Holy Spirit Parish

Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Members Present: Father Dick, Kate Triplett, Rodi Pitstick, Bill Ramsey, Dave Stukey, Tim Neu, Kim Krattiger, Vickie Williamson, , Conn McKelvey, Paul Boland, Teresa O’Connell

Ad Hoc Member:Mark Meyer, Administrator

Members Absent:Mary Wingerter

  1. Opening Prayer
  2. Approval of Oct. 11 minutes
  3. Commission and Committee Assignments
  4. Religious Formation meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month:

Paul Boland, Tim Neu, Vickie Williamson, Conn McKelvey

  1. Worship Commission meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month:

Teresa O’Connell, Rodi Pitstick

  1. Christian Service meets the 2nd Thursday of the month:

Bill Ramsey, Kate Triplett, Kim Krattiger

  1. Building Committee:Dave Stukey
  2. Development/Stewardship:Mary Wingerter
  1. Chris Munsterteiger was selected out of several nominees to replace Ed Kelley as the newest member of Pastoral Council.
  2. Religious Formation Structuring:
  3. Continued discussion of Director of Religious Formation position. Request staff to reach out to Parishes of similar size to review job description and salary ranges.
  4. Discussed Youth Ministry program with consideration to work with University of Great Falls, network with other city parishes to increase vibrancy of youth programing.
  5. Review and revision of Parish Pastoral Plan:
  6. Noted need to update dates to 2011-2012 review
  7. Discussed Goal 1. Regarding Religious Education programs to redefine organizational structure of staff and responsibilities
  8. Next meeting to further explore Goal 2. Form and organize parish teams for evangelization though celebrating and sharing faith in the community. Continue discussion of use of social media such as face book and u-tube to this aim.
  9. Note to update the Mission Statement in the bulletin to Rev. March 3, 2009 as in Pastoral Council Agenda
  10. Capital Campaign Update:
  11. Firm CCS has been approved by the Diocesan Finance Council to begin a feasibility study to begin in January. The goal of the capital campaign is to reduce debt by half or $1.5 million. Any funds over and above would be used for additional capital projects.
  12. The contract was approved for fee of $25,000. The capital campaign is estimated to start in March and take approx. 3-5 months.
  1. Appreciative Inquiry Interviews:
  2. Dave interviewed a parishioner who felt welcome at Holy Spirit Parish by sitting by warm, friendly people. They enjoy Fr. Dick’s homilies. They have been involved in Just Faith and Bible Study programs. They see vibrancy in the parish in Lenten Soup and Bread, Harvest dinner, and Parish Picnic. They would like to see increased availability for reconciliation service.
  3. Teresa interviewed a teen who feels welcomed by the greeters upon entering the church and by Father Dick who always acknowledges him. He thinks the new church looks “cool”.
  4. Administrator’s Report:
  5. Capital Campaign see 7.
  6. Sister Catherine has moved into the Bailey House. $8,000 was used for repairs and improvements. Additional funds were donated for an endowment which will be used for maintenance and utilities. The rectory may be used as a rental.
  7. New Agenda Items:
  8. Motion made to recommend to the Finance Council the purchase of 700 hardbound hymnals at an estimated cost of $13,000. Approved.
  9. Culture of Life Conference is a Diocesan Sponsored event that will be hosted in Great Falls at the end of September 2012. More information to follow.
  10. Father Dick discussed looking into creation of a new staff position. A Ministry Coordinator position could be used to coordinate Time and Talent and organize volunteers in the parish that are used in numerous ministries.
  11. Commission Reports:Deferred due to lack of time.
  12. Worship
  13. Christian Service
  14. Religious Formation
  15. Thank You Cards:
  16. Jess Stenzel and Crew for moving Sister Catherine into her new home
  17. Ed Kelly for service on Pastoral Council
  18. Roger Robbins Principal of Holy Spirit School

Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday December 6th, 2011 at 7:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Teresa O’Connell