Lancaster University Careers and Research Skills Development for Contract Research Staff (CRS) June and July 2008
These courses aim to develop research and employment skills for Contract Research Staff (CRS). Places are free for CRS with limited availability, so book early to avoid disappointment! Bookings are via Linda Cook Tel. 01524 5 92137 or If you have any other queries about additional CR training please contact Barbara Tigar ().
If you need one to one careers advice or guidance please contact Elaine Davies to book a confidential interview ().
Advanced Presentation Skills - Steve Hutchinson Training
· Would you like your public speaking to be more confident?
· Would you like your presentations at conferences to be better received?
· Would like to learn some new techniques and ways to make your presentations really buzz?
Steve Hutchinson returns for one of his dynamic researcher training sessions. Evaluations from last year included:
“A really excellent session. Also very enjoyable. Thanks again!”
“One of the best sessions I’ve attended at Lancaster.”
“I learnt some approaches and tips that will prove very useful.”
18 June 2008 09.30 - 04.30 (includes lunch)
Booking ref. 2024
Lancaster’s Launch of the revised Concordat for the Management of Contract Research Staff– Organiser Barbara Tigar
After two years of consultation with research councils, major funding bodies and all UK Universities, the RCUK will launch the revised Concordat on the Management of Contract Research Staff on 25th June 2008. Iain Cameron, Head of RCUK will talk about how the new concordat will improve career development for CRS. Senior management and all those involved in supporting and managing research staff will be invited to find out about how they can support their research staff.
2nd July 2008 12.00- 02.30 (includes networking lunch)
Booking ref. 2025
Would like to:
· Write your own press releases?
· Tell the public about your research in a way they will understand?
· Feel confident and calm in a live radio or TV interview?
· Spot “trick” questions and answer them with flair?
This course will enable you to interact with the media in a confident and informed manner. It helps you to understand what the media are looking for, and what makes a good story, and how to turn your research into an exciting and appealing news item. You will learn practical communication techniques that will help you to engage with the public and to talk about your research in a simple and effective manner. The day includes practical exercises such as writing a press release, role-plays, and real-life examples. It is delivered by two trainers who were scientists before going into TV. They have 20 years of experience in making award winning programmes for BBC, Discovery and other channels. Feedback from their course at Newcastle University, included:
"This workshop demystified the media and showed in an entertaining way how news items were constructed for TV and radio. Additionally and equally important it showed media tricks and how to handle the media to your advantage"
15 places only! Media Skills For Scientists And Engineers 2nd July 2008 09.00-05.00 (includes lunch)
15 places only! Media Skills For Arts, Humanities And Management 3rd July 2008 09.00-5.00 (includes lunch)
Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurship – LUMS
Ever walked past Lancaster University Management School and wondered what goes on inside this internationally acclaimed business school? This is your chance to tap into the expertise at LUMS and find out about how you can get involved in business, enterprise or even set up your own business. You will learn how to talk effectively to business people, what business people look for in collaborations with researchers, and how to identify and develop the skills needed for a successful career in business. Attendees on both dates would benefit from attending the engaging with Business Lunch on 15th July (see below), where you will have the chance to talk individually to business people interested in your research areas.
Business and Enterprise for Researchers in Science and Technology 8th July 09.30-4.30 (tbc) Booking ref. 2027
Business and Enterprise for Researchers in Arts and Humanities 10th July 09.30-4.30 (tbc) Booking ref. 2028
NEW! Engaging with business lunch - Organiser Barbara Tigar
Would you like to:
· Talk to business people who regularly interview and hire researchers?
· Network with business people from a research background and explore ideas for collaboration?
· Find out what businesses look for when recruiting new employees from a research background?
· Understand the career secrets and motivation of successful business people?
· Learn more about employment opportunities and what you need to do to get a job like theirs in business, commerce or industry
You will be matched to a business person interested in your research area who will be your informal mentor for the lunch. Please tell us if you have to cancel, so we can offer s place to someone on the waiting list. We reserve the right to charge your department for lunch if you fail to turn up without notice.
15th July 2008 Lancaster House Hotel 12.00 – 3.30 Booking ref. 2026
Research staff at the Universities of Bristol, Warwick, Leeds, Bath, UCL and Imperial College have benefitted from VOX Coaching’s inventive approach to training. They will encourage you to explore issues in depth, work out solutions and try out new skills and ideas in a safe yet stimulating environment.
Personal Impact And Confident Networking – VOX Coaching
Using positive feedback, coaches help participants identify their strengths in interpersonal skills, and provide them with strategies for development. The course includes exercises in assertiveness, listening skills and body language, and provides participants with individual strategies for enhancing their personal impact, whether at conferences, interviews or in the workplace.
22nd July 2008 09.30 – 5.00 Booking ref. 2029
Managing Research Relationships -– VOX Coaching
Effective working relationships are the cornerstone of successful research and department life. This workshop provides an opportunity to reflect upon communication styles and address areas of concern, exploring ways to deal with difficult situations in a confident and assertive manner. It looks in particular at the relationships between Researchers and their Principal Investigators or Supervisors, and approaches to managing these successfully.
23rd July 2008 09.30 – 5.00 Booking ref. 2030
Dealing With Difficult Situations -– VOX Coaching
Through dramatic scenarios, this programme takes in depth look at how individuals perceive and experience situations differently. Some of the issues covered include feeling one’s professional status threatened or personal standing compromised, feeling isolated, overworked or undermined and how these difficult situations ‘play out’ in working relationships.
24th July 2008 09.30 – 5.00 Booking ref. 2031
For further details and updates on Researcher Support at Lancaster, see