Judges Bible Quiz

Round One

Chapters 1 – 3

1)After Joshua died what did the Israelites ask the Lord?

“Who will be the first to go up and fight for us against the Canaanites?”

2)Which tribe did God say?


3)Who went with the men of Judah?

“The Simeonites”

4)How many men were killed at Bezek?


5)What did they do to Adoni-Bezek?

“Cut off his thumbs and big toes.”

6)What was the ‘new name of Kiriath Arba’?


7)What did Caleb give to the man who captured Debir?

His daughter

8)What was the name of the man and what was the name of the person he married?

Othniel & Acsah

9)What did Caleb’s daughter ask her father to give her?

Springs of water

10)Why didn’t Judah drive the people from the plains?

The plains people had iron chariots

11)To whom was Hebron given?

Caleb (As promised by Moses!)

12)What was Bethel’s original name?


13)Which tribe failed to drive out the people of Megiddo (Armageddon)?


14)Who confined the Danites to the hill country?


15)How old was Joshua when he died?


16)After Joshua and his whole generation died what did the people of Israel do?

Served the Baals

17)How long were the Israelites subject to the king of Aram Naharaim?

8 years

18)How long did Israel have peace under Judge Othniel?

40 years

19)What was Ehud’s message from God for Eglon, King of Moab?

A double-edged sword ½ metre long into his stomach (belly)

20)What did Shamgar do with an ox goad?

Killed 600 Philistines

Round Two

Chapters 4 – 7

1)What was the name of the king of Canaan, Jabin’s army commander?


2)What did he use to cruelly oppress the Israelites?

900 iron chariots

3)For how long did he oppress them?

20 years

4)What was the name of the prophetess leading Israel at the time?


5)What was the name of the man she sent for to be commander of the Israeli army?


6)How many men was he to have and where was he sent?

10,000 men Mt Tabor

7)During the battle where did Sisera go?

To Jael’s tent

8)How did he die?

Jael drove a tent peg through his temple while he was a sleep

9)Who sang the duet of chapter 5?

Deborah & Barak

10)After the battle how long did the land have peace?

40 years

11)For how long did the Midianites oppress Israel?

7 years

12)Where was Gideon when the angel met him and what was he doing?

Threshing wheat in a winepress

13)What was the Angel’s greeting?

The Lord is with you, mighty warrior”

14)What was the name Gideon gave to the altar he built in Ophrah?

The Lord is peace

15)What did the Lord tell him to do?

Tear down his father’s altar to Baal and his asherah pole and build an altar to God

16)When did he do it?

At night

17)What was the ‘new’ name the people called Gideon?


18)How many men gathered initially around Gideon?


19)How many men eventually faced the Midian army?

300(+/- Gideon!!)

20)What were the names of the two Midianite leaders captured and where did each die?

Oreb at ‘his’ rock & Zeeb at his winepress.

Round Three

Chapters 8 - 9

1)What was the name of the tribe, which complained to Gideon for not inviting them to the battle with the Midianites?


2)What did Gideon ask the men of Succoth for?

Bread (Food)

3)When they refused what did Gideon promise to do?

Tear their flesh with thorns & briers.

4)What did Gideon say he would do to Peniel for refusing to help?

Tear down their tower

5)How many officials of Succoth were there?


6)Who killed Zebah & Zalmunna and why?

Gideon because Jether his oldest son refused. (He was only a boy and afraid)

7)What did Gideon do to their camels?

Took the ornaments off their necks.

8)What did Gideon reply to the Israelites request for him to rule over them?

(No, neither me, nor my son will rule over you) The Lord will rule over you.

9)What was the weight of Gideon’s ephod?

Over 1700 shekels of gold

10)How long did the Israelites have peace from the Midianites?

40 years

11)Which son of Gideon killed 70 of his brothers?


12)Who told the story of the trees?


13)Why did the vine refuse to be king?

Didn’t want to give up its wine

14)What did Jotham accuse Abimelech of being?

Son of Gideon’s slave girl

15)How long did Abimelech govern Israel?

3 years

16)Which city had helped Abimelech kill Gideon’s sons?


17)Who came to Shechem and stirred up the people?

Gaal son of Ebed

18)What did Zebul say Gaal had confused people with?

Shadows of the mountains

19)What strange act did Abimelech do to confuse his opponents on Mt Zalmon?

Cut down branches and put them on his shoulders (Disguised himself as a tree!)

20)Who killed Abimelech?

His servant

Round Four

Chapters 10 – 13

1)How long did Tola lead Israel?

23 years

2)How many sons did Jair have?


3)Who crossed the Jordan to fight Judah, Benjamin & Ephraim?

The Ammonites

4)When the people cried out to God what did He tell them to do?

Go and cry out to the gods you have chosen.

5)Who was Jephthah’s mother?

A prostitute

6)Who drove him away?

His step-brothers (half brothers)

7)Where did he go and live?

The land of Tob

8)Why did Jephthah’s daughter have to die?

She was the first thing to come out of Jephthah’s house (Because of his vow)

9)How long did she roam the hills until she was killed?

2 months

10)How did the Israeli young women commemorate the event?

4 days

11)Which tribe wanted to burn Jephthah’s house down?


12)Why did 42,000 Ephraimites die for saying “Sibboleth”?

They should have said “Shibboleth”

13)How long did Jephthah lead Israel?

6 years

14)Where was he buried?


15)How long were the Israelites in the hands of the Philistines?

40 years

16)Where did Manoah live?


17)Which was his tribe/clan?


18)Manoah & his wife were told they would have a ‘special’ son. She was forbidden to eat anything unclean or drink any fermented drink. Why?

He was to be a Nazirite to God from birth. (& All his life)

19)Why did Manoah think he and his wife would die?

He said that because they had seen God

20)What was the boy’s name?


Round Five

Chapters 14 – 20

1)Where did Samson’s wife come from?


2)What ethnic group did she come from?


3)What was the riddle Samson set his bridal companions.

Out of the eater something to eat

Out of the strong something sweet

4)How many men did Samson kill to satisfy the bargain over explaining the riddle?


5)How did Samson destroy the Philistines grain, vineyards and olive roves?

He caught 300 foxes, tied them in pairs and fastened a torch to each pair and let them loose!

6)How many men of Judah went to hand Samson over to the Philistines?


7)How many Philistines did Samson kill with the jawbone of a donkey at Lehi?


8)Where did Samson spend the night with a prostitute?


9)How many braids of Samson’s hair did Delilah shave off?


10)After gouging out his eyes, what did the Philistines do to Samson?

Bound him with bronze shackles and made him do the grinding in the prison

11)What was the name of the Philistines god?


12)At his death, how long had Samson led Israel?

20 years

13)How much silver did Micah steal from his mother?

1,100 shekels

14)What did the Danites rename Laish?


15)How long did the Levite stay in Bethlehem?

Five days

16)Where did he stay the next night?

Jebus (Jerusalem)

17)Into how many pieces did he cut up his concubine?

12 (1 piece for every tribe of Israel)

18)How many Israelites died over this affair?

22,000+18,000 + 30 = 40,030

19)How many girls were taken to Shiloh for the men of Benjamin?


20)Without a king what did the people do?

As everyone saw fit.