FCCLA State Leadership

Conference Registration Instructions

1) Regular Registration is from February 1, 2009 through March 20, 2009.

2) Late Registration is from March 21, 2009 through April 3, 2009 and is an additional $10.00 dollars per person.

3) Last minute registration is from April 4, 2009 through April 10, 2009 and is an additional $20.00 dollars per person.

4) Absolutely no registrations will be accepted after April 10, 2009.

5) There are NO REFUNDS.

State Leadership Conference Registration will be completed on-line this year. Regular registration deadline is March 20, 2009. It is a 3 part process. 1) Secure SAFE Account; 2) Register with STARS; 3) Complete Excel spreadsheet and email it to Cheryl Hamblin at .

Registration will be completed at www.ode.state.oh.us. First step is to secure a state SAFE Account through the Ohio Department of Education.

SAFE Account (Part 1)

1) Go to www.ode.state.oh.us

2) Select SAFE Sign-in at the top of the page.

3) You may need to scroll down if the submit button isn’t visible.

4) Enter your account name and password if you have an account and go to Part 2 Step 3.


Click on “I am a new SAFE user” and register for a safe account.

5) If you do not have a SAFE account you will need the following:

·  Ohio Driver’s License

·  Last 4 digits of your social security number

·  E-mail address

·  Personal information such as birth date, address etc.

6) Follow the screen instructions. If you have any questions use this help link. It walks you through the entire process. https://safe.ode.state.oh.us/portal/help/

7) You will receive an e-mail after completing the process. Validate your e-mail by clicking on the link in your e-mail. This is when you will set-up your account name and password. The process is not complete until you complete this last step.

Note – Please note if you have an out of state driver’s license please follow special instructions.

** After securing SAFE Account continue with Step 2 STARS Registration.


1) Go to www.ode.state.oh.us

2) Go to SAFE Account sign-in

3) Sign in with account name and password (if you forget your password or user name click on “I do not remember my SAFE account name and/or password”). If you don’t remember your account name or password all 3 entries on the “I do not remember my account name and password” need to match what you’ve entered. Click submit (you may need to scroll down if the submit button isn’t visible.)

4) Select STARS V2.0 (Professional Development)

Note: If your e-mail has changed, please e-mail and your e-mail address will be updated within one week. Double check your profile and if anything has changed please update.

5) STARS User Profile instructions

·  At the STARS dashboard click on the STARS user profile link.

·  Select the group that best describes you:

·  Click the “next” button Next

·  Page 2 is the address page. The system will determine what organization you below to. You cannot change your contact phone number or e-mail address from this screen. If your phone number and e-mail address has changed please contact our safe administrator at . This is the only way you can get this changed. You will not receive updates from us if your e-mail address is wrong in STARS.

·  At the bottom of the screen there is a check box “check this if you don’t want your organization to appear on the badge”. Please check this box. √

·  Click the “next” button Next

·  Click “next” again Next

·  Click “Finish” Finish

6) Upon completion, the STARS Dashboard will have the event search. Please click Event Search. In keyword type FCCLA and click search

7) Select FCCLA State Leadership Conference

8) Click “register for selected event” button Register

9) Click “register” Register

10)Click on session materials link (Excel spreadsheet). WARNING – Once you pass this page you cannot go back so make sure you open the excel spreadsheet under session materials.

11) Click save button instead of open and save to desktop. Save spreadsheet as “Chapter ID # and School Name” (ex. 57180 Ellet High School)

12) Open spreadsheet on your desktop (file name) Go to Part 3 to complete STARS Part 2.

Excel Spreadsheet (Part 3)

Registration Fees

·  State Leadership Conference Registration for advisers, $35.00.

·  State Leadership Conference Registration for parents, $35.00.

·  State Leadership Conference Registration for members, $35.00.

·  State Leadership Conference Registration for administrators, $35.00.

·  State Leadership Conference Registration plus STAR/Skill Event PER PERSON, $55.00 (When you sign up for the STAR/Skill Event Registration Excel will automatically sign you up for Leadership Conference Registration. You will not be charged twice). Do NOT remove the number 1 in the Leadership Conference Registration column.

·  Gala $10.00 PER PERSON (You MUST register for Leadership Conference in order to attend the Gala).

·  Culinary Team food fee PER CHAPTER, $50.00 (Individual team members must register for STAR events also)

·  Parking pass is $15.00 (Not needed if using school bus or van with identified school name).

·  Chapter registration fee is $20.00 dollars and is automatically included on your invoice.

·  Multi-media presentation is free on Thursday April 16, at 12:00 P.M. and 1:30 P.M. Tickets are required for admission. See Web site www.ohiofccla.com for details.

1. Adviser completes registration spreadsheet

·  It is essential that you enter the correct chapter ID number.

·  On the Excel spreadsheet click the tab at the bottom that says Roster1.

·  Each chapter must have their own spreadsheet

·  When entering names on the spreadsheet please enter adviser first.

·  Culinary Team Fee and Parking pass are for advisers only on spreadsheet.

·  In order to register for the gala you must register for the Leadership Conference also on the spreadsheet

·  If student is unknown then type unknown in last name on spreadsheet. Once you know the name of the students e-mail it to Cheryl Hamblin. Name changes and substitutions need to be emailed to Cheryl Hamblin by April 10, 2009. Whatever name you enter is what will be on the nametag.

·  Parents, advisers, members and administrators all register on this form.

2. Save spreadsheet as “Chapter ID # and School Name” (ex. 57180 Ellet High School)

·  Print Spreadsheet for your records

·  Click on bottom tab called Invoice1 and print off invoice

·  Take invoice to treasurer for payment

Excel Spreadsheet (Part 3) (Continued)

3. E-mail spreadsheet to Cheryl Hamblin at

·  Your spreadsheet must be compressed. Winzip (http://www.winzip.com/index.htm) Is a program that will compress your attachment. Please contact your local Tech Support if you do not know how to do this.

·  Spreadsheet can only be submitted electronically.


4. Late Registration Fees

Late registration fees will automatically be added to spreadsheet if submitted to Cheryl Hamblin after deadline. There are no refunds.

5. You are tentatively registered when Cheryl Hamblin gets the spreadsheet electronically. Email date of spreadsheet is official submission date. Your information is submitted and you are put on a waiting list until we get payment.

6. You will receive an email stating that you have been registered upon receipt of payment.

7. Any questions on registration call Cheryl Hamblin at 614-466-5718.

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