Title: EFNEP 50th Anniversary: Initial Planning and Working Session

Description: Recommendations from regional meetings held during the 2017 EFNEP National Coordinators’ Conference were condensed into 13 topics that represent next step planning for the EFNEP 50th Anniversary. For the 2018 EFNEP National Coordinators’ Conference 50th anniversary session, attendees will divide into 13 separate working groups led by co-chairs (identified prior to the conference) to develop more specific plans and action steps for each of the following topics: EFNEP recipes, EFNEP picture/video repository, 50th Anniversary logo, social media plan, toolkit for EFNEP institutions, coordinated celebratory events, 50 years of national nutrition education exhibit, historical factsheet, EFNEP accomplishments, publication repository, oral histories, and 50th Anniversary video - EFNEP Past, Present & Future. This session information document contains the goals, anticipated workload, and timeline for each topic. Topic areas may be active for as short as 3 weeks or as long as 6 months. Co-chairs will meet periodically with national office staff to adjust goals and keep workloads realistic and manageable. Please use Sched.com to sign up for the topic workgroup of your choice.

Logistics: At the start of this session, attendees will move to the table numbers designated for their chosen topic (5 minutes). Each table will work together to identify plans and actions steps to meet topic goals (35 minutes). Tables working on the same topic will come together to share the results of initial planning from their table with the entire topic group and seek consensus (20 minutes). Topic group plans and action steps will be recorded in the topic’s GoogleDoc before the end of the session. Attendees are encouraged to review the plans of other topic areas since some topics will build upon each other. Shortly following the conference, initial conversations will be held with national leadership to coordinate the work.

Topic / Table Numbers / Description of Topic Goal(s) / Timeline / Workload / GoogleDoc Link
  1. EFNEP recipes
Katie Mulligan / 1 & 2 / In the next 6 months (by September 30, 2018)…
Assemble top EFNEP recipes from around the country into a central resource for all. / Short term – April 13, 2018 / High workload for 3 weeks. /
  1. EFNEP picture/video repository
Elaine Freeney / 3 & 4 / In the next 6 months (by September 30, 2018)…
Assemble pictures and videos of EFNEP in action into a central resource for all.
Photo/video credit, photo/video release, alternative text and captioning are essential. / Medium term – June 30, 2018 / Moderate workload for 3 months. /
  1. 50th Anniversary logo
Lorelei Jones
Sandy Procter / 5 & 6 / In the next 6 months (by September 30, 2018)…
Design an image to convey the 50th anniversary of EFNEP – one that also has value beyond the 50th anniversary. / Short term – May 4, 2018 / Moderateworkload for 6 weeks.
Combination of content and resources. /
  1. Social media plan
Amy Davidson / 7 & 8 / In the next 6 months (by September 30, 2018)…
Develop a social media plan for potential use by all EFNEP institutions and partners throughout the year. The social media plan will include a timeline, example images, and templates for posts. Consider use of new and existing hashtags and handles. (e.g., #NIFAimpacts, @USDA_NIFA) / Long term - September 30, 2018 / Moderate workload for 6 months. /
  1. Toolkit for EFNEP institutions
Jovita Lewis
Donna Mehrle
Candance Gabel / 9, 10 & 11 / In the next 6 months (by September 30, 2018)…
Develop a toolkit for EFNEP institutions to use to promote the program anniversary. The toolkit could include templates for press releases, state factsheets, promoting state recognitions, etc. / Long term - September 30, 2018 / Moderate workload for 6 months. /
  1. EFNEP Impacts from all 76 program partners
Karen Franck / 12 & 13 / In the next 6 months (by September 30, 2018)…
Work with the national office to identify key characteristics of strong impact stories.
Create a job aid to assist program staff in writing top impact stories. Share this resource with all coordinators.
Work with the national office to select one impact story from each EFNEP institution for the EFNEP 50th Anniversary Impact Report / May 4, 2018
September 30 2018 / This is a 2 part effort. There will be an initial concentrated workload for 6 weeks to prepare and share the job aid. After a 3 month break the workload will be concentrated for another 6-8 weeks to complete impact selection. /
  1. Coordinated celebratory events across the country
Mallory Koenings / 14 & 15 / In the next 6 months (by September 30, 2018)…
Generate a list of celebratory events that could be held by each EFNEP institution, e.g., 5K walk or day of service.
Recommend a strategy for coordinating these events in 2019. / Short term – April 13, 2018 / Concentrated for 3 weeks. /
  1. 50 years of national nutrition education interactive exhibit that could be displayed at SNEB and USDA headquarters or in the Smithsonian
Suzanne Stluka / 16, 17 & 18 / In the next 6 months (by September 30, 2018)…
Outline the design for an exhibit that could be displayed at professional meetings (e.g., SNEB) or in federal buildings (e.g., USDA headquarters or Smithsonian) to commemorate 50 year of national nutrition education. This exhibit would highlight the success of EFNEP along with shared successes of other federal nutrition education programs and effortsthat have advanced the nutrition education profession (such as Dietary Guidelines, SNAP-Ed, EFNEP). / Long term – September 30, 2018 / Workload will be light for the first 2 months and moderate for the last 4 months. /
  1. Historical fact sheet/infographic
Joan Paddock
Michelle Scott-Pierce
Mary Marczak / 19 & 20 / In the next 6 months (by September 30, 2018)…
Identify the evolution of the EFNEP over 50 years that can be condensed into a single page factsheet or infographic. / Short term – April 13, 2018 / High workload for 3 weeks. /
  1. EFNEP accomplishments
Jean Ann Fischer / 21 & 22 / In the next 6 months (by September 30, 2018)…
Capture a timeline of EFNEP’s accomplishments over 50 years. / Short term – April 13, 2018 / High workload for 3 weeks. /
  1. Publication repository
Susan Baker
Mira Mehta / 23 & 24 / In the next 6 months (by September 30, 2018)…
Verify that all key EFNEP publications, peer reviewed research, and ‘grey’ literature from the early years are included in the publication repository maintained by Penn State University or another central resource for broad availability to stakeholders. / Medium term – June 30, 2018 / Moderate workload for 3 months.
Combination of content and resources. /
  1. Oral histories
Bonnie Dunn / 25 & 26 / In the next 6 months (by September 30, 2018)…
Collect oral histories, participant testimonials, and staff testimonials of EFNEP’s contribution to improving lives into a central resource for all.
Recording credit, recording release, alternative text and captioning are essential. / Long term – August 2018 / Workload will be moderate for 5 months. /
  1. 50th anniversary video – EFNEP Past, Present, & Future
Virginie Zoumenou
Nicole Owens
Lacey Corrick / 27 & 28 / In the next 6 months (by September 30, 2018)…
Identify key partners to provide content and expertise in creating an EFNEP 50th Anniversary Video. Identify opportunities to use the video to highlight EFNEP’s contribution to improving the nutritional health and supporting self-sufficiency of low-income people throughout the year.
Photo/video credit, photo/video release, alternative text and captioning are essential.
Consider identifying EFNEP spokespeople, such as Doug Williams, Viola Davis, and Jackie Joyner Kersey. / Long term – September 30, 2018 / Workload will be light for the first 2 months and moderate for the last 4 months.
Combination of content and resources. /