MINUTES of the meeting of Dunston Parish Council held at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 4thOctober 2017in the Lamyman Room, Village Hall, Dunston.

Present: Cllr R McLuckie (RM) (in the Chair), Cllrs.Bellingham (DB),Greaves (EG), Gwillym (JG) andSimpson (JS)plus 2 membersof the public.

There were no questions from the floor. RM will talk to the Village Hall Bookings Secretary (Patrick Packwood at present) about the hire of the large hall from 7 pm to 8 pm and the noise created – this is not acceptable when there is a PC meeting in the Lamyman Room.

69/17.Apologies–Cllr Ford who is away on holiday and Cllrs Hughes & Murray who are unwell.

70/17.There were no declarations of interest.

71/17. It was resolved that the Minutes of themeeting held on6th Septemberbe signed as a true record.

72/17. Police Report – two crimes reported in the past month – both in Back Lane – criminal damage and burglary. A number of items had been stolen from gardens in Dunston and dumped on Cllr Murray’s drive. Anyone missing any items should go to Cllr Murray’s address which is 1 The Green.

73/17. Highways – Cllr Hughes was absent so no updates till next meeting.

74/17. Footpaths – both footpaths 7 and 8have been cut back.

75/17. Environmental issues:

[a] There was no update from the Book Club with regard to the phone kiosk. However the kiosk has been removed for shot blasting/painting.

[b] Resolved to accept the quote of £80 + VAT for installation of a light above the defibrillator – Cllr Ford to arrange. Training will take place with LIVES on Wednesday 18th October in The Chapel.

[c] All strimming and grass cutting works are up to date.

76/17.Cllr Ford to arrange meeting with Mr Munkswith regard to litter, on his return from holiday.

77/17. Planning:

Not yet determined:

17/0807 – lagoon and fencing at land off Branston Lane, Nocton;

17/1148 – Chestnut House extensions

17/1221 – tree works at 2 Front Street.

78/17. Village Hall:

Works on the drains are complete and were carried out as an insurance claim – we have to pay £250 excess, plus the VAT which we can reclaim.

79/17. Playing field.

[a] Cost of electricity supply to the new pavilion needs to be sought. It is essential that the users of the playing field as well as the local residents get behind any grant application. Agreed that RM, EG and Bob Ford be the Advisory Committee.

[b] Proposed, seconded and agreed unanimously that Mr Mariott’s quote of £360 for repairs to the toilets be accepted.

[c] Repair of southern fencing and installation of hand rail at the ladies toilets has been completed. Agreed to settle invoice of £910.

[d] Groundsman’s report – Repair of the installation of the Memorial Bench is in hand – Cllr Ford to deal with on his return from holiday. It was agreed that we should look at re-joining Neighbourhood Watch – Clerk to acquire leaflets from NW for noticeboard and Dossier. Clerk to ask Cllr Ford where fly tipping notices are required.

[e] The shackles have been greased with silicon based 3 in 1.

[f] Signage has now been ordered and delivered. Screws are needed to attach the signs to the gates. Ties are satisfactory for fencing attachment.

80/17. Finance

[a] Resolved to sign the receipts/payments/bank reconciliation.

[b] Bank balances at 20.9.17 Lloyds Business Acct £19,668.13 and Lloyds Treasurers Acct £10,525.44. (Noted that part of these monies are allocated to the Trout Project).

81/17. Correspondence

An email had come from a third party with general information regarding the Becks Project – no action required.

All agreed that the gate to the playing field should only be locked on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings unless a problem re-occurs.

82/17. Date of next meeting – 1st November 2017.

Meeting closed at 8.10 pm