangan Region Hokimiyat
66. / 13. / Empty building and facilities of the State Unitary Enterprise “NamanganIrInsho’otDizayn” / Chortoq district,
“Navoiy” local citizens’ counsel / State Unitary Enterprise “NamanganIrInsho’otDizayn” / Namangan Region Hokimiyat
67. / 14. / Administrativebuildingandfacilitiesoftheformersubsidiary enterprise “ChustIrQurilish” / Chust district,
“Zarafshan” local citizens’ counsel / ChustdistrictHokimiyat / Namangan Region Hokimiyat
68. / 15. / Building of a warehouse and workshopoftheformersubsidiary enterprise “ChustIrQurilish / Chust district,
“Zarafshan” local citizens’ counsel / ChustdistrictHokimiyat / Namangan Region Hokimiyat
69. / 16. / Buildings and facilities of the former
LLC “29-Avtobaza” / Yangikurgan district,
“Istiqlol” rural citizens’ counsel“Qorayontoq” rural citizens’ counsel / YangikurgandistrictHokimiyat / Namangan Region Hokimiyat
Samarqand Region
70. / 1. / Former building and facility of an auto-garage / Nurabad district, Timvillage / NurabaddistrictHokimiyat / Samarqand Region Hokimiyat
Surhkandarya Region
71. / 1. / EmptybuildingsandfacilitiesoftheformerOJSC “SurkhonTemirBeton” / Termez city
120, Mirzaeyv str. / Termez cityHokimiyat / SurhkandaryaRegion Hokimiyat
72. / 2. / Empty and inactive cold-storagewarehouse with 1000 tons capacity / Altinsay district, “Khidirsho” residential area / Altinsay districtHokimiyat / SurhkandaryaRegion Hokimiyat
73. / 3. / Empty and inactive cold-storage warehouse with 1000 tons capacity / Altinsay district, “Khujaso’at”” residential area / Altinsay districtHokimiyat / SurhkandaryaRegion Hokimiyat
74. / 4. / 12-apartamental dwelling-house unfinished by construction / Denau district, “H. Niyoziy” residential area, Ostanoqulov str. / Denau districtHokimiyat / SurhkandaryaRegion Hokimiyat
75. / 5. / Administrative building, welding and wood-processing workshopsof the former LLC“AmuZangirQurilish” with a total 2,7 hectares area / Jarkurgan district, “Yangiobod” residential area / Jarkurgan districtHokimiyat / SurhkandaryaRegion Hokimiyat
76. / 6. / BuildingsandfacilitiesoftheformerLLC“AmuZangirQurilish” with a total 1,3hectares area (garage and shed) / Jarkurgan district, “Yangiobod” residential area / Jarkurgan districtHokimiyat / SurhkandaryaRegion Hokimiyat
77. / 7. / BuildingsandfacilitiesoftheformerLLC“AmuZangirQurilish” with a total 0,5hectares area (cement store-house and shed) / Jarkurgan district, “Yangiobod” residential area / Jarkurgan districtHokimiyat / SurhkandaryaRegion Hokimiyat
78. / 8. / Empty administrative building and facilities of the formerLLC“AmuZangirQurilish” / Jarkurgan district, “Pakhtazavod” residential area / Jarkurgan districtHokimiyat / SurhkandaryaRegion Hokimiyat
79. / 9. / Building and facilities of the formerLLC “Mechanized mobile column No 4” / Kizirik district, “Shreder” residential area / Kizirik districtHokimiyat / SurhkandaryaRegion Hokimiyat
80. / 10. / Empty building of a warehouse / Kumkurgan district, “Yangishahar” residential area / Kumkurgan district Hokimiyat / SurhkandaryaRegion Hokimiyat
81. / 11. / PartofabuildingandfacilitiesoftheformerLLC “22-avtokorkhona” with a total 0,9 hectares area (with a shed) / Muzrabat district, “Gaharin Kurghoni” residential area / Muzrabat districtHokimiyat / SurhkandaryaRegion Hokimiyat
82. / 12. / Fuel store-houseoftheformerLLC “22-avtokorkhona” with a total 1,31 hectares area / Muzrabat district, “Gaharin Kurghoni” residential area / Muzrabat districtHokimiyat / SurhkandaryaRegion Hokimiyat
