Ms. BaileyEnglish 11H2012

1920’s Literature Project

Choose an author and read a short story, poem, or collection of poems (depending on length) that was written in the 1920’s by that author. Each of these writers can be found in your textbook.

See pages 730-1014

Sinclair Lewis

T.S. Eliot

Edna St. Vincent Millay

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Ezra Pound

Langston Hughes

Ernest Hemingway

William Faulkner

Gertrude Stein

William Carlos Williams

Archibald MacLeish

Marianne Moore

Carl Sandburg

Edgar Lee Masters

Wallace Stevens

E. E. Cummings

Claude McKay

Robert Frost

Harlem Renaissance Writers / Pan Africanist Writers / Other Writers
Alain Leroy Lock / Marcus Garvey
Arnaud Wendell Bontemps
Festus Claudius McKay
Countee Porter Cullen
James Arthur Baldwin
James Weldon Johnson
Langston James Mercer Hughes
Nella Larsen
William Edward Burghardt Du Bois
Zora Neale Huston

Some of the concepts or themes of these works include

The Jazz Age


“The Lost Generation”

Harlem Renaissance

Stream of Consciousness

Women’s Movement


You will write an extended literary analysis in which you research the author, time period, and critics, and analyze the work from a historical, biographical, sociological, psychological, or philosophical perspective. Your essay will be 4-5 pages. It should include 2 an annotated bibliographies 3 abstracts, an outline, digital resources such as a movie clip, YouTube clip, pictures, documents, artifacts etc...

We will research in the library from Jan 24-27 and work in the classroom the following week.

After you have gathered and prewritten your essay, you will present/submit your information in digital form using one of these resources:

Themeefy and/or Note taking will be done digitally using You will present your information to teach the class about your findings. This research project is all digital!

Guidelines for writing an Extended Literary Analysis and examples are found in

Write for Collegeon pps. 255-256, 276-285 and your textbook on pps. 1002-1010.

Some common approaches to consider for your analysis:


Does the author show you what it is like to experience a time and place in history?

Does the author say something about a time and place in history?

Does the story make the most sense from a certain philosophical perspective?

Does the story make the most sense from a certain political perspective?


Are the characters historically-based or symbolic of people or ideas from the time period?


Has the setting increased your knowledge of a specific time and place?


How does the text reflect the author’s experience or beliefs?

How does this text compare to other works by the author?

How does the literary work represent the author’s particular time, place, and culture?


Was the work inspired by historical events or sources?

Was the work influenced by the social, political, or economic context of the time?

Global perspectives:

How does the literature reflect the times in which we live?

How will this thinking help you to compete in a global society by 2025?

Does the perspectivestudied, help you view the world through a global lense?

Apply the question given in class to help you answer this question.


historical, biographical, sociological, psychological, or philosophical point of view

handouts to follow—

Total points for this research paper: 1,000

Due date - TBA