
The Network of Excellence on Membrane Technologies[1]

Prof. Gilbert M. Rios – Coordonnateur

Postal address: IEM UMR 5635 – CC047 University of Montpellier 2

Place E.Bataillon – 34095 Montpellier cedex 05 - France


The aim of the European Community in creating the Networks of Excellence was to build an authority responsible for bringing together the best existing entities in a given field considered as a “priority” in order to create a virtual structure which would become the reference in its field.

The objective of NanoMemPro is to overcome the highly fragmented and multidisciplinary research and restore the knowledge supply chain on membrane science in Europe by integrating membrane activities in a Network of Excellence grouping together the most significant institutions, i.e. 13 partners coming from 13 different countries and working for various Universities or Research Centres (Figure 1). A significant number of small and medium-sized enterprises or large industrial companies covering very large fields of activities (Figure 2) have joined them as a Club of interest. Finally, by associating other members selected as and when the need for fine knowledge of the particular addressed question (either regarding membrane material/process or applications) arises, the NanoMemPro Network of Excellence include many multidisciplinary knots in which all the scientific tools available are implemented simultaneously in order to get the best results and converge quickly to industrialization purposes.

Figure 1 – The consortium

More precisely, the objectives of the NanoMemPro Network of Excellence are the following:

•Establish a European virtual laboratory of excellence in membrane materials and engineering with a durable structure (creation of a legal entity).

•Create an Integrated European task force in complex multifunctional membrane science research.

•Coordinate and orientate European membrane research according to the society’s needs.

•Create lasting synergies between researchers from different disciplines in order to overcome the technical challenges of membrane sciences.

•Promote a common language among membranologists by developing common procedures and tests.

•Create a European dimension of research careers in membrane technology fields.

•Establish permanent interactions between membrane researchers, industries and end-users and accelerate new discoveries and industrial applications of membrane technology.

•Initiate a new training and education programme in order to support the development of the future generation of European membranologists.

•Provide a permanent vehicle for the interplay between scientists, engineers and students and the expansion of the overall understanding of membranes.

•Foster international exchange of information on the development and application of membranes for the benefit of all.

Figure 2 – NanoMemPro’s breakthroughs

The particular strategy of the NoE in order to prepare and insure a long-term integration of the European resources in membrane sciences is summarized in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Relationship between the NanoMemPro Network and the Club of Interest

The aim is to create a legal entity which will be financially autonomous once the four-year EU funding assistance has expired. In the long run, the idea is to have the legal entity working with and for the whole membrane community in Europe, and not at all competing with it, thus reaching the integration at the basis of the project.

Key figures

Information concerning the project structure and means are given here after.

There are 6 integrating activities (JPI), 5 research activities (JPR), 4 spreading of excellence activities (JPS) and 3 management activities (M). i.e. 18 activities and 26 work packages. CNRS is in charge of management. The budget is distributed as shown in figure 4.

Figure 4 – Global budget repartition

The agenda and the financial support from EC to the project are given in Figure 5

Figure 5 – Project calendar and financial support from EC

Current state after three years

NanoMemPro isreally a chance for membranes in Europe (FP6 and FP7…) because it guarantees:

–the recognition of a strong thematic by EC

–a strong financial support for structuring activities

After initial months spent to build all the tools necessary to its every day life – management system, communication tools, data bases (expertises, on-going programmes, equipment and facilities), education and work programmes… – NanoMemPro is now involved in 2 main operations:

–the creation of a legal entity which will be in fact an international non-profit making association, based in Brussels and named the European Membrane House (EMH). The EMH will work in tight and complementary connection with the European Membrane Society, the second being the reference scientific learning society in Europe mainly involved in the organisation of congresses, summer schools for its individual members… and the EMH being mainly involved in technological developments at the services of companies. The statutes are now waiting for the decision of the Belgium Court of Justice.

–Buildinga Strategic and Business Research Agenda (SBRA) with the help of more than 300 European companies, different labs and experts from all over Europe… The first version of this document, which will be used as a basis for the relationships and joint works of the EMH partners, will be available at the end of November.

Other important tasks in progress are:

  • The creation of Master and PhD labels in “Membrane Engineering”…

and perhaps in the future new European Master and PhD degrees

  • New programs for continuous education :

EuroMembranes and NanoMemCourse, two new Marie-Curie projects launched by NanoMemPro and now already working

  • The setting-up of a mobility program with proposal done at four levels : Master, PhD, post-doc and permanent staff
  • The opening towards new European countries (meetings organized specifically in Prague and PERMEA 2007 on April and September 2007
  • Relations with other instruments and international policy, wih new collaborations started in particular with others NoEs (InsidePores or Idecat)
  • Large dissemination actions


The final and ambitious objective of this structuring project: to make Europe the best place to do Membrane Research & Development on Planet Earth …with the help of laboratories, companies, citizen’s associations… and for citizen well-being and employment!


[1]See also our website :