83. / 13. / Administrative buildingoftheformerLLC “22-avtokorkhona” with a total 1,05 hectares area / Muzrabat district, “Gaharin Kurghoni” residential area / Muzrabat districtHokimiyat / SurhkandaryaRegion Hokimiyat
84. / 14. / Auto-erpairshop, storehouse, repair workshop store-house oftheformerLLC “22-avtokorkhona” withatotal1,91 hectaresarea / Muzrabat district, “Gaharin Kurghoni” residential area / Muzrabat districtHokimiyat / SurhkandaryaRegion Hokimiyat
85. / 15. / Old building and facilities of the formerLLC “PMK-12” / Termez district, “Yangi hayot” residential area / Termez district districtHokimiyat / SurhkandaryaRegion Hokimiyat
86. / 16. / Empty administrative building and a guard-room / Shurchi district, Mustaqillik str. / Shurchi districtHokimiyat / SurhkandaryaRegion Hokimiyat
Sirdarya Region
87. / 1. / Buildingof a regional hospital for the war andlabor veterans unfinished by construction / Yangiyer city, “Bobur” local citizens’ counsel / regional hospital for the war andlabor veterans / Ministry of Public Health
88. / 2. / Trade-procurementcenter (DKhO “Mevasabzavot Taminoti”, affiliated enterprise of “Yangiyerskaya UOTB”) * / Yangiyer city, “Jomiy” local citizens’ counsel / DKhO “Mevasabzavot Taminoti”, affiliated enterprise of “Yangiyerskaya UOTB” / State JSC “UzAvtoYul”
89. / 3. / House of culture “Andijan” / Akaltin district, “Andijan” rural citizens’ counsel,
Navoiy str. / Akaltin district Hokimiyat / Sirdarya Region Hokimiyat
90. / 4. / Buildingofaplant unfinished by construction* / Bayaut district, Boyovut-1 / State JSC “UzbekYengilSano’at” / Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
91. / 5. / Buildingofa spinning mill unfinished by construction* / Gulistan district, “Zarbdor” rural citizens’ counsel / State JSC “UzbekYengilSano’at” / Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tashkent Region
92. / 1. / Buildingofa spinning mill unfinished by construction * / Bukadistrict, “B. Umarov” farm enterprise / State JSC “UzbekYengilSano’at” / Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
93. / 2. / Empty building of the former OJSC “RezinoTekhnika” / Angren city, Navoiy str. / Angren city Hokimiyat / Tashkent Region Hokimiyat
94. / 3. / Unused building of the sanatorium-preventorium “Khimik” / Angren city, industrial zone / Angren city Hokimiyat / Tashkent Region Hokimiyat
Fergana Region
95. / 1. / Buildigns and facilities of an enterprise subject to liquidation “”KurortQurilish” / Fergana city, 26, Urmonchilar str. / Fergana city Hokimiyat / Fergana Region Hokimiyat
96. / 2. / Building and facilities / Ferganacity, “Kirgili” area33, Huvaydo str. / Improvement works’ Department of Fergana city / Fergana Region Hokimiyat
97. / 3. / Building of a hospital unfinished by construction / Altiarik district, “Faizobod” rural citizens’ counsel / Altiarik district Hokimiyat / Fergana Region Hokimiyat
98. / 4. / Administrative building unfinished by construction / Besharik district, “Tovul” rural citizens’ counsel,
Tovul village / Besharik district Hokimiyat / Fergana Region Hokimiyat
99. / 5. / Buildigns and facilities of the liquidated auto-enterprise No 54 / Rishtan district, Hakim-ota str. / Rishtan district Hokimiyat / Fergana Region Hokimiyat
100. / 6. / Buildignsandfacilitiesoftheformerenterprise “”NoviyKokadskiykhimicheskiyzavod” / Uchkuprik district, industrial zone / OJSC “Kukon superfosfat zavodi” / State JSC “UzKimyoSano’at”
101. / 7. / Building of a dwelling house unfinished by construction / Fergana district, “Chekshura” / Fergana district Hokimiyat / Fergana Region Hokimiyat
Khorezm Region
102. / 1. / Facility of BVO “Amudarya” unfinished by construction / Urgench city, Khonkla yuli str. / BVO “Amudarya” / BVO “Amudarya”
103. / 2. / Building unfinished by construction / Gurlen district, “Sholikor” settlement / Gurlen district Hokimiyat / Khorezm Region Hokimiyat
104. / 3. / Building and facilities of the former LLC “Kushkupir SuvQurilish” / Kushkupir district, “Yangilik” settlement / Kushkupir district Hokimiyat / Khorezm Region Hokimiyat
105. / 4. / Building and facilities of the former affiliated enterprise “TuyamuinQurilishMontazh” / Hazarasp district, Pitnak city / Hazarasp district Hokimiyat / Khorezm Region Hokimiyat
106. / 5. / Building and facilities of the former AMTP “Yusuf Sherjanov” / Hazarasp district, “Yusuf Sherjanov” / Hazarasp district Hokimiyat / Khorezm Region Hokimiyat
107. / 6. / Building of the former enterprise “Irrigation facilities of Hazarasp district”,Sano’at settlement (VS-1) / Hazarasp district, Sano’at settlement / Engineeringcompany ”Unitarycustomerservice”of Khorezm Region Hokimiyat / Khorezm Region Hokimiyat
108. / 7. / Building of the former enterprise “Irrigation facilities of Hazarasp district”,Sano’at settlement (VS-3) / Hazarasp district, Sano’at settlement / Engineeringcompany ”Unitarycustomerservice”of Khorezm Region Hokimiyat / Khorezm Region Hokimiyat
109. / 8. / Oldbuildingoftheformer enterprise “SuvQurilish” / Khiva district, “Govukkul” area / Khiva district Hokimiyat / Khorezm Region Hokimiyat
110. / 9. / Maternity complex unfinished by construction / Khiva district,Dashyok settlement / Engineeringcompany ”Unitarycustomerservice”of Khorezm Region Hokimiyat / Khorezm Region Hokimiyat
111. / 10. / Administrative building unfinished by construction / Khiva district,Zhuryon settlement / Khiva district Hokimiyat / Khorezm Region Hokimiyat
112. / 11. / Empty building of the former agroconstruction enterprise / Khiva district,Dashyok settlement / Khiva district Hokimiyat / Khorezm Region Hokimiyat
113. / 12. / Building and facilities unfinished by construction / Khiva district,Sayot village / Khiva district Hokimiyat / Khorezm Region Hokimiyat
114. / 13. / Building and facilities of the former UP “KhonkaSuvQurilish” / Khanka district, Shirok str. / Khanka district Hokimiyat / Khorezm Region Hokimiyat
115. / 14. / Buiding of a garage of the former AMTP “Mahtum Quli” / Shavat district / Shavat district Hokimiyat / Khorezm Region Hokimiyat
116. / 15. / Old auxiliary utility building of the children’s department of the Medical Union / Shavat district,Monok Chukli settlement / Medical Union of Shavat district / Ministry of Public Health
117. / 16. / BuidingofagarageoftheformerAMTP “K. Otaniyozov” / Shavat district,Buyrachi settlement / Shavat district Hokimiyat / Khorezm Region Hokimiyat
118. / 17. / Former building of AMTP “Yangiarik Guliston” / Yangiarik district,Kuriktom settlement / Yangiarik district Hokimiyat / Khorezm Region Hokimiyat
119. / 18. / Old building of a store-house of a creamery plant / Yangiarik district,Mustaqillik str. / State enterprise“Yangiarik pillachilik” / Khorezm Region Hokimiyat
120. / 19. / Aministrativebuildingoftheformer “Jamo’a” farmunfinished by construction / Yangibazar district,Shirinkungirot settlement / Yangibazar district Hokimiyat / Khorezm Region Hokimiyat
121. / 20. / Building of a garment workshop of the former “Vokha” society / Yangibazar district,Boshkirshikh settlement,
“Jayhun” redidential area / Yangibazar district Hokimiyat / Khorezm Region Hokimiyat

*thefacilityshallbesoldafteritstransfertotheaccordingLocal State Power Bodies.