1)  Download the current Pre-plan/student Registration form from (go to user menu – trainer - forms, you will need your user name (5letterslastname, 5lettersfirstname, 1 (if not 5 characters use a hyphen in that spot, ie hardijoel-1 or ward-sharo1) and password (Send email to and request password and access) – retain copy on laptop/download and print 1 copy for students to sign.

2)  Obtain sufficient copies of both Novice and Certified Student evaluation forms from Joel/Dick or from web site link (User Menu – Trainer - Forms)

3)  Obtain sufficient copies of student participation course comment from Joel/Dick or from web site link (User Menu – Trainer - Forms)

4)  Obtain sufficient copies of Novice Tracking Logs from Joel/Dick or from web site link (User Menu – Trainer - Forms)

5)  Obtain sufficient name tags for all students

6)  Get sufficient footprint cards/field evaluation cards

7)  Get or arrange sufficient JHPTS tracking manuals

8)  Get flagging tape – from Joel if necessary

9)  Have appropriate sign laying shoes

10)  If needed, arrange a laptop/projector/extension cord/multiple outlet plug/laser pointer/power point program

11)  Get sufficient flashlight and batteries – need 1 extra flashlight for each 8 students

12)  Get sufficient 2-Way Radios (FSR) / extra batteries

13)  Get Copies of Jack’s book “Tracking: Blueprint” and Copies of Joel’s book TRACKER

14)  Bring extra tracking sticks and measuring tapes (3’)

15)  Get sufficient number of JPHTS patches for new students

16)  Get Post Certified Credit forms and College Credit forms

ON SCENE: Get or obtain sufficient

1)  Arrive sufficiently ahead of time to set up classroom – arrange and lay out field training area and sign lines/scenarios

2)  Have students sign in on pre-plan registration form when they arrive – and fill out the electronic registration, confirming all their contact data; hand-out certified and novice student evaluation forms for students to complete top half and collect.

3)  Last day of class distribute student participation course comment form for students to complete; hand out JHPTS patches to new students


1)  Email completed pre-plan registration form to Dick at ensuring all course information and student contact data is complete

2)  Mail a hardcopy or scan and email to dick a copy of the original sign-in pre-plan form signed by each student who attended. Anyone not signed in receives no credit for the class.

20170119 Date of Last Rev